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  1. Okay that's an idea. But this question is not Raspberry Pi specific, as it would fit any other server.
  2. I configured my Raspberry Pi as a LAMP server. I have LEDs connected to my RP and can control them with c/c++ programs. Now I want to built a web interface to control the colors of my LEDs. For my first attempt I used JQuery to send different commands to a PHP script that would execute a program with the color as a parameter. This doesn't seems to be the best solution, because I'm pretty limited on any effects I can make. So my second idea was to use sockets to send information to my program. This means my ledControler program listens for incoming commands and executes them. For this I used Websockets, but since I didn't use a library for my c++ program, it was very painfull to implement the whole WebSocket RFC. Another idea was to use PHP sockets. But I didn't test it out. My question is, am doing this completely wrong? Is there a simpler preferred way to do this?
  3. Hello Forum! I have a little problem. What I have is a registration page. I want to validate the input of the user in real time. I use JQuery. $("#inputUsername").change(checkUsername); $("#inputEmail").change(checkEmail); $("#inputPassword").change(checkPassword); $("#inputPasswordConfirm").change(checkPasswordConfirm); I check if something was changed. For example like this: function checkUsername() { $(this).popover({placement:"right", container:'body'}); var username = $(this).val(); if(username == '') { $(this).data('bs.popover').options.content = 'Please enter a username'; $(this).popover("show"); } else if(username.length < 5 || username.length > 20) { $(this).data('bs.popover').options.content = 'Please enter a username with 5-20 characters'; $(this).popover("show"); } else { $(this).popover("destroy"); } } Now when the user submits the form, I thought I could use something like this: $("#registerForm").submit(function( event ) { if(!checkUsername || !checkEmail || !checkPassword || !checkPasswordConfirm) { event.preventDefault(); } }); Obviously the functions don't have return types. But even with it doesn't work. With it doesn't work I mean that submit event isn't ignored even if there are errors in the form. I might be doing something wrong with JavaScript as I'm not used to it! Before someone suggests a plugin, I don't have enough control with them. Thanks!
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