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  1. Hi *** MY CONFIGURATION *** PHP 7.2.24 WBCE CMS 1.4.23 TEMPLATE : Acourdesz (horizontal accordion header) The “Acourdesz“ template comes with a horizontal accordion header that panes are opening on following mouse cursor movement detection : left to right and reversely ; up to down and reversely. I think that one may better reply to my question hereafter, knowing the accordion code structure from this demo page : http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/haccordion.htm My wish is to prevent the panes opening when the mouse cursor is moved from up to down and reversely, so that panes only opens when mouse cursor is moved from left to right (and inversely). To achieve this, I may use one of my CMS add-on module that allows to include PHP, JS, or HTML code to a template or page (screenshot) : https://addons.wbce.org/pages/addons.php?do=item&item=37 Can someone help me to know what coding string to include using this module, so that it constrains the accordion to behave as I wish it to ? Regards
  2. Hey folks, I have created a picture that shows my problems with Responsive Design. When I make the window smaller or switch to a smartphone, the Responsive Design should make it look good, no matter what resolution the display has. I'm not a pro in HTML5 or CSS3, especially not when it comes to Responsive Design, so I still don't understand some things correctly. #01: For example, I don't understand why the box with the lamp or the complete headline with subtext and symbolic line under it disappears completely as soon as the website switches to mobile. (Highlights – das gibt es bei uns) #02: Or why the distances to the individual boxes in the mobile design are so gigantic. #03: In mobile design, the W-Lan Icon Box and the text are below each other, but the distance is too big, and the text is no longer centered horizontally. I've been busy with this for a few days now and don't know what to do anymore. I've used a commercial Template to do this: Canvas | The Multi-Purpose HTML5 Template https://themeforest.net/item/canvas-the-multipurpose-html5-template/9228123?s_rank=1 This is the HTML Code of this section <!-- So Funktioniert's ============================================= --> <div class="page-section nomargin"> <div class="container clearfix divcenter center" style="max-width: 1150px;"> <h4 class="divcenter font-body"> Die moderne Kommunikation ist simpel.<br /> Da das Internet schon ohnehin zu unserem täglichen Leben gehört, lässt sich die Nutzung der telba Cloud sehr einfach gestalten. </h4> </div> <div class="row align-items-stretch divcenter center " style="background: #F9F8F7; max-width: 1150px; height: 400px"> <div class="col_half center" style="background: #EAF2F6 url(images/telba/wlan_crop.png) center center no-repeat; background-size: contain; height: 400px"> <h2 class="font-body ">So funktioniert's:</h2> </div> <div class="col_half col_last divcenter" style="background: #F9F8F7; height: 400px; padding: 5%"> <span class="font-body"> Ihre Cloud Lösung wird individuell nach Ihren Wünschen angepasst. Die Telefonanlage wird nicht vor Ort in Ihrem Unternehmen installiert, sondern wird Ihnen virtuell bereitgestellt. Unsere Kommunikationslösung wird in unserem Rechenzentrum betrieben, wodurch wir Ihnen unsere Leistungen, dank Cloud Computing, direkt über das Internet zur Verfügung stellen können. Über unser Internet Portal behalten Sie alles im Blick und können Ihre Aktivitäten leicht managen. </span> </div> </div> </div><!--So Funktioniert's ENDE --> <!-- Highlights ============================================= --> <div class="page-section nomargin"> <div class="heading-block title-center"> <h2>Highlights</h2> <span>das gibt es bei uns</span> </div> <div class="row align-items-stretch divcenter center" style="max-width: 1150px"> <div class="col-lg-4 d-none d-md-block" style="background:#DFEEF2 url('images/telba/lampe_crop.png') center center no-repeat; background-size: contain; height: 600px;"></div> <div class="col-lg-8"> <div class="row align-items-stretch clearfix noborder" style="background: #F9F8F7"> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">One Number</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">Faire Preisgestaltung</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">Moderne Kommunikation</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">Skalierbarkeit</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">Immer auf dem neusten Stand</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">Schnelle, einfache Einführung</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">Motivierte Mitarbeiter</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">Betriebliche Flexibilität</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">Standort- unabhängigkeit</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">innovative Arbeitsplatzmodelle</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">Schnelles Reagieren auf Veränderungen</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 noborder" style="min-height: 150px"> <div class="feature-box fbox-center fbox-dark fbox-plain fbox-small noborder"> <h3 class="center-center center divcenter col-padding-height-top-lg">Bereitstellen der Leistung über das Internet</h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!--Highlights ENDE -->
