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  1. I have a question about the Python - Django tutorial. Is this the correct place to ask it? Mike
  2. Please include Merge Sort method in Courses such as C, CPP, C Sharp, and Python. It is one of the most used method of sorting by the professionals isn't it?
  3. @w3school info I'm a Revit and Dynamo user. I'd like to learn Python and get the Certificate. My company wants to know how much time is all the studying, modules, and tests in order to go through everything you have and get this certificate?I need total time investment ranges and broken down by the sections (ex. 1 lesson section stopping points).
  4. Can you add the information on walrus operator (:=) in this page : https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_operators.asp When I search for word 'walrus', the site properly redirects us to the Python Operators page however couldn't find anything about the operator there.
  5. Hi there team, I'm Ashish Agarwal and has written many books and also writting a new one aware programming. I want to make tutorials on W3Schools for the language Python and many examples & tutorials. Can you show me how can I collab to you? I'll be really much appreceiated if you give me a chance to do it. Thanks & Regards, Ashish Agarwal
  6. here i have and html code which contains an a base64 image code and if i want to get image from html which is in form of base64 code so first i have to extract that code to decode the image from base64 code. here is html i have : <div class="captcha-image" style="background-image: url('')"></div> and i want to get the base64 image code from html base64 image code : /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRofHh0aHBwgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/2wBDAQkJCQwLDBgNDRgyIRwhMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjL/wAARCAA1AN4DASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD15VXYPlHT0p2xf7o/KojcwRtHFJNGkjj5UZgC30HepqbuhKxh+IrLUbmCE6ZIyMjHeqPsLZxjnjpz+dX9Ltp7fTYIrx/MuFHzsTnv69/SmazrNnoWlz6jfSFLeEAuVUseSAOB7kVm+G/GukeKUnbTpJcwFRIsqbSN2cex6H8q0dVumqfRfeSoJS5jc8628/yPMi87GfL3Ddj6da57xOmr/abf+z1m8nHPkjndnvjtjHtR/wAI3KfEf9ofal8nzfNxzuznO30x2+lTeLLK7vbGM2rZSIlpI843DHX8OfzropKnCrG0k7736GU+aUHdG3bI/wBlh89V87YvmYHG7HP60XDrb20s3l7/AC0L7QOTgZxVLQZA2h2h+1R3OU4ljcOrDPGCOuOn4VT1vxhpWgxSPcvLIYyA6Qxlyvue361zOLcnbW3Y1urK+hH4e16XV7qaGa2jTau9WQHGM4wc9+avalrun6VMkM+5pG5KxqDtHqar+HfEGg65A82izQNzmVETY6n/AGl4P49KwPHsVrp1nd628rb1QDysZ3twq89u2a3UqE6t5LliQ1UjCy1Z2kdzay7NkkZLqGUZGSCMjj6VNhD2H5V4FLew+IdL/wBCnMNyCpDtlTGwweo/pVnS7zx0upWNvNqU09p58YlcShvk3DOSeen41lWhGErRldF05OSu1Y902r/dH5VFNPbW+3zpIo9xwu9gMn2zXJaTYalaavJeTy5iIbc+/Pm56cfrXGS/2lF4i1OK7RntpriS4t5RJuVQx+7jt6/nWsaEHVVPnun1M3UkoOXKemXvirQNPWRrq+ijWM7WYqSM/gOfwq5puq6ZrFv9o066guYuhaJgcH0PofrXgXjLUXitRYDZ+9IYkcnaDn8OQK6D4PRPaPeXTHC3G1FHsuef1rPEU406nLB3t+ZdKTlG8ke1bU/uj8qqnUNPF39lNzb/AGj/AJ5bxu/KsbxRrNxYaNKbHb9skGyEt0Vj3P0GTXkFt4ZSWCWbU5pJNQdixmWQ/Kc8EevrzTpYepV1jsE6sYbn