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  1. At Ingolme's suggestion, I've switched from simpleXML to DOMXML for this because I need to be able to replace a node. I've done my best to follow PHP.com examples, and everything seems to work up until the point of the actual replacement. I hope you can spot what's keeping it from working. The vars found in the heredoc are assigned earlier from the customer input form. if $found is positive, it contains a cId (customer ID) that exists in the DB and should be updated with any new info (code shown). If negative, it's abs() is the cId for a new node to be added (code omitted here). In $xml, the <customer> node is child of <customers>, which is child of <root>. If I comment out the replaceChild line before the break, execution continues unhindered. Nodename reports "customer" and nodetype reports 'XML_ELEMENT_NODE' for both $node and $oldNode, so I don't know what is preventing the replacement. // SAVE CUSTOMER DATA // $found= $cId; $cId = abs($found); // Create DOM from data file $xml = new DOMDocument; $xml->formatOutput = true; $xml->load("Titles data.xml"); // Create node from customer input $str = <<<XX <customer> <cId>$cId</cId> <organization>$organization</organization> <website>$URL</website> <contact>$name</contact> <email>$email</email> <phone>$phone</phone> <addr>$address</addr> <city>$city</city> <state>$state</state> <zip>$zip</zip> <orders> <oId></oId> </orders> </customer> XX; $DOMChild = new DOMDocument; $DOMChild->loadXML($str); //turn $str into DOMDoc $node = $DOMChild->documentElement; //not sure if this is right, example suggests it is $node = $xml->importNode($node, true); //Is this necessary? examples suggest it is if ($found > 0) { //if positive, $found contains cId of desired customer $list = $xml->getElementsByTagName("cId"); //list of ID's to search for ($r = $list->length -1; $r > 0; $r--) { //find customer that fits cId if ($list->item($r)->nodeValue==$cId) { //when found, $r is index to customer node list $oldnode=$xml->getElementsByTagName("customer")->item($r);// get node to be replaced $msg=$r."—"; //$msg is included in email sent later; shows arrival here $node->replaceChild($node, $oldNode); //THIS LINE FAILS, HALTING EXECUTION break; } } }
  2. According to the "Node Types" table on this W3Schools page, only the Document Node has a limit to the number of child Nodes (other than None!) of any one type: The implication is that there can be any number of any other (listed) Child node in a Parent Node. For many Nodes, that's a natural state: An Element Node can have many other Child Element Nodes to define the complete Tree. For some Nodes, it's a little less natural: For example, one might think that a Comment Node is commenting on its Parent Node. Nope! A Comment Node is merely a child of its Parent, and is likely commenting on the following (or preceding!) Sibling Node - not the Parent Node. But there are some Nodes where it's not obvious how multiple Child Nodes of the same Type should be represented. Take, for example, the Element Node. It allows - in fact needs - a Text Node as a Child Node to store the actual text of Leaf Elements. One could say that in a typical XML document, all Element Nodes have: either zero (for empty Elements), one, or multiple Child Element Nodes; or exactly one Child Text Node. But this isn't (apparently) stipulated in the standard - hence this post. If a Child list has Child Text Nodes interspersed amongst Child Element Nodes, do they just get represented like that? <Parent> This is the first piece of text from the first Text Node. <Child1> ... </Child1> <Child2> ... </Child2> This is the second piece of text from the second Text Node. <Child3> ... </Child3> </Parent> How does are multiple Child Text Nodes represented? A simple concatenation of all the Texts? In the given order? <Parent> This is the first piece of text from the first Text Node. This is the second piece of text from the second Text Node. </Parent> How does one represent Child Text Nodes of Attr Nodes, as described/permitted in the above Node Types Table? And I've not even considered EntityReference Nodes yet - which are also explicitly described as legal Child Nodes of Attr Nodes. (How?)
  3. I'm just starting to use cookies for personalizing my website and I need a little clarification about the DOM. When a cookie is sent along with the request for a website, does it become available to the whole site (like every page you might load) or just to a specific page included in your website. I am planning on using the setcookie, getcookie and checkcookie functions from w3 - can I put them in any page of the website or do I have to use them from the initial page of my site? Any guidance would be appreciated.