  3. Hello everybody, I was playing with a template from the w3.css templates from w3 schools and found an issue that I can't get around. In the template called Parralax template or the forth one from top, with the man with grey hat, I saw that the home screen image was loaded from the css .bgimg-1{ min-height: 100%; background-image: url(/w3images/parallax1.jpg); } (from the style brackets after the head tag ) I wanted to do a transition between two images but only found examples on the web that it is possible only when the image is loaded from an html image tag, so I removed the "background-image" from the above css code and added an <img src="/w3images/parallax1.jpg"> tag under the div where the class name was bgimg-1: <!-- First Parallax Image with Logo Text --> <div class="bgimg-1 w3-display-container w3-opacity-min" id="home"> <img src="/w3images/parallax1.jpg"> <div class="w3-display-middle" style="white-space:nowrap;"> <span class="w3-center w3-padding-large w3-black w3-xlarge w3-wide w3-animate-opacity">MY <span class="w3-hide-small">WEBSITE</span> LOGO</span> </div> </div> However, the image now has an empty white space from it's right side and I can't make it full. Does anybody know how to fix that?
  4. Hi folks, Would love to get some assistance with some basic XSLT coding for a template/choose or transform. I have the following XSLT coding which is used to essentially transform (replace) the subject line of an email which is generated by the system. This small section of text allows me to put in the company name to be used in the "Value of select" and this I can kind of follow. XSLT Template/Code <xsl:template match="@* | node()"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="//*[local-name() = 'ReportHeader']/*[local-name() = 'Note']"> <Note> <xsl:attribute name="author">email</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="entryDateTime"><xsl:value-of select="./@entryDateTime"/></xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="languageID">en-US</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="status">Open</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="type">SubjectLine</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="use">External</xsl:attribute> <xsl:value-of select="concat('Company 1000 - ',.)"/> </Note> </xsl:template> This is the section of the XML that the above template is modifying <Note author="user id" entryDateTime="2018-02-15T22:46:13Z" languageID="en-US" status="Open" type="SubjectLine" use="External">Acknowledgement for 219-00</Note> When testing the output it successfully changes the above to the following <Note author="email" entryDateTime="2018-02-15T22:46:13Z" languageID="en-US" status="Open" type="SubjectLine" use="External">Company 1000 - Acknowledgement for 219-00</Note> (This is the section of the XML code that refers to the "Report Header" and has the accounting entity in the document ID) <ReportHeader> <DocumentID> <ID accountingEntity="1000" variationID="1012">Acknowledgement_219-00</ID> </DocumentID> In some instances we have multiple accounting entities and what I would love to be able to do is have some XSLT code to "choose" between the various Accounting Entities and apply the above template (with different names for each accounting entities).Or at the min is there a way of saying when accounting entity = value choose "template a" which for example would be Company 1000 or choose "template b" and the value would be Company 2000 (for example) What would be the best way to edit/write this to be able to have, essentially, a different Company name in the subject line that corresponds to the relative Accounting Entity ID? Thanks in advance, Steve
  5. Hi All, This may be a question asked before, but. The W3schools, free coming soon templates, specifically this one. https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/tryw3css_templates_coming_soon.htm Won't display from netbeans in any browser, and also is not displaying on my hosting site. What am I missing here ? Is there a style sheet I need on a css file even though it has a direct link on the index page ? Still learning so be kind
  6. Hello, I was excited to find a template that would work well for me on the W3.CSS site in their examples section (Architect Template- third one down on their templates page: https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_templates.asp). Unfortunately, it seems that the menu on the Architect Template disappears from view when screen width drops below 600 pixels (tested in both Chrome and IE). I don't know CSS well enough to fix it, and am wondering if it is enough of an error that the template might get fixed if there is a way I could let someone at W3schools know. Otherwise, is that an easy fix that someone here might know how best to fix? I appreciate the free template and understand if this is something I need to work out on my own. Thanks!