0EAh7D8qbIYoonkk2qiKWYkdAK8c8I6n4vs/EdhYX17Jc6cWYPKTvyApIG489QK9Yv7yC30qee4QvCEwyD+LPGP1rGKcpJFvRXMV/GdiLhEjtZGiJw0jYBHuBzn9K15tZ06HTRf+YHgJ2rsXkn0we/1rmdI0jS9bs7kQpPbzow5d94UHOMcDI4Pv71vQeGrSPRzp0rPIpfzC44O7GMj04rurQw0Go6pp6nPTlVkr6F7Tr611O0Fxbj5M7SGGCp9DU0M1tcbvJkik2nDbGBwffFchqElnFaHw/pbyCbzvmLEASN0Kk+ucdscVo+GdButLlkubp1VnTaIlOcc5ye2eKzqUIRg53t2XUqNSTko2v3Oj2L/dH5UbF/uj8qWiuM3E2L/dH5UgADnAA4FOpB98/QUwOZ1TwzPqOqpdx3KpGwXcDncuBj5a6Y9KE+4v0qnq32r+y7j7F/x8bfkx168498ZrWVSVXlhJ7aGaioXkjhvipdH/AIRG9gzw3l/pIp/pXiekxXc7yxW121uCAWwxAYjOM4+pr1TxLaX954dngvWkUuyhWmzkcjJOecVzdp4Ugs7pfInd964ZXxnPqMdqqWGkuZrVREqqdr9TF0vVrnSNY8vVbqd4dhUfvGZR6HHp1r23wzfFvD0UqzeZHJ+8jPPCEDA5/wA814X4ssms9QiB6MnH4H/69esfDuX7R4StFJ6IV/Ikf0qPbS9n7PpuVyLm5zznxdBdeHfEctzpdxLb21xJ5yrExUI+ckYHHXkf/Wrc1i8+16OxF3G8t4AnmHHz7vvED1xk1V+JNzBDci0RleVjlh/dFefKHXEi5GOcjtVUa7pKSS3QqlPnafY998C6faaVYhLSAKzD55CPmf6n+lYnxeunOiQxAnBuF3fTDf1xWv8ADXWYNY0QZIF1B8kq/wAj+P8AjVb4iaY1/YOgHI+YfWsDQ8b0yO9mlKWcxRl+bG7AJrotO8aX+j3Yiv7VZChw/wDC36cVi6Wf7M1QJeAxo3ylj0HvUniN45tRjEDrIdgGUOc+lAH0Zps0WpaRDcQHMc0YdfoRXOa1oLuzSAkd8ir3gYNBoFnbMT+6iVefpVrxhqSaXoV1dEgFIyR9e1AHz3rIa88Ry26MXKv5QJ56df1zXqnhFItMa3tmU/NhQR2J6V514Nsm1DXGmcZ2ck+5Ne86ZotrGiXBgUzKOG54/DpWtOVNX9or/wCZElLTlPOvidrd3p17pxtmHBk3KwyG+71/OuCjfUtfu3uxcrFMmAiqSoHsK774maVJeBXQZeMkivPtEu00y7aO9Vo0f+Ijoajnly8l9CuVX5up03hnxs+n6jHZ6vER8+wyjgqenIr3WCOK6s/LkVZIpFwQehFfL2rtHe64fs7Bw5VQV7npX0j4clZtOgRjkqgUn1wKlOwzUstPtdOiMdpCI1Y5OCSSfqas0VDd3UVlayXM7bY4xkmqvKcu7YtIoof8I9Yf2r/aO1/N3b9u75d3rj1rVqhper2urxO9tvBQ4ZXGCM9Kv1VV1L8tTdCgo2vHqFcrrWjarea7Hc20n7obdj78eVjrx+vFdVRTo1pUpc0RTgpqzCkH3z9BS1j65ro0Voc25mMoOPn24x+B9amnCVSXLHccpKKuzWDBYgzEAAZJPamxTw3Me+CVJU6bkYMP0qtqNmdQ0qW1WTyzIoAb06H+lUvDuizaPDOJ5ld5SDhM7RjPr9apQg6bk3r2FeXMlbQqeI9M+3W7oVDAjBBGc1zGm+HWiuxM6kuqlVY9QPT6cCvSXjVxyKjFqg6LWd2WeTeKPCi6leQSSK5EWflHAOcdfyrp/Dun/wBm6asUcYRFHCqMAV1kthHI2SorH8R2t/HZwjTlkK7j5nlA7vbpzjrVU4c81G9rkzlyxueTeJfBsc+ry3EEs+ZW3Mrnfz7E8/nmp7LwY4UN5fHoRXqljozzWUD3qYuMfMD168Z98YrVi06JE2hRUyXK2hp3VzzKx0m402R2sLR4ZHADvboVLfiK7U6bcXuiwi9X/SNvzZ69eM++MVuJaIhyAKsbBjFb1a/tIKHKlYzhT5ZN3PHtc8KRyK8csO5DyCOCPpXP6V4NSHUVk+eTacruHSvctQtYBbyzSr8kalmwOwGawNBns9Su5IktzE6LvGTnIzj8OorKNKcouSWiLc4ppPqaWhWRtrVQR2rB8faXJrOmGzEzxIXDNtGdwHau4SMIuAKrXNkk/wB4ZqCjzTwd4Yj06TEaNycszHJNeowR7IQvtUNtYRwfdUVWsvENhfX7WcDP5gztYrhXx1xVRhKSbS2E5JaMpa5oq30bfLmvOtW8KKUaOWAOvY45H0NezsoYc1SuNPimHzKKkZ4donhAQaksoV22n5d3avaNFtTb2qqR2p0OjwxPuCCtJECLgUAPrnPGNzcQ6YkUUYMMpIlYjOMYIH4/0ro6juPN+zS+Rjzth8vPTdjj9a1ozUKik1exFSPNFoyPC9glnpEcnlNHNP8ANJu6nBOPwxz+NbdcboOq3drqctvq9zIm8fKs+c78jGPQYz7V2VaYqEo1W5a3JoyThZdAooormNQqne6ZZ6kyi7hEmwfL8xGM9ehq5XM+I9eutOlSO1VVO8qzOuc4VTx/33+lbUITnO1N2ZFSUYxvLY6NVGwdenqa43+3tR/4Sf7J9o/0f7X5WzaPu7sdetFFdOChGXPzK+hjXbXLY7TaPf8AM1zereIZtP1qOzjgRozt3FmOTn09P1oorPBQjUqNSV9Cq8nGN0dJtHv+Zo2j3/M0UVyG5xXiC+u4PEaxRSoANnllolYpn0JGevNdrtHv+ZooruxSSp07djno/HL1DaPf8zRtHv8AmaKK4ToMTxTeT2GlLJbPtd5QhJG7ggk8HjtUPhErcabJO8USyiUoXjjCEjAPOAPWiiu+yWDv1uc1/wB/byOh2j3/ADNG0e/5miiuA6Q2j3/M1Rt9ItLa6NxHGgb+ECNF2fQhQf1ooqlKSTSYnFMvbR7/AJmjaPf8zRRUjDaPf8zRtHv+ZoooANo9/wAzRtHv+ZoooAyb3Q1vL9bjzY1U43o1ujlsf7RGR+ta20e/5miirlUlJJPoSopaoNo9/wAzRtHv+ZooqCg2j3/M15vr+oXN1qNxbzOGihmZYxtGVAOOvWiivSy1JzbZyYt2irH/2Q== how can i extract this base64 image code. help!! thanks in advance
