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Everything posted by Tosey

  1. $text = "i am a student of oxford university, and i love to tell everyone how much i have enjoyed my four years in school. the whole environment was really welcoming" . Actually, we have a database table called "text_word". So, i want a script that will search through the above text and check if any of those words from the above text does not exist in the "text_word" table, such word should be replaced by asterisks and store the replaced word into a separate column called "unmatched_word" in the same "text_word" table. let's assume the word "welcoming" was not existing in my database what i want to achieve is this. the text is parsed through the program INPUT: "i am a student of oxford university, and i love to tell everyone how much i have enjoyed my four years in school. the whole environment was really welcoming" . OUTPUT: "i am a student of oxford university, and i love to tell everyone how much i have enjoyed my four years in school. the whole environment was really ******" . Code Sample: foreach ($text as $word) { $select_word = $f->filterRecord("*", "parts_of_speech", "word", $word); $get_word = $f->show_data($select_word); $count_words = $f->numR($select_word); if ($count_words > 0) { $result[] = '<a href="word/?w='.$word.'">'.$word.'</a>'; } else { $result[] = "******"; } } Please i believe the code is not doing exactly what i want. If you have a better approach to how i can get the job done, i don't mind if you give me a fresh code snippet or script. I hope you understand what i'm trying to do now?
  2. Hi guys, please what am i doing wrong here? i have searched almost everywhere on the internet and found solutions similar to my own but they are not just working!! i am sorry if this question has been asked before. i'm not getting things right. the project is actually a very complex one. i have used many methods but all to no avail. Please help! I have two tables called "group_profile" and "group_members". The concept is that users have already created their groups. Then these groups have been stored into my database table. And now i want to retrieve the records from that table and display it on the "join_group.php" page so that that people can click to join those groups selected from the first table. Users can select multiple groups to join using checkboxes at a time. Therefore, when you join the group, the script will add both your data and the groups' to "group_members" table but if i select multiple groups and click on join button, it appears to add only the last group created in the "group_profile" table. Sometimes it will take me to the "processing-join-group.php" page and show me the script doesn't seem to work well. i'm sure there is something i'm doing wrong. Please here is my code so far: This is the "join_group.php" page below: <?php $other_following_account = mysqli_query($f->connectTo(), "SELECT * FROM group_profile"); if ($f->numR($other_following_account) > 0) { while($show_created_groups = $f->show_data($other_following_account)) { $select_member = $f->andFilterRecord("*", "hoollaa_group_members", "user_id", $_id, "group_id", $show_created_groups['id']); $chk_user_id = $f->show_data($select_member); $check_my_membership = $f->numR($select_member); if (!$check_my_membership) { if ($show_created_groups['user_id'] != $_id) { ?> <div class="inner-main-cont-left main-cont-right box-shadow" style="height: 370px; width: 250px;"> <?php if ( empty($show_created_groups['group_photo2']) ) { ?> <span class="container"> <span class="profile-avatar2"><?php echo substr($show_created_groups['group_name'], 0, 1);?></span> </span> <?php } else { ?> <img style="margin-bottom: -5px;" src="<?php echo $show_created_groups['group_photo2'];?>" /> <?php } ?> <div class="profile-content" style="padding: 10px 8px 10px 10px; height: 80px;"> <div class="main-cont-left-header-profile"><?php echo $show_created_groups['group_name'];?></div> <div class="clear-left"></div> <p style="word-wrap: break-word;"> <?php $d_string = $show_created_groups['group_description']; $new_str = (strlen($d_string) > 63) ? trim(substr($d_string, 0, 60))."..." : $d_string; echo $new_str; ?> </p> </div> <input name="admin_id[]" type="" value="<?php echo $show_created_groups['user_id']; ?>" /> <input name="group_name[]" type="" value="<?php echo $show_created_groups['group_name']; ?>" /> <input name="group_admin[]" type="" value="<?php echo $show_created_groups['group_admin']; ?>" /> <input name="group_id[]" type="" value="<?php echo $show_created_groups['id']; ?>" /> <input type="checkbox" name="join_data[]" value="<?php echo $show_created_groups['id']; ?>" id='c<?php echo $show_created_groups['id'];?>[]' class='chk-btn' /> <label style="padding: 10px; margin: 60px 0px 0px 178px;" for='c<?php echo $show_created_groups['id'];?>[]'>Join</label> </div> <?php } } } } ?> <div class="clear-left"></div> </div> <button class="skip-btn floating-nav-btn btn btn__trigger btn__trigger--views" name="join_btn" type="submit"> <i class="fa fa-caret-right" style="font-size: 32px;"></i> </button> </form> And here is the page that is receiving the data from "join_group.php" processing-join-group.php" page: <?php require_once "../set-header-dependencies.php"; /* $f->isUserLoggedIn_sess("auth", "../home.php"); $f->isUserLoggedOut_sess("auth", "../index.php"); */ $time_zone = date_default_timezone_set("Africa/Lagos"); $date_published = date("F d, Y"); $time_published = date("H:i:sa"); $time_stamp = time(); //Follow Selected group if (isset($_POST['join_btn'])) { if (isset($_POST['join_data'])) { $display_follow_data = $f->post_data('join_data'); if (is_array($display_follow_data)) { foreach ($display_follow_data as $key => $array_id) { $select_store = $f->andFilterRecord("*", "group_members", "user_id", $_id, "group_id", $array_id); $chk_user_id = $f->show_data($select_store); $select_from_main_store = $f->filterRecord("*", "group_profile", "user_id", $array_id); while($use_selected_product = $f->show_data($select_from_main_store)) { $admin_id = $use_selected_product['user_id']; $group_name = $use_selected_product['group_name']; $group_admin = $use_selected_product['group_admin']; $group_id = $use_selected_product['id']; if ($use_selected_product['id'] != $chk_user_id['group_id']) { $insert_follow_data = "INSERT INTO group_members(group_name,group_id,admin_id,group_admin,username,user_id,timestamp,date_published,time_published) VALUES ('$group_name','$group_id','$admin_id','$group_admin','$acc_username','$_id','$time_stamp','$date_published','$time_published')"; $f->cts($insert_follow_data); $_SESSION['follow_success'] = "<script>$('body').tpPopup({avatar: 'hoollaa-icons/Notifications.png',username: '',message: 'Group joined.',openOnClick: 'join-groups.php'});</script>"; $f->rdr("../home.php"); } else { $_SESSION['follow_error'] = "<script>$('body').tpPopup({avatar: 'hoollaa-icons/Notifications.png',username: '',message: 'Could not add you to.',openOnClick: 'join-groups.php'});</script>"; $f->rdr("../home.php"); } } } } else { $_SESSION['follow_error'] = "<script>$('body').tpPopup({avatar: 'hoollaa-icons/Notifications.png',username: '',message: 'Please select a group to join.',openOnClick: 'join-groups.php'});</script>"; $f->rdr("../home.php"); } } else { $_SESSION['follow_error'] = "<script>$('body').tpPopup({avatar: 'hoollaa-icons/Notifications.png',username: '',message: 'Please select a group to join.',openOnClick: 'join-groups.php'});</script>"; $f->rdr("../home.php"); } } ?>
  3. No no no! I think you should try using if others don't work: selector { wb } fill the rest. yourself
  4. See what you are missing in your S.E.O techniques: http://www.tswebschool.com/seo_process.php
  5. Perhaps, you are a learner!
  6. Hello everyone. Are you finding it difficult to learn a particular programming language, such as Java, php, c/c++, c#, CGI, javascript, AJAX, jQuery, etc. If yes, don't worry. It happens sometimes. But then, it is highly advisable for you to kick-start your programming experience by getting to know those things that will actually make you learn faster. There are a few steps you would need to learn programming language faster than usual.
  7. Nice one, friend. That's a good idea to start learning! Kudos! But i will advice that before you begin your programming tutorial, there are a few steps you would need to learn programming language faster than usual.
  8. I'm sorry. I did not mean to do that. It was the network here that caused that. The network kept freshing the page while i was sending the message. It wasn't intentional.
  9. Hi everyone in the forum, i created an online text editor for website owners to use and test their HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, HTML DOM, Google Maps and SVG code directly on their website. The code is very easy to use to practise your source code directly on your website. I don't know if you guys are interested in using it on your site. It's just one of my projects. Here is my website page to copy the snippet of javascript code: http://tswebschool.com/textEditor/ .I'm even planning to develop a useful software program for people to use. I'm a professional web developer with at least three(3) years experience in my kitty. I just need you people to try the code on your site and give me your feedback, please!
  10. Hi everyone in the forum, i created an online text editor for website owners to use and test their HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, HTML DOM, Google Maps and SVG code directly on their website. The code is very easy to use to practise your source code directly on you website. I don't know if you guys are interested in using it on your site. It's just one of my projects. Here is my website page to copy the snippet of javascript code: http://tswebschool.com/textEditor/ .I'm even planning to develop a useful software program for people to use. I'm a professional web developer with at least three(3) years experience in my kitty. I just need you people to try the code on your site and give me your feedback, please!
  11. Hi everyone in the forum, i created an online text editor for website owners to use and test their HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, HTML DOM, Google Maps and SVG code directly on their website. The code is very easy to use to practise your source code directly on you website. I don't know if you guys are interested in using it on your site. It's just one of my projects. Here is my website page to copy the snippet of javascript code: http://tswebschool.com/textEditor/ .I'm even planning to develop a useful software program for people to use. I'm a professional web developer with at least three(3) years experience in my kitty. I just need you people to try the code on your site and give me your feedback, please!
  12. It will be a great honour if we could work together. I have a website, too: Tutorial Centre For Web Development Applications and http://onlinestorybooks.net/ but they are still under construction. You can check my profile for the skills i have acquired in web development. You can contact me via my website: click here
  13. I'm sorry about the content. I only use it to stuff my web pages from being empty for now. I promise, i will make changes. I have removed the post. Thank you!
  14. I didn't scrape the content and make the structure look alike.
  15. Though the site is still under construction.
  16. Ok. You can find great books on the internet.
  17. For a static site, you can get along with HTML.
  18. You can reach me through my website. Check my profile.
  19. i really could offer my help.
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