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  1. Hello Community, what is the difference between <a href="https://www.w3schools.com" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"> and <a href="https://www.w3schools.com" rel="noreferrer"> It seems to me saying the same thing twice over.
  2. Hey, sorry for the stupid question, but when i use this: <picture> <source srcset="imgage.webp" type="image/webp"> <img src="/image.png"/></picture> The browser that supports both will load both or just the webp? Thank you.
  3. Hi, I recently started using html on a Mac. I noticed that using the double quotes for an attribute gives an error, as seen in the images attached. I faced the same problem while using the title attribute for the paragraph tag. The first double quote and the first world only were displayed as a tooltip. Thank you.
  4. It seems like I have been trying to display HTML img images and not very sure of the proper syntax. "HOW TO MAKE IMAGE NOT A BACKGROUND IMAGE BUT A PHOTO FOCAL POINT" "PROBLEM IS HOW TO PROPERLY INSERT A IMAGE. WHAT IS THE BEST WAY. AND WHERE TO ADD ATTRIBUTES OF THE FILE.", there must be several ways some tend to overlap and Is that ok good or bad? seems that I have to enter the style in HTML file after the img for it to take? I have been getting mixed results over some times, It seems to me that there is many ways to do everything. there is different way to achieve images in html I think I get confused because of css and the image-position and various selectors,like img or is it better to have it in a div element. or CSS having a URL to display the image like this |img { background-image: url=("")? What is the best way to have elements that are active images. ** what is the most universal excepted and accurately displayed method of sizeing images??** ---≥ example (size of width="10"; or width:10; or width="10px, or width:10px; or width=10% or ? what is the always excepted method? I keep on refferring to tutorials and refferences and I get different methods of HTML <img> and I cannot seem to get the most common and most workable what I would call the "best way to do this". Please if you will help? thankyou
  5. Hello everyone In the first bullet point of the chapter summary on HTML attributes (bottom of the page) it is stated: "All HTML elements can have attributes". Am I misunderstanding that by thinking empty elements