  7. if 5 > 2: print("Five is greater than two!") elif (6 > 3): print("Six is greater than three!") hi everyone, i want to ask. Why conditional elif do not appear?
  8. I am new to Python, and I wanted to know if it is possible to take an input device (Mouse, keyboard, camera), and have it send a true/false signal, or other type of signal. I would also like to know how to have user interactions, as I don't know how to do that. Anyways, thanks for reading!
  9. I have just created and uploaded a python module namely "sroot" . You can simply install it using pip in python cmd. By typing :- pip install sroot It works similar to math module bt the difference is that if you use math.sqrt(8) it will give 2.something, in decimal form Rather if you install sroot using pip and then just simply import sroot and type sroot.sqrt(8) it will give 2√2. Isn't it amazing. You can use any integer. Lemme know if you tried and liked it
  10. My friend and I are building a website and we're a little lost about how to get my form data (javascript) to transfer to him (python) so he can use it. I've just started learning front end (html, css, js) and he's pretty familiar with python. How do we connect the two? JSON? Nodejs?
  11. Hi, I try to use a python script what give stable solutions for the roommate problem. I have found this script: path to github. I get it to run from php with $output1 = exec(. /stableroomate.py ./solution_prefs.csv 2>&1", $output2) var_dump ($output1); But I get an error: string(27) "SyntaxError: invalid syntax" Array ( [0] => File ".stableroomate.py", line 170 [1] => holds = dict( (name, None) for name in prefs.keys() ) [2] => ^ [3] => SyntaxError: invalid syntax ) This refers to python (see attached stableroomate.py) # holds holds = dict( (name, None) for name in prefs.keys() ) What is wrong with this syntax? I tried to contact the author and the university where this came from, but there is little response. I am not familiar with python. Help here is greatly appreciated. README.md solution_prefs.csv stableroomate.py
  12. hi , in the python requests POST tutorial in the site , there is this piece of code , url = 'https://ipaddress of my server .../myphp.php' myjson = {'somekey': 'somevalue'} x = requests.post(url, json = myjson) it sends the json data to a php file in a server that i have access to how can I access json data in myphp.php file in the server ??? thanks
  13. Hello everyone, I want to print a web page with all things inside but I have a big issue. I loaded the web page converted in pdf and when I print the tables or pictures are split int half and on two pages. I Want to define in my code some sections to keep the tables or pictures on the same pages when I print. How can I do that ?
