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  1. may i know the options which are for free.thanks
  2. am searching the code for making pdf in asp classic, i have made a form in asp and on submit button i want that it get convert in pdf and get to attached in email. thanks in advance plz help
  3. Please Help Error SELECT AVG® AS Average FROM tform WHERE pt='Taming the Time Monster' Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07' The average aggregate operation cannot take a varchar data type as an argument. /hr/tform/admin/avrage.asp, line 20 Code<%strConnect ="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=usrtform;Initial Catalog=hrtform;Data Source=intranet;pwd=tform123"set cn= server.createobject("adodb.connection")set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")cn.open strConnect sql="SELECT AVG® AS Average FROM tform WHERE pt='" & Request.Form("id") & "'"response.Write(sql)set rs=cn.execute(sql) %> <% do until rs.EOF%><tr> <%for each x in rs.Fields%> <td><%Response.Write(x.value)%></td> <%next rs.MoveNext%></tr> <%looprs.closecn.close%>
  4. have made some chnages but still having this error plz help Error code -2147467259 <%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")strConnect = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/hr/tform/admin/webdata/course.mdb")'set db=server.createobject("adodb.connection")conn.connectiontimeout=120conn.open strConnectset rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")'conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"'conn.Open(Server.MapPath("webdata/course.mdb"))'conn.Open("G:\wwwroot2\hr\tform\admin\webdata\course.mdb")sql="INSERT INTO course (pt,course_owner,"sql=sql & "training_cordinator)"sql=sql & " VALUES "sql=sql & "('" & Request.Form("pt") & "',"sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("course_owner") & "',"sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("training_coo") & "')" on error resume nextconn.Execute sql,recaffectedif err<>0 then Response.Write("Error code " & err)else Response.Write("<h3> Programme Title has been created</h3>")end if conn.close%>
  5. dear sir db is corect query is corect i dnt knw whr is the error out putG:\wwwroot2\hr\tform\admin\webdata\course.mdbError code -2147467259INSERT INTO course (pt,course_owner,training_cordinator) VALUES ('sss','w','w') <%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.MapPath("webdata/course.mdb"))response.Write(Server.MapPath("webdata/course.mdb"))sql="INSERT INTO course (pt,course_owner,"sql=sql & "training_cordinator)"sql=sql & " VALUES "sql=sql & "('" & Request.Form("pt") & "',"sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("course_owner") & "',"sql=sql & "'" & Request.Form("training_coo") & "')" on error resume nextconn.Execute sql,recaffectedif err<>0 then Response.Write("Error code " & err)else Response.Write("<h3> Programme Title has been created</h3>")end ifresponse.Write(sql) conn.close%>
  6. sorry sir, but sir how it will start from one again next year
  7. i hav a query i want that a a refrence number generate autometicly take the max num from database bas and +1 into it but when the year change like in 2013 it will again start from 1 could you help me plz in this regards .thanks
  8. but now i hav another query i want that a a refrence number generate autometicly take the max num from database bas and +1 into it but when the year change like in 2013 it will again start from 1 could you help me plz in this regards . thanks
  9. ow its workig i now exeuting this UPDATE tsf_form SET des_exp1='sss',Vendor='AFN' WHERE empid='234'
  10. its printing this i dnt know whats the error, UPDATE tsf_form SET des_exp1='sss',Vendor='AFN' WHERE empid=234
  11. i tried this but still not working sir plz help <%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open "c:/webdata/sxsheet2.mdb"cid=Session("a")if Request.Form("des_exp1")="" thenset rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rs.open "SELECT * FROM tsf_form WHERE empid='" & cid & "'",connelsesql="UPDATE tsf_form SET " sql=sql & "des_exp1='" & Request.Form("des_exp1") & "'," sql=sql & "amount1='" & Request.Form("amount1") & "'" sql=sql & " WHERE empid=" & cid & "" on error resume next conn.Execute sql if err<>0 then response.write("No update permissions!") else response.write("Record " & cid & " was updated!") end ifend ifconn.close%>
  12. still nt wrking u were saying abut this rite sql=sql & "Funded_by1='" & Request.Form("Funded_by1") & "',"
  13. hello dear, am executing this query i dnt know why its nt working <%set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open "c:/webdata/sxsheet2.mdb"cid=Session("a")if cid="" thenset rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")rs.open "SELECT * FROM tsf_form WHERE empid='" & cid & "'",connelsesql="UPDATE tsf_form SET " sql=sql & "Funded_by1='" & Request.Form("Funded_by1") & "'," sql=sql & " WHERE empid=" & cid & "" on error resume next conn.Execute sql if err<>0 then response.write("No update permissions!") else response.write("Record " & cid & " was updated!") end ifend ifconn.close%>
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