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Found 4 results

  1. I have a security question. Though I have gone through OWASP docs I still need to place specific things in the right perspective. It is actually quite brief regarding examples. But regarding security, I have to admit that I dont know much about how hackers are operating. What I know is that javascript can be included and mysql injection can be done if you don't escape well. I have a piece of regex to allow as much characters as possible for password input. So also the <> the dot . and the semi-colon ; and the string. After forcing the user to use the right characters the password is encrypted with blowfish. Im actually not sure what happens, because if you encrypt malicious code, you can finally make it work again when you decrypt it. Probably its naive to ask online for hacking examples, because then you inform hackers. Maybe if you cant make up any risky situation, you can give a recommendation for which characters should be avoided for a password input. All input is encryted with password_verify / Blowfish. Then prepared OOP queries store the variable in the database. regex: $var='/[!@#$%^&*()\-_=+{};:,<.>]/'; then the preg_replace does: if(preg_match_all($var,$pas_inp, $o)<2) { echo '<br><br>input should contain at least 2 special chars , try again'; return FALSE; } How risky (in which possible situations) is the use of: < > . ; $ & regarding javascript, mysql injection and other possible hacks. (sorry it is a very open question, but to avoid problems I have to start somewhere)
  2. hello everyone..how do i code PDO for this script...please help me <?php if (isset($_POST['Login'])){ $UserName=$_POST['UserName']; $Password=$_POST['Password']; $hostname = 'localhost'; $username = 'root'; $password = ''; $database_name = 'ovs'; $mysqli = new mysqli($hostname, $username,$password, $database_name); $login_query=mysqli_query($mysqli,"select * from voters where Username='$UserName' and Password='$Password' and Status='Unvoted' and Year='1st year'") or die(mysqli_error()); $login_query1=mysqli_query($mysqli,"select * from voters where Username='$UserName' and Password='$Password' and Status='Voted'"); $count=mysqli_num_rows($login_query); $count1=mysqli_num_rows($login_query1); $row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($login_query); $id=$row['VoterID']; ?>index.php
  3. In my webpage, I am going allow clients (X)HTML. To avoid XSS, I will use HTML Purifier, and disable the <script> tag (and some other dangerous tags). Yet I would like to enable designers of those (X)HTML to use certain programming-like features, for example displaying a list of items, which would need a for-loop. Then I came up with the idea that : users submit the XSL code, I provide the XML with the data required by the users. As HTML Purifier cannot sanitise XSL code (can it?), my proposed flow would be: [*]User submits a piece of XSL code.[*]In the server, there are some sample data (sample XMLs). PHP is used to do the XSL transform with those sample XML data.[*]Pass the output XHTML to HTML Purifier. If HTML Purifier detects any prohibited elements in the code, stop process and show the errors to user.[*]If it passes HTML Purifier, check it against the W3C validator. (This is just a double check. Outputs from HTML Purifier should be valid.)[*]Save the piece of XSL code into database. Use (include) it whenever needed. Do you think the flow above can assure the final XSL code saved into the database is clean (given that HTML Purifier is perfect)? Another concern is that, (this is the main question here), is it safe to accept arbitrary XSL codes, and perform XSL transform by PHP in the server? Could there be any security holes that some XSS, injection, etc being included in the XSL codes, such that being harmful to the server or the PHP programs? Finally, if there are any other ideas/design to achieve this, any solutions are welcomed! Thanks a lot!
  4. Could some of you tell me the basic protection that PHP & MySQL website needs. For example new stuff to me was SQL injection. Q: How to prevent website from SQL injection?Q: What other protection websites require than SQL injection protect? I know that the password should be crypted but somehow i think its not enough or is it?
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