  14. I took a Python coding course in college. Basic level, it taught me how to code short, basic programs. This was six months ago. I recently tried to pick coding back up, and decided my first project; a dice game I had an idea for a while back, as a computer program. Problem: I've apparently forgotten how to do just about everything, because I can't even figure out why Pyzo (my program of choice for writing in Python) is throwing an error. All I want to do on the line in question is set a variable to 1. That's all. I've tried changing the variable name, tried putting it in all forms of quotation marks that I could think of. I even tried double equal signs. But: "dice1 = 1" is absolutely against the law, and I can not understand why. I've tried google search. I've tried Youtube for basic learning videos on Python. I tried everywhere I could think of on w3schools. I even tried StackOverflow, but they're very professional, like actual software developers, and that... intimidates me. I'm simply trying to pick this back up as a hobby.
  15. Hi! Can someone suggest how to continue learning python, once finished W3Sc. tutorial? THANX!
  16. HI, I'm using RPC.Query to send a string from js to py. At py receptor this scrash using json.loads(..) de args. The messages error is: "" ... JSONDecoderError(\"Expecting value\", s, err.value) from None\njson.decoder.JSONDecodeEror: Expecting value: line 1 colum1 (char 0)\n", "message": "Expecting value: line 1, column 1 (char 0)"], "Exception_type":"internal_error"}}" "" I do an console.log(..) beford RPC instruction and the string value is ok. That is the code: FROM JS: .... // *JCM* var strcontenido = ''; var LF = '\n'; var orderi = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(order)); var orderf = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(order_flushed)); strcontenido ="80#DOCUMENTO DE PRUEBA +LF80_is*YO MISMO+LF80_ir*22157456+LF80_i03Dirección: Calle, 12345678 Ciudad, Venezuela+LF80_i04Teléfono: +584161236548+LF80_i05Referencia: 00001-317-0204+LF80_i06Mesa: M5, Comensales: 1+LF80_@*****Gracias por su compra*****+LF80_#000000010000001000Golosinas+LF101" strcontenido= strcontenido.split(":").join("?"); // Replace ":" with "?" to send to py strcontenido= strcontenido.split(",").join("-"); // Replace "," with "-" to send to py console.log(strcontenido); // This show ok errTxt = self._crear_factura( true, strcontenido); var transfer = self._flush_orders([order_flushed], {timeout:30000, to_invoice:true}); // *JCM* // ...do some... }); return done; }); return invoiced; }, // Envia comandos al programa en python- Send command to py _crear_factura: function(imprime, strcontenido) { var self = this; var ejecuted = true; strcontenido = '{"F": "\'' +strcontenido + '\'"}' // Converting string to json inserting {"id": '...string...'} format var args = JSON.parse(strcontenido); console.log('ARGS=>>'+args); // This show text ok >> 80#DOCUMENTO DE PRUEBA +LF80_is*YO MISMO+LF80_ir*22157456+LF80_i03Dirección? Calle- 12345678 Ciudad- Venezuela+LF80_i04Teléfono? +584161236548+LF80_i05Referencia? 00001-317-0204+LF80_i06Mesa? M5- Comensales? 1+LF80_@*****Gracias por su compra*****+LF80_#000000010000001000Propinas+LF101 if (imprime) { return rpc.query({ model: 'pos.order', method: 'print_ticket', args: args, }).fail(function(error, event){ ejecuted = false; }); console.log('_crear_factura (\n' + strcontenido +'\n): Ejecutada...!!!'); } else { console.log('_crear_factura (\n' + strcontenido +'\n): NO EJECUTADA...!!!'); } return ejecuted; }, ... FROM py: @api.model def print_ticket(self, strcontenido): #contenido = strcontenido.get('F') // Error: strcontenido d'nt have get method contenido = json.loads(strcontenido) // Error: previus commented f=open('c:/IntTFHKA/invoiced1.txt','w') #if strcontenido.get('F'): // Error: strcont.... # contenido = strcontenido['strcontenido'] errVal=f.write(contenido["F"]) // Never cross at this... #else: # errVal=f.write('***** GENERAR LA FACTURA*****\n\n') #for data in strcontenido: errVal=f.write(data) errVal=f.write('\n\n*****FIN DEL ARCHIVO******\\nn') errVal = f.close() return True So, I had proved some method without result.... ¿Do you have any idea to resolv...??
