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  1. I would simply divide the screen to six sections, each section is a link, each part is a picture that is dark Once you go through it with a mouse is bright, simple. You know how it is called or code
  2. I would simply divide the screen to six sections, each section is a link, each part is a picture that is dark Once you go through it with a mouse is bright, simple. You know how it is called or code
  3. $("figure").html('<img src="'+trg.src+'"'+jg_gallery_init("#gallery")+' />'); function jg_gallery_init (jg_s){ //creating structure$(jg_s).html('<div class="jg_controls"><div class="jg_c_stop"></div><div class="jg_c_play"></div><div class="jg_c_prev"></div><div class="jg_c_next"></div></div><div class="jg_image"></div><div class="jg_text"></div></div></div>');//showing text info $(jg_s).css("margin-left","auto"); $(jg_s).css("margin-right","auto"); getwdth = confDoc.getElementsByTagName("maxBannerWidth")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;getheight = confDoc.getElementsByTagName("maxBannerHeight")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue$(jg_s+" .jg_image").width(getwdth);$(jg_s+" .jg_image" ).height(getheight); tgetwdth = confDoc.getElementsByTagName("thumbsScrollViewAreaWidth")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;tgetheight = confDoc.getElementsByTagName("thumbsScrollViewAreaHeight")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;$(jg_s).width(tgetwdth);$(jg_s).height(tgetheight); $("figure").mouseover(function(){ $(jg_s+" div.txt"+window[jg_s+ "_current_slide"]).fadeIn("slow")}); I tried many ways to combine the "figure" and jg_s like $("figure"+jg_s).mouseover(function(){So that will both together .mouseover , it does not go together :-( idea.
  4. I do not want to add,But to remove the loop completely, just go to a place [0]Write it in the same row without the loop Idea?
  5. for (i=0; confDoc.getElementsByTagName("imgsub").hasChildNodes(); i++){ w = confDoc.getElementsByTagName("imgsub");tmp_title = w.getElementsByTagName("pic_title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; { I want to cancel the loop,only of [0], how I write it. i try and try ....... Thanks helpers
  6. window[ "_notPaused"] = 1;who know what this window order ???what this kind ???
  7. erezes

    text box

    I have the mouse function ON/OFF IMAGE (TOOLTIP) I want to add another FUNCTION text box function in JS + CSS this my tooltip fun that work function tooltip(arg){ if (_tooltipX=="off") return; if (arg==false){_tooltipX=false;_tooltip.css("display","none"); } else {_tooltip.html(arg+"<b></b>");_tooltipX=(_tooltip.width()>>1)+7;_tooltip.css("display","block"); }}I want to add another FUNCTION text box function in JS + CSS
  8. erezes

    text box

    I have the mouse function ON/OFF IMAGE (TOOLTIP)I want to add another FUNCTION text box function in JS + CSSthis my tooltip fun that work function tooltip(arg){if (_tooltipX=="off") return;if (arg==false){_tooltipX=false;_tooltip.css("display","none");} else {_tooltip.html(arg+"<b></b>");_tooltipX=(_tooltip.width()>>1)+7;_tooltip.css("display","block");}}I want to add another FUNCTION text box function in JS + CSS
  9. erezes

    XML pointer

    it is not work !!! believe me with a or name . http://www.w3schools.com/dom/tryit.asp?filename=try_dom_getelementsbytagname
  10. erezes

    XML pointer

    OK why here(next link) dont Successfulhttp://www.w3schools.com/dom/tryit.asp?filename=try_dom_getelementsbytagname
  11. erezes

    XML pointer

    <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script src="loadxmldoc.js"></script></head><body> <script> xmlDoc=loadXMLDoc("books.xml"); x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]y=x.childNodes[0];document.write(y.nodeValue); </script></body></html> <bookstore> <book category="cooking"><title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title><author>Giada De Laurentiis</author><year>2005</year><price>30.00</price> </book> <book category="children"><title lang="en">Harry Potter</title><author>J K. Rowling</author><year>2005</year><price>29.99</price> </book> <book category="web"><title lang="en">XQuery Kick Start</title><author>James McGovern</author><author>Per Bothner</author><author>Kurt Cagle</author><author>James Linn</author><author>Vaidyanathan Nagarajan</author><year>2003</year><price>49.99</price> </book> <book category="web" cover="paperback"><title lang="en">Learning XML</title><author>Erik T. Ray</author><year>2003</year><price>39.95</price> </book> </bookstore> RESULT : Everyday Italian I want to go <author> James Linn </ author>RESULT : James Linn HOW?
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