  7. Hi, The following is template for my website http://egtours.com suddenly mega menu system does not work. I think I made some error but I could not figure out what is the error. I shall much appreciate if any body can help and figure out the error. What is this clickberry-extension clickberry-extension ? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html class=" clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone clickberry-extension clickberry-extension-standalone" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>#PAGENAME#</title><meta content="text/html; 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  8. Hello. I am a newbie and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am redesigning a page within a Dreamweaver template. There are CSS stylesheets and JavaScript attached which is part of branding standards. There are many changes that I would like to make but I am having to comment out elements since the template is for the entire website. I am not allowed to completely change the header or the footer ( I asked our webmaster). Is there a way to override the template header and insert my own navbar while retaining the other presets? Next, I am having trouble with my div box alignment. I want to create div boxes for my left column, middle content, and a few right column boxes. I thought I could use display: inline as a quick fix, but my boxes are aligning vertically. I am trying to amend the current CSS sheets without having to create a new one. Last, my scrolling marquee is not centered. I had a bear of a time sorting through someone else's awful JavaScript but it is still off. Kind of frustrated with guessing. I am attaching files for the code and main css sheets. I am guessing that one of the CSS sheets is overriding the changes I want to make. But I do not know enough to find where. I know this is mostly about my struggle with Dreamweaver. I hope I posted in the right forum. Many thanks in advance! default.html layout.css CSSMenu_library2.css
  9. Hello, I've a problem when I try to send variables (django variables) from html to javascript. My variables contain coordinates, I mean, they are decimals, and when I receive them in the javascript and I show them in console, I've got only the no decimal part of the coordinates. This is my code: Template: <td><button onclick="window.to('{{p.coorx}}','{{p.coory}}')" data-coorx="{{p.coorx}}" data-coory="{{p.coory}}">Ver Pozo</button></td> Javascript: window.to = function(coorx,coory) { var coorx = parseFloat(coorx); var coory = parseFloat(coory); console.log(coorx); console.log(coory);} I'm sure that my error is in the way in what I establish the parameters to send in HTML. I've tried several choices as: <td><button onclick="window.to(" + {{p.coorx}} + "," + {{p.coory}} + ")" data-coorx="{{p.coorx}}" data-coory="{{p.coory}}">Ver Pozo</button></td> But then it gives me an error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token } Would anybody know how to solve this problem? Greetings and thank you very much in advance!
  10. I have found awesome website called http://www.bootstrappage.com from where we can download some free bootstrap templates. I have no idea how to change the old bootstrap templates http://www.bootstrappage.com/preview?url=http://www.bootstrappage.com/view/shopcart/ to new version of bootstrap template? Any one can download the templates from here http://www.bootstrappage.com/category/freetemplates and it free Anyone could help me? in this case !
  11. My site www.bebraveinfertilityjourney.com is behaving oddly. I originally tried to get my sidebar to extend all the way down to the bottom of the page, which i why I started setting all my divs to "height= 100%". It didn't work, so I fixed it instead, which freezes the sidebar so it scrolls with you. I'm okay with this solution, but now there is a strange white background that only goes halfway down the page. If you can see, it stops right around the beginning of the next post. I want the background of the article to be white, but it should only be about 10 pixels out on either side of the text itself. The top portion is much wider. Any ideas on what is causing this? For your information, I am using a child theme to edit the twenty fourteen theme in wordpress. Thanks for your help!