  4. I copied and pasted a file from the w3 tutorial XML/AJAX application but changed just a couple of spots so it could read my own XML data file. It doesn't work - what am I missing, please. When I open the console in either google or IE it says xmlDoc is null or undefined - somehow I'm not 'reading' the file or something? can anybody explain it more. I've read over the toturials a couple of times and I think it should be working. I have also cleaned out the cach in the browser by hitting cntrl F5, which I learned from someone along the way. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>S.C. Information</title> <style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid green; border-collapse:collapse; } th, td { padding: 5px; } </style> </head> <body> <button type="button" onclick="loadXMLDoc()">Get my S.C. Report</button> <br><br> <table id="demo"></table> <script> function loadXMLDoc() { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { myFunction(this); } }; xmlhttp.open("GET", "scTotals.xml", true); xmlhttp.send(); } function myFunction(xml) { var i; var xmlDoc = xml.responseXML; var table="<tr><th>Service Club</th><th>Seasonal Total</th></tr>"; var x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Totals"); for (i = 0; i <x.length; i++) { table += "<tr><td>" + x.getElementsByTagName("ServClub")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td><td>" + x.getElementsByTagName("TotalAmount")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue + "</td></tr>"; } document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = table; } </script> </body> </html> Data File 'scTotals.xml' in same website folder. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <dataroot> <Totals> <ServClub>Beukendall Eastern Star</ServClub> <TotalAmount>$ 447</TotalAmount> </Totals> <Totals> <ServClub>Key Club</ServClub> <TotalAmount>$ 363</TotalAmount> </Totals> <Totals> <ServClub>S.I. Group</ServClub> <TotalAmount>$ 201</TotalAmount> </Totals> <Totals> <ServClub>Sarah Bilofsky & Friends</ServClub> <TotalAmount>$ 182</TotalAmount> </Totals> <Totals> <ServClub>Schenectady ARC</ServClub> <TotalAmount>$ 1530</TotalAmount> </Totals> </dataroot> Any help would be appreciated. Gil
  5. Hi, im a little bit struggling here. What I am trying to do is read the content from a Table by reading the number of rows and cells,(later on only selected rows by checkbox) then display the data in a ´generated Table (where i have to add cells with inputfields) So now my question is: How do i have to write the code so the first row will be created with <th> instead of <td> ? How to add input fields to the cells ? (actually they all could be input fields, just filled out with the data from the table i read from and blank fields for the added or so on.) function generate_table() { // get the reference for the body var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var x = document.getElementById("TableB").rows.length; var y = document.getElementById("TableB").rows[0].childElementCount; var z = document.getElementById("TableB").rows[1].cells[3].innerText; alert("x="+x +" y="+y+" z="+z); // creates a <table> element and a <tbody> element var tbl = document.createElement("table"); var tblBody = document.createElement("tbody"); // creating all cells for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) { // creates a table row var row = document.createElement("tr"); alert("ROW"+row); for (var j = 0; j < y; j++) { // Create a <td> element and a text node, make the text // node the contents of the <td>, and put the <td> at // the end of the table row var cellText = document.createTextNode("cell in row "+i+", column "+j); if (row.tabIndex[0]){ var cell = document.createElement("th"); cell.appendChild(cellText); row.appendChild(cell); } else{ cell = document.createElement("td");} cell.appendChild(cellText); row.appendChild(cell); } // add the row to the end of the table body tblBody.appendChild(row); } // put the <tbody> in the <table> tbl.appendChild(tblBody); // appends <table> into <body> body.appendChild(tbl); // sets the border attribute of tbl to 2; tbl.setAttribute("border", "2"); tbl.setAttribute("class", "tableTest"); }
  6. Hello, I found a function called fnGetSibling on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533043(v=vs.85).aspx#navigate and I was hoping to understand what it does return and why. var oPrevious = fnGetSibling(); function fnGetSibling(){ var oParent=oNode.parentElement; var iLength=oParent.children.length; for(var i=0;i < iLength;i++){ if(oParent.children[i]==oNode){ return oParent.children[i - 1]; break; } } } I have three possible options: 1. Finds and returns a reference to all childs of a node of DOM Tree. 2. Finds and returns a reference to one of the children of a node of DOM Tree. 3. Finds and returns a reference to a father of a node of DOM Tree. You are not solving any homework (it's summer), it's just from a quiz.