  17. Sir, I wrote the same code on Python and C. But the same code give two different result...my C code is... for (i=0;i<10;i++) continue; printf ("%d",i); and the my python code is... for i in range (0,10): continue print (i) The c code give 10 and python give 9 as result. So, what is loop execution process...what is the difference between loop execution process between Python and C?
  18. Sir, can I declare a Function with its return type and parameter's type on Python like C Language? void main() { void sum(int,int); /*function declaration*/ sum(5,5); } void sum(int x,int y)/*function defination*/ { /*function body*/ int result; result=x+y; printf ("The Sum is %d",result); } Can i do this same code on python? Python support Function Declaration? If yes, then how i declare a function on python
  19. Hi! First of all, I have very little experience with xml and I just learned yesterday about RSS feeds, so please simplify your answers if you are willing to help me. I did only read that rss uses the xml format, and apologise if I've posted this in the wrong place. I am trying to recreate an actual earth environment by using a raspberry pi that reads a RSS feed from a forecast site, which again is hooked up to an Arduino. The feed I am using is from bbc weather: https://weather-broker-cdn.api.bbci.co.uk/en/forecast/rss/3day/2525068 How can I pull certain values (temp, humidity, sunrise, and sundown) from the feed that can be stored as variables in a python code? Are there better ways of getting these values than using rss? I am not asking for help creating the code, I just wonder what options I have to research and learn to make this work. I apreciate any ideas or suggestions. This is only for private use and does not need to be the best or most complex solution, only a working one as I have to learn python as well. I do have experience with c# in case there are solutions more suited using that.
  20. Since you've added the new Python tutorial , are you planning to add a tutorial for Django framework?
  21. Hello folks. I am currently learning Python programming. I have created a fill in the blanks quiz game. In this game, the user has to select a level hard, medium, easy. On the basis of teh level selected, the respective question and its answers are passed as parameters into the function, question validation, this function takes user input and sees whether is matches the question and answer input. If it does, then the answer is passed onto the function, traverse. At traverse, the blanks are filled in and the sentence is returned with missing blank filled in. This seems to work well upto filling in the fourth blank. At this stage if I get the answer wrong on the first attempt and I later answer correctly, it then prompts me to fill in the 4th again. Its acting like an infinite loop. I cant for the life of me seem to solve this!!!! The problem lies here: time.sleep(2) print "wrong answer you have", tries, " attempts left" while tries>0: print "Fill in ",blanks[index], " please" response = raw_input() response = response.upper() if response == answers[index]: time.sleep(2) print "congratulations!!! " traverse(question, answers, index) else: tries = tries - 1 print "wrong answer you have", tries, "attempts left" print "Arividechi" exit() codeaquiz.py
  22. for n in range(2, 10): for x in range(2, n): if n % x == 0: print(n, 'equals', x, '*', n//x) break else: print(n, 'is a prime number') There are two issues here: 1. TabError: Incosistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation 2. More importantly I don't understand the logic behind this code that leads to this output:
  23. Hi, I'm looking at this piece of code: words = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate'] for w in words[:]: if len(w) > 6: words.insert(0, w) words ['defenestrate', 'cat', 'window', 'defenestrate'] If I understand well it should make copy of the list and add 'defenestrate' into list but I receive a message "tuple object has no attribute instert". This code is a part of a tutorial I'm following and not sure why it doesn't work.
  24. So this generates 3 arrays with 5 numbers in each one. How would I go about checking each array to see if there are any duplicate numbers in an array?
  25. Ok, so I know python specifically isn't taught onw3schools, but maybe somebody knows a little about it. I am trying to use raw input instead of prompts, but it isnt working, can anyone tell me why this won't work? $('#before').click(function(){ $(".body").empty(); hello = raw_input("Hello: "); }); "Hello: " never shows up on the screen. Please help
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