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Everything posted by divinedesigns1

  1. is there a way to keep a dropdown menu open, until you click it again?
  2. like put some color in it, maybe some box shadow, border, something that will make it pop a little, to me its just plain, and i saw some plain website that are amazing
  3. i have no idea, what im suppose to be doing i tried this code *went over the w3s information* i got this code from a tutorial and i try to modify it so it can work as i want it too
  4. i have been using javascript to move from one div within a form to the other but when it comes to getting the information from the textarea it doesnt get that value, i am using the id of the textarea to do so, is there a way for me to get this value? function processPhase2(){ page1 = _("page1").value; epage1 = _("page1extra").value; if(page1.length > 4 && epage1 > 4){ _("phaseform2").style.display = "none"; _("phaseform3").style.display = "block"; _("progressBar").value = 66; _("status").innerHTML = "Phase 3 of 3"; } else { alert("Please fill in the fields"); }} <div id="phaseform2"> <textarea name="page1" id="page1" rows="10" cols="40" placeholder="Details that you want on the Home Page or Page One"></textarea> <textarea name="page1extra" id="page1extra" rows="10" cols="40" placeholder="Extra details that you want on the Home Page or Page One"></textarea> <input name="phase2image1" type="file"> <input name="phase2image2" type="file"> <input name="phase2image3" type="file"> <input name="phase2image4" type="file"> <button onclick="processPhase2()">Continue</button> </div>
  5. depends on whats the problem is, and theres a css section on this website
  6. ORDER BY RAND() would take too long, according to what i have readed so far i will try this and get back to you with the results, appreciate all the help
  7. how can i randomized the id coming from the database? i try str_shuffle and shuffle, but those isnt exactly what im trying to do, is there another way of doing this?
  8. that look exactly like the first website
  9. now i found the problem bastard ( ! ) Notice: Undefined index: images in C:wampwwwe-commeradmininventory_edit.php on line 95 and this is my script, not sure why its not recognizing the input type if(isset($_GET['pid'])){ $pid = $_GET['pid']; $dwl = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM items WHERE id='$pid' LIMIT 1") or die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); // try to get the info to display if($dwl){ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($dwl)){ $id = $row['id']; $pname = $row['product_name']; $price = $row['price']; $details = $row['details']; $cate = $row['category']; $subcate = $row['subcategory']; } echo '<form action="" method="post"> <table align="center" width="90%"> <tr> <td>Product Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="product_name" size="24" value="' .$pname . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Product Price</td> <td>$<input type="text" name="price" size="2" value="' .$price . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Category</td> <td><input type="text" name="category" size="24" value="' .$cate . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Subcategory</td> <td><input type="text" name="subcategory" size="24" value="' .$subcate . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Product Details</td> <td><textarea name="details" rows="8" cols="30">' . $details . '</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Product Image</td> <td><input name="images" type="file"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save"> </td> </tr> </table> </form>'; // input the updates if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ // santize $pname = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['product_name']); $price = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['price']); $cate = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['category']); $subcate = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['subcategory']); $details = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['details']); // input the update $upsql = mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE items SET product_name='$pname', price='$price', details='$details', category='$cate', subcategory='$subcate' WHERE id='$pid'") or die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); // try to overwrite the image $file = $_FILES['images']['tmp_name']; if($file){ $newimg = $id . ".jpg"; move_uploaded_file($file, "/inventory_images/" . $newimg); } //header("location:inventory_list.php"); } } }
  10. im not getting any error it just wouldnt replace the old image with the new one
  11. im trying to over write an item using this code if($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'] != ""){ $newimg = "$id.jpg"; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'], "inventory_images/$newimg");} what it does is check to see if the image isnt empty and if it isnt you upload the new image to replace the old one, but so far im having problems with replacing the current image
  12. is it possible to remove the scroll bar of a select?
  13. it way too plain, i think you can add some feeling to it. bring it alive alittle
  14. quick question, is it possible to use position relative with before and after?
  15. yeah, i just found the link with the fancy css curves that you had send me a few months ago. not that exactly but ill try to do it with the css thanks for helping tho
  16. i am trying to learn how to go about learning to make the below image navigation bar, i have been doing some research on how to make it, but no luck so far, i prefer to make it in photoshop or using css to make the curve. any link or tips will be appreciated greatly
  17. why not place those images in a album? it makes the site run a little slower than it should
  18. never mind, i found a tutorial to explain it to me thanks tho
  19. i have been trying to use the perspective function in css3 to turn a set of images to face slightly right but so far i have not succeed in doing so, any link or helpful tips?
  20. open notepad and save it according to what your script is about
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