  7. Hello and thank you all for bringing me into this forum. I would want to make a website about video games with news, articles, login system, etc., and I'm learning to make it with W3Schools. My issue is with the XML DOM. I tried to use JavaScript to add XML data (in the form of a news list) to my HTML page, so I used the following JavaScript code: var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) { newsDisplay(xhttp); } }; xhttp.open("GET", "news.xml", true); xhttp.send(); function newsDisplay(xml) { var xmlDoc, maxNews, txt, titles, dates; xmlDoc = xml.responseXML; maxNews = 5; txt = ""; titles = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("title"); dates = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("date"); for (i = 0; i < maxNews; i++) { txt += '<a href="news/news_' + + '.html"><div class="news_block">' + '<div class="news_title">Noticia' + titles[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '</div>' + '<div class="news_date">Fecha' + dates[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue + '</div></div></a>'; } document.getElementById("news").innerHTML = txt; } Being: news.xml the file where the news come from, with the <title> and <date> tags in each of the news maxNews the number of news to show in the list (from the first ones in the XML) But when I test my web page, the console says: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource. . Thank you for any help.
  8. Hello all, I have an SPA with a UI element akin to a directory tree (the grey column on the left) which allows the users to navigate the site's main content: The base of the code is implemented in the following HTML/CSS: <ul id="nav"> <li class="i"> <a href="Services">Services</a> <ul class="d"> <li> <a href="Services/Certificates">Certificates</a> </li> <li class="i"> <a href="Services/Responsabilities">Responsabilities</a> <ul class="d"> <li> <a href="Services/Responsabilities/Transportation">Transportation</a> </li> <li> <a href="Services/Responsabilities/Hospitality">Hospitality</a> </li></ul></li></ul></li> <li class="i"> <a href="Encyclopedia">Encyclopedia</a> <ul class="d"> <li> <a href="Encyclopedia/Society">Society</a> </li> <li> <a href="Encyclopedia/Arts">Arts</a> </li> <li> <a href="Encyclopedia/Technology">Technology</a> </li></ul></li> <li class="i"> <a href="Activities">Activity</a> </li></ul> .i,.i>.d {position:relative} .i>.d {display:none} .i:hover>.d {display:inherit} The <ul>s behave as intended on hover; the objective here is to work out a solution which will override '.i>.d {display:none}' when the user clicks on an <a>. That way, the user's current location in the website will be evident just from the links which are visible - like the left pane of File Manager on Windows. Now, since CSS doesn't have any parent selectors, I must resort to using JavaScript Event Listeners to listen for clicks on an <a> and style the relevant parents accordingly. To update the displayed location on the click of an <a>, all styles in #nav must be reset to default, and then the parents of the <a> that was clicked on must be styled through event propagation. It turns out that the capturing mode is best because then I can implement a clearing routine on the #nav, and the relevant '.i's and '.d's will get the event and handle it, bug-free. Only problem is, AFAIK, only event listeners which are added dynamically can catch events in the capture phase. This means I must do a big: 'use strict'; var nav=document.getElementById('nav'), navd=nav.getElementsByClassName('d'); /* event listeners defined here */ nav.addEventListener(reset,'click',true); for (i=navd.length; i-- navd[i].addEventListener(set,'click',true); in the global scope of a loaded and deferred .js script - which works perfectly, but is just plain ugly. Is there any alternative which would allow me to do this statically (i.e. embedded in the HTML)? Or I can't do any better? P.S. Don't mind the weird content and don't google it - it's not online yet. P.P.S. I posted it here because the issue is with DOM event handling and propagation; if I should put this under scripting or some other topic, please let me know. P.P.P.S. Sorry for the long post - here's a potato
  9. Hello internet, There is a webpage I would like to start building but I need to be able to pull data from other webpages. The information is public info so it’s nothing sketchy but I don’t know where to start. I began with just doing google searches but it appears it is more involved than I originally thought. If you have any recommendations on tutorials or Forum discussions I would be grateful. Thanks.