  12. I just need help please with linking to my facebook correctly. Please be nice , and I'm sure this is pretty easy for everyone else, but I am having trouble with it. I have attached the file and image, if anyone can be good enough to help me out. My email is cafedesignercafe@gmail.com My Skype is evolution2design My facebook is facebook.com/rcmp004 Thank you so much ! config.xml
  13. Hello ! Hope someone could help me with this one. I accidently wrote this code: <select name="TYPE" id="TYPE" > <xsl:apply-templates select="TYPE-OPTION" /> <!-- The '/' closed the tag too early --> <xsl:with-param name="Slctd" select="normalize-space(TYPE-SELECTED)" /> <!--The with-param became worthless--></select> It was suppose to be like this : <select name="TYPE" id="TYPE" > <xsl:apply-templates select="TYPE-OPTION"> <xsl:with-param name="Slctd" select="normalize-space(TYPE-SELECTED)" /> </xsl:apply-templates> <!-- now the with-param is doing something --></select> As you can see in the first part, I accidently closed the xsl:apply-templates tag too early with / , making the with-param completely useless. This caused a bug. Is this code legal ? Is there a way or a product which could warn me about this kind of mistakes ? TNX Agumiya
  14. Hi everybody.Long-time fanFirst-time poster. I recently took over my parents' business' website. It was originally developed by some guy, and it looks ok now and gets the job done. However, I'd like to modernize the site a little bit, but I'm having trouble figuring some things out. The current site is at http://renovax4u.comThe .jpeg of what I'd like the site to look like is at http://renovax4u.com/images/Misc./newrenovaxsite.jpg I'm primarily having trouble figuring out how to change the layout colors and format so that I can edit the site to look like what I want it to. Any and all help on how I can do this, is greatly appreciated...
  15. Hello all, thank you all for your help so far on problems I have been having over the last few months with a couple of my websites. The one for my motorbike is finished now (I didnt get around to making a PHP contact form as got an apprenticeship so ran out of time to teach it as it was complicating things) I'm back on to my website for my product reviews. Its a 100% non profit organisation and just looks out dated in comparision to other sites that I have seen, plus I have been informed its not IE friendly and when I got it checked for errors it basically broke it with so many errors (totalled about 4000 errors) I have an issue that its not a simple site that I can just upload the content and leave it as it is as I am constantly imputting news and reviews onto the website.There are a few things that I want on the website 1. A news blog for posting news onto it from companies promoting their products that I will review2. Have drop down menus for content3. have content on a database (so a backend is needed) and be able to edit text fast, E.g Copy and paste from word as currently I C+P and then spend 20 mins formatting it as wordpress dont like word content it seems.4. Make it easier to imput pictures to the content where its needed.5, Make it SEO friendly so that I can gain higher rankings in the google searches so my website can then get a bigger audience6. be HTML 5 compatible and all browser friendly7. Have a stylish layout8. Allow changes easily.9. Be safe or safer from hacking. I know that it probably sounds like I am basically asking for the website to be made but I am not. What I am asking for it the time someone will take to suggest how to do something or to help me with a design. My basic website designs that I have 100% scratch built is www.repsolhondanc24.co.uk all but the contact form. The website in question is www.madmercsairsoft.co.uk and the facebook page I want to link to is www.facebook.com/madmercsairsoftreviews I really need to get this sorted soon even with an SEO widget on the site Its not helping at all and im now only hitting 1000 views a week compared to another site I know that gets 1000000 a month at times. I hope someone will help (I would even pay but I cannot afford much at all hence just asking for help finding the right editor/blogger which i can then with help make a theme around Richard
  16. I'm working on the TEI stylesheet for EPUB for a BA degree project. I'm trying to modify the stylesheet files, so that they create a list of names selected by me, displayed at the bottom of the file (a final index).I'm trying to force the xsl to write an xml code in preflight mode after the body section (inside “<back>”). But I find hard to define what to do in my template... I even thought to use a function, but I don't understand how do that.I tried to make sure that the right file is selected with the code xsl: attribute; I found this method on the internet but I do not know if it's right.This is my code: <xsl:template match="tei:body" mode="preflight"><xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-ofselect="inputDir"/></xsl:attribute><xsl:choose><xsl:when test="position()=last()"><back><div type="indiceNomi"><b>Indice dei luoghi:</b><xsl:apply-templates select="tei:rs[@type='luogo']"><xsl:sort order="ascending"><p><xsl:value-of select="."/></p></xsl:sort></xsl:apply-templates></div></back></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose></xsl:template> I would like to know if you can show me which file I need to edit to change the CSS in the epub outuput.Can you please explain me what you would do in my situation, or help me in some other way?Thank you.
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