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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I'm a newbie in webdesign and I would love some guidance on this tool I want to create. Its a circular timeline sorta. I attach an image of how I want it to look. It will have a + button to add new events, And the event should be dragable with the mouth. Any idea where I should start?
  2. Ok so I found out that it is easier to learn from ​video tutorials!. And I tried to figure out how can I fit whole website in a video. ​But the answer is 1interactive video tutorials! Imagine that you have a video and at the beginning you can select what do you want to learn, and select what chapter do you want to start in! For the memory check there can be quizzes in the middle of chapters for example when a code is being typed a quiz pops up that asks us what should I write next to make something happen! I heard that 3/4 people understands better when something is explained in a video. This could heavily increase the use of w3schools tutorials because you can save that video where ever you want! You can watch it in phone, computer and you do not need internet access! 2This might be a hard work but it will be a hard hit with a loud boom! ​ 1. Interactive video is a video that you can interact with! For example in a video you see a lot of buttons and you can click on them to do something! 2. What it means is that the more work you put the better results will be! ​Hope you like this idea!
  3. Hello, I have been developing a website for a school project in html, css and javascript. We'll be using the website for an interactive board game. One of the most important elements of the website are the scoreboard and the game questions. The game questions basically give a specific amount of points if correctly answered. The points will then be sent to the scoreboard, and saves it. The scoreboard makes use of cookies to save the data/reset the data. And here comes my problem.. the scoreboard works great in Internet Explorer and Firefox, but not in Google Chrome. I have followed a tutorial on how to use cookies on w3schools (http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp) to help create the scoreboard. The cookies apparently do not work for me when I use Google Chrome, which is very unfortunate. I would really like the website and cookies to be cross-browser compatible, and therefore I need some help. If anyone could help me out, then that would be great! These are my scripts: index.html <!doctype html><html lang=nl><head> <meta charset=utf-8> <script src="cookie.js"></script> </head><!-- dit is jouw hoofdpagina. zie ook commentaar op pag2.html Script toevoegen op al je pagina's bij je hoofdpagina bij de body onload=checkScore() toevoegen--><body onload=checkScore()> <a href=pag2.html>Klik hier voor 10 punten</a><br> <a href=pag3.html>Klik hier voor 5 punten</a> <!-- deze div moet toegevoegd worden op de plek waar je de score wilt zien --> <div id=score> </div> <!-- button om de scores op nul te zetten --> <button onclick="reset()">Reset</button></body></html> pag2.html <!doctype html><html lang=nl><head> <meta charset=utf-8> <script src="cookie.js"></script> <script> var erbij=10; function terug() { createCookie("erbij", erbij); window.location.assign("index.html"); } </script></head><body> <button onclick="terug()">Terug</button> <button onclick="erbij=erbij+1">punten</button></body></html> pag3.html <!doctype html><html lang=nl><head> <meta charset=utf-8> <script src="cookie.js"></script> <script> var erbij=5; function terug() { createCookie("erbij", erbij); //window.history.back(); window.location.assign("index.html"); } </script></head><body> <button onclick="terug()">Terug</button></body></html> cookies.js function checkScore() { var s=getCookie("score"); if (s != "") { erbij=getCookie("erbij"); if (erbij == "") { erbij="0"; } score= (parseInt(s)+parseInt(erbij)).toString(); createCookie("score", score); } else { score="0"; createCookie("score", score); erbij="0"; createCookie("erbij", erbij); } document.getElementById("score").innerHTML="Score: "+score; } function createCookie(name, value, days) { var expires; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } else { expires = ""; } var t=name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1); if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ""; } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name,"",-1); } function reset() { document.getElementById("score").innerHTML="Score: 0"; eraseCookie("score"); eraseCookie("erbij"); } All I need is the cookies to work in Google Chrome. Thanks in advance, Es_Dexter
  4. How can I create an interactive chart like this: http://se.deltasd.bc.ca/vision/ while using HTML5?
  5. Hi All, I'm new to web programming in general and need some advice for a site that I'm trying to pull together. The best I can do is try to describe what I'm trying to do because I really have no idea of how to implement this idea.The primary purpose of the site is to be a blog with separate directories for different themes. I was hoping to have a navigation menu on the side of the site with sort of an archive list in which a user could select the article they wish to read by selecting their way through directories as displayed in the menu. I want to be able to just bring up the article without having to redirect to a different page or reload the current one when an article is selected.I would be putting this together with Dreamweaver, but have no idea what to build this element in (JScript, VBScript, or flash item?) Thanks for any advice or guidance!
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