  10. I need to cut the program to the final logic cut. It's now ~10 times smaller, although it's as far as I could get in my understanding now.Given two identical text strings. When you write in <input> you should write letters which have to be identical to the given line. And while you're typing the cursor moves until the excercise_results().My program is still big, and I need some help in understanding it's actions. I know that each text contains a final dot and a space after it. But I couldn't link this with the number "2" in for loop (after hiding the color of the <p >passage -...textDecoration "none"):length - 2[i + 2]the second:extraNodes > 2[pos + 2]and the third:(k - 1)and(k - 2) <body> <p id="isdivNode"><span>Staff. </span> </p> <form> <input size="55" onkeypress="compare(event)"> </form> <script> var strtest = "Staff. "; divNode = document.getElementById("isdivNode"); var xp = 0; deep = true; divNode.childNodes[0].style.textDecoration = "none"; for (i = 0; i < strtest.length; i++) { if (i < divNode.childNodes.length - 2) { if (divNode.childNodes[i + 2].nodeType == 1) { divNode.childNodes[i + 2].firstChild.data = strtest.charAt(i); } } else { myNode = divNode.firstChild.cloneNode(deep); myNode.firstChild.data = strtest.charAt(i); divNode.appendChild(myNode); } } extraNodes = divNode.childNodes.length - strtest.length; pos = strtest.length; while (extraNodes > 2) { divNode.childNodes[pos + 2].firstChild.data = ""; pos++; extraNodes--; } divNode.childNodes[0].style.color = "white"; document.forms[0].elements[0].value = ""; function compare(e) { var k = strtest.length; if (xp < (k - 1)) { var keyChar = String.fromCharCode(e.which); if (strtest.charAt(xp) == keyChar) { divNode.childNodes[xp + 2].style.textDecoration = "none"; xp += 1; if (xp > (k - 2)) excercise_results(); divNode.childNodes[xp + 2].style.textDecoration = "underline"; } } } function excercise_results() { confirm("fin"); } </script></body> I'm not at all experienced with DOM. It's hard for me to link conditional logic with the DOM manipulations. And I can't cut the program anymore (to have one/two "straight" conditions to see how it's work and logic) - to get the cursor just pointing to another character to match.Thanks in advance. t.php tt.php
  11. Hi, all, Swirling Dervish noobie here, and I can't seem to get one page element to "inherit" the height value of another: js: /* quotepick is the holder for the chosen display quote from the defText array; i is the index of the quote from the definition (defText) array; the goal is to get the div#jsGall2 (a backsplash to text) to inherit div#bennies' (text against the backsplash) height value. */ var quotePick = defText; if ((typeof quotePick) != 'undefined') { var dSize = document.getElementById("bennies"); var eSize = document.getElementById("jsGall2"); var b = dSize.innerHTML=quotePick; var f = eSize.setAttribute ("style", eval(dSize.style.height)); /* one version */ } else { document.getElementById("bennies").innerHTML=''; } I'VE ALSO TRIED: var quotePick = defText; if ((typeof quotePick) != 'undefined') { var dSize = document.getElementById("bennies"); var eSize = document.getElementById("jsGall2"); var b = dSize.innerHTML=quotePick; var f = eSize.style.height = dSize.style.height; /* another version */ } else { document.getElementById("bennies").innerHTML=''; } I know I've gotta be mucking up royally in syntax, right? Help.... -Swirling...headache...
  12. Hello @ all, I'm again dive to a problem which is that, I want to create a progress updater using div and spans. that's roughly the idea of mine is: 1. A span is child of div. 2. The width of the span is increasing according to time. 3. When the width is 100% then, span cover the whole div. 4. All magic happening in the JavaScript. code of mine... <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> //style goes here. //I don't need it. </style> </head> <body> <div id="container" > <span id="slider" > </span> </div> <script> function update () { var slider = document.getElementById("slider"); var width = 0; slider.style.width = width + "%"; width++; setTimeout(update,300); } update(); </script> </body> </html> The problem is that the width is not increasing after the specified period of time i.e. 300ms. if any one help me that's great.
