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  1. That page has to be accessed from a server.Did you access it on a server? or just open it?Maybe you should look at the name of the tutorial....
  2. so... when a user clicks on your links, the relevant document is opened in the iframe, but there is one link that you would like to load in the current window, instead of just the iframe?are the other links opening into the iframe because you are setting their individual target attributes to the name of the iframe? if so, just don't set the target attribute for the link you want to open in the current window.if you are using the base tag you will need to specify the target on the link that you want to have open in the current window.you should be able to specify "_self" as the targetif you want the link to open in a new window... just go aheadand...read more about the <a> element(pay attention to the target attribute)
  3. you need to put quotes around your attribute valuesyou specified the id attribute for the image tag, but didn't put the value in quotes.. change it to this id="home2" what characters did you have to replace with numeric entities?
  4. the following lets you know that the query is not what you expected [, order = 02] [WHERE id = 2] LIMIT 1 maybe I am just old school... but it is good to echo your variable values when something like this goes wrong. just echo $query, and you will see what it is, and realize that it isn't the value you expect, right?try this instead: $query = "UPDATE inventory SET type = '$type' , order = $orderWHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1"; I don't know what types your values are, but if they are varchar or other character data, the end result needs to be surrounded by single quotes so put single quotes around each variable in the query that needs it, take them off of the values that don't need them ( I wasn't sure what type "order" would be, so I left off the quotes )as far as still getting errors the other way you tried.. echo the value of $query to see what is going on. make adjustments until it looks like it should.I don't think you would get the same error if you leave out the brackets, because the error shows you a piece of the query near where the error was found.... if you don't have brackets... that part would definitely be different.as far as the brackets go... they are used to show the syntax of a statement and indicate optional values, you don't actually use them in your queriesThe following is the syntax for the UPDATE statement. the square brackets let us know that LOW_PRIORITY, IGNORE, WHERE, ORDER BY, LIMIT are optional. It also lets us know that we of the option to update 1 or many columns. UPDATE [LOW_PRIORITY] [IGNORE] tbl_name SET col_name1=expr1 [, col_name2=expr2 ...] [WHERE where_condition] [ORDER BY ...] [LIMIT row_count] did I mention you should echo the value of $query so you can get a better idea what is going on?does sql not like you using the column name "order" since "order" is actually part of sql????? and a reserved word??from MySQL Documentation:
  5. sql is a language used to query databases. that is probably why the tutorial doesn't talk about a compiler or how to run it on your computeryou will need to install some database. Try MySQL. or if you want to go light... give a look at SQLiteIf you need to learn more sql, just search the web for sql tutorials/references.
  6. Did you know you can check the request type too?The following code returns the request type (GET, PUT, POST, HEAD...)$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_METHOD'] After getting your code to work on the xml like you want, you may want to have the output change depending on the request type. ex: if method is POST, return SOAP message. if method is GET show html that says the page doesn't support that method (unless you want to support get....), or check if the variable for get is "wsdl" and show your wsdl file...Just figured it is worth mentioning....
  7. Maybe the post above is unclear....if you have a file named "soap.xml" that you want to parse..."soap.xml" is the location of the file you want to look at...in the same way, "php://input" is the location of the "raw POST data". Note that it is the location of the data. You don't need to worry about skipping the HTTP Header info, because it isn't there - only the data is.anyway... I don't know how you plan to work with the soap message, but the point is, its location will be "php://input"read more here (not much more though... actually... maybe it's less....)I would recommend you hard code the soap message to an xml file on the server for development. if you want just store the file name in a variable $file_name = "soap.xml" This will make testing/debugging much, much easier! You can print debug info to the browser and see where things are going wrong...Once your code works like you want, go ahead and change the value of $file_name to "php://input", remove echo statements that were used for debug and your done. You can then start calling your php script from your soap client, instead of just the browser
  8. echo file_get_contents("php://input"); the above code will print the soap message...
  9. maybe I don't understand the question... but...the language attribute is not supported for the script element in XHTML STRICTthere is no such thing as fptype... atleast I never heard of itsomething that could work <script type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"/> there are too many other errors... sojust run your page through the validator at http://validator.w3.org and read the errors. You have used many attributes that are not allowed (don't exist) in XHTML 1.0 Strict. You failed to include some attributes that are required. You failed to close some tags, such as <img/>
  10. question #2 can be answered with scriptinga somewhat similar question can be found herewhat does "sit among the text" mean?is there a site you have seen that does that, so I can see an example?
  11. what does "moving the position of the link" mean?
  12. sbrownii

    css not validating

    warnings are usually about how you SHOULD do things...errors are about... well... errors...The validators are not perfect, either.Search the net to read about why you SHOULD define the background color and font color together.you can started by looking here
  13. you might try finding a 2 column layout that uses "float" instead of absolute positioning
  14. of course it doesn't work if both are on the same page. You have 2 functions with the same name. If you have 2 functions with the same name, only one of them will ever work! how would the javascript engine have a clue which one to call if it let you have 2 functions with the same exact name!sure... the smurfs got along fine calling everything "smurf".... but it doesn't work so well in javascript....does it work if you combine the contents of your 2 validate_form() functions into 1 validate_form() function?something like this: function validate_form(thisform){ with (thisform) { if (validate_required(fname,"Name must be filled out!")==false) { fname.focus(); return false } if (validate_email(email,"Not a valid e-mail address!")==false) { email.focus(); return false } }} of course... if you are wanting to get both alerts if both fields are blank... you can't return until after you call both validate_required() and validate_email()
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