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  1. Halloi have a big problem in AJAX , its not supporting Arabici tried to fill combo by clicking a radio button using AJAX but the combo filled with unknown datahere is AJAX functions//The POST method AJAXfunction post_method(t){var data = t.value;request.open('post', 'our_real_estate_code.php');request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');request.onreadystatechange = output;request.send('data='+data);//variable will be stored in post array}here is my php code page if(isset($_POST['data'])){ $qry = $_POST['data']; if($qry == 2) $qry = "select id , name from real_estate_type where lang = $lang"; elseif($qry == 1) $qry = "select id , name from real_estate_type_lands where lang = $lang"; Fill_Combo($qry ,'real_type' , '' , '' , '' ,''); } PLZ i need help as soon as possible
  2. Hallocan any 1 help me to find tutorials about php classes
  3. i didnt get your question but i m using event.keyCode to read keyboard hits and it give me the same code for both english and arabic character
  4. i m trying to use event.keyCode to read the arabic code and its not working what i want to know if the user type arabic characters or not
  5. if u have the following table echo '<table>';while($res = mysql_fetch_array($qry)){ echo'<tr><td>'; echo $res['name']; echo'</td></tr>';}echo '</table>';and also u have a botton called Print on the same formwhat i want is when u press the botton to print the data in the table on printer
  6. life_maker

    PHP and ASP.NET

    Halloi have a question about ASP.NET and PHP and which 1 is better ,faster and more secure.
  7. Hallohow can i print data displayed in tables using PHP code
  8. Hallohow can i print data displayed in tables using PHP code
  9. Hallohow can i print data displayed in tables using PHP code
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