  13. Hi, I am trying to create a text tag where users can add comments, delete them and also choose where to insert that comment(if not default). My problem is how to give each new node a unique id, which should be a number 1, 2 and so on. Using these numbers, the user could select where to insert the new par or even to select which one to be deleted. To be honest I want to create a checkbox next to the new par, so the user can just thick which par to delete and then press the button, but I am open to better ideas:) For start could someone help me how to make it a create a unique id for each new nodes and how to call 2 var inside appendChild() Thanks <script> function addNew(){ var inputText=form.inputText.value var para=document.createElement("p"); var node=document.createTextNode(inputText); var x = document.createElement("INPUT"); x.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); para.appendChild(node); // I tried para.appendChild(node, x); var element=document.getElementById("div1"); element.appendChild(para); // also element.appendChild(para, x); and all other variations. } function deleteComment(){ var parent=document.getElementById("div1"); var child=document.getElementById("ggg"); parent.removeChild(child); } /* * function addBefore(){ var inputText=form.inputText.value var para=document.createElement("p"); var node=document.createTextNode(inputText); para.appendChild(node); var element=document.getElementById("div1"); var child=document.getElementById("line"); element.insertBefore(para,child); } * */ </script> </head> <body> <form id="form"> <input type="text" value="inputText" id="inputText" /> <input type="button" value="Add New Comment" onclick="addNew()" /> <input type="button" value="Delete A Comment" onclick="deleteComment()" /> </form> <div id="div1"> <p id="ggg">gggggg</p> </div> </body>
  14. Hi, I need to use getElementById to reference to a div which contains a pic and without changing anything in the body tag, a random image slideshow should appear on load! instead of that pic. I have tried different ways to sort it out, but it was never perfect... Got 3 problems, first function changeDiv it says getElementsByTagname(...)[] is not defined... second is in the function rotateimage else document.images.splash undefined... third newimages function overwrites the whole page and it should only change the div anyone could help me out on this one?? Thanks 1.html
  15. http://www.comptechdoc.org/independent/web/cgi/javamanual/javaobjheir.htmlaccording to the web page give above JavaScript Dom object navigator have mime type object plugin object window object but in your site in this pagehttp://www.w3schools.com/jsref/obj_navigator.asp there is no those objects under navigator object.i want know is it mistake ormy referenced above web page(http://www.comptechdoc.org/independent/web/cgi/javamanual/javaobjheir.html) is wrong
  16. I used loadXMLDoc to load an XML file onto my web page. I then saved different contents to a file of the save name. When I reloaded the file with loadXMLDoc, I got the original contents instead of the new contents. I deleted the file and then save the new contents to the file with the same name. Reloading still gave me the old contents. I then changed the name of the file. This time loading the file with loadXMLDoc gave me the new contents. Does loadXMLDoc remember the contents that was loaded from a file with a given name and not bother reloading the contents if I present it with a file of the same name albeit different contents? After modifying the file, I looked at the XML code and the contents were modified after the first modification.
  17. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Join</title></head><body><div id=maincontainer><div id="head"></div><p id="usertxt"> Please to join click on one of the accounts that fits your proffesion.</p><div id="fatline"></div><div id="ceo" onmouseout="offbckg()" onmouseover="showbckg()" onclick="ceoform()"><p id="ceo_txt">C.E.O</p></div> <div id="staff" onmouseout="offbckg()" onmouseover="showbckg()" onclick="staffform()"><p id="staff_txt">Staff</p></div> <div id="student" onmouseout="offbckg()" onmouseover="showbckg()" onclick="ceoform()"><p id="student_txt">Student</p></div> <div id="infobox"><p id="ceoacc">C.E.O Account</p><p id="ceoinfo">The C.E.O account is an account that deals with people who have large business with branches nationwide or worldwide and are employers of Job/labour,and also who have large number of staff 100 and above.This account helps to link them to their staff,customers,business-partners,goverment-officials/organization that the C.E.O does business with.</p><p id="ceoacc">Staff Account</p><p id="ceoinfo">The Staff account is an account that deals with people who are employees in firm/establishments/organizations in various works of life.This account helps to link to their c.e.o,managers and other staff in their organization both national and international.other of the staff-self products can be sold here and more.</p><p id="ceoacc">Student Account</p><p id="ceoinfo">The Student account is an account that deals with people who are (18) years of age and are in a collegde/university (tetary instituation) who after school will become job-seekers,This platform help them to submit their credentials and and let Jobpal search help them do the search for their dream jobs.with Jobpal's platform they can also be Jobpal-lancers(Free-lancers).</p></div> <style type="text/css">#ceoinfo{color:#3CB3C3;font-size:25px;margin:5px;background-color:#e7f2f4;}#ceoacc{font-size:20px;background-color:#3CB3C3;text-align:center;color:white;font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;}#infobox{width:28cm;height:14cm;border:thin solid #3CB3C3;margin-top:-14.1cm;margin-left:6.5cm;}#fatline{width:0.5cm;height:20cm;border:thin solid #3CB3C3;margin-top:-0.7cm;margin-left:3px;background-color:#e7f2f4;}#usertxt{color:#3CB3C3;font-size:24px;font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;text-decoration:underline;margin-left:10cm;}*{margin:0cm;}#head{width:auto;height:2cm;background-color:#3CB3C3;}#ceo,#staff,#student{width:5cm;height:2cm;background-color:#e7f2f4;border:thin solid #3CB3C3;margin-left:0.6cm;}#ceo{margin-top:-18cm;} #ceo:hover{border-left-width:0.5cm;border-left-color:#3CB3C3;} #staff{margin-top:4cm;} #staff:hover{border-left-width:0.5cm;border-left-color:#3CB3C3;}#student{margin-top:4cm;} #student:hover{border-left-width:0.5cm;border-left-color:#3CB3C3;} #ceo_txt,#staff_txt,#student_txt{font-size:30px;font-family:"Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif;color:#3CB3C3;text-align:center;margin-top:15px; } </style><script type="text/javascript">function showbckg(){var longline=document.getElementById("fatline").style;longline.backgroundColor="#3CB3C3"; }function offbckg(){var longline=document.getElementById("fatline").style;longline.backgroundColor="#e7f2f4"; }function ceoform(x,y){var delete_infobox=document.getElementById('infobox');var refstudent=document.getElementById('student');} </script></div></body></html>hello fellow web developers please i am writing my webapp but i have issues on this on my join page{register page} in the javascript section of the page i am actually using the DOM to remove the #infobox[div]element....now what i want to do is that i want a sitituation where by where my users click on the the three links the #infobox(id)and all its element are remove and replace with a set of div that is a form which the user will input their registration information in which i will ask them....now these i plan it to go... from the elements.............<div id="fatline"></div><div id="ceo" onmouseout="offbckg()" onmouseover="showbckg()" onclick="ceoform()"><p id="ceo_txt">C.E.O</p></div> <div id="staff" onmouseout="offbckg()" onmouseover="showbckg()" onclick="ceoform()"><p id="staff_txt">Staff</p></div> <div id="student" onmouseout="offbckg()" onmouseover="showbckg()" onclick="ceoform()"><p id="student_txt">Student</p></div>***********************************************************************************************the javascript section of the code...function ceoform(x,y){var delete_infobox=document.getElementById('infobox');var refstudent=document.getElementById('student');delete_infobox.parentNode.removeChild(delete_infobox);}but the problem is that after the elements in the #infobox are deleted.i try to use the document.createElement() function to add a new set of div element after the the info-box have been deleted but the new element are not showing in the browser is it that there some kind of control stucture i will use to create new element after the #infobox has been remove...please help...also please let me add this i want make a situation where by the before the form comes to the web-page like 5-7seconds a loading gif image will load befor the form display in the webpage how can i do that on javascript....
  18. I am developing a function to find a particular element within another element identifier (similar to getElementById but that applies to any other element) ... Because this throws me arror: var ancestor = document.getElementById('divAncestor');var child = ancestor.getElementById('divChild'); I know, HTML specifies that ids must be unique but reality proves that often running scripts that can have items with the same ids. So, thats the reason why I'm not simply calling the child like this: var ancestor = document.getElementById('divChild'); The first option was to add this function to each HTML element, or at least the divs (because that's what interests me identify). The second, and is the one I prefer, is to add a method to the document object and call from there by passing the ID of the father and son as parameters. Is this possible?Thanks for your time.
  19. Hi, I intend to add a custom javascript object to the DOM of a HTML page to be able to access this object via its id (document.getElementById). Adding Nodes like Div..., that are known by DOM, works but where and how can I add the custom JScript Object. This is my testcode <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script type="text/javascript"> function initJScript(){ var customObject = new customObjectConstructor(); var testDiv = document.createElement('div'); alert(testDiv); alert(customObject); alert(document); document.body.appendChild(testDiv); //Works document.appendChild(customObject); //Does NOT Work!!! How can i append a custom object [object Object] to DOM??? document.getElementById("customObjectId"); //to make this work } function customObjectConstructor(){ this.id = "customObjectId" this.x = 12345; } </script> </head> <body onload="initJScript()"> <div id="testdiv"> <h1> Überschrift</h1> </div> </body></html>[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][\codebox][/font] This is the error message from firebugNS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS: Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [nsIDOMHTMLDocument.appendChild][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Thanks a lot for your help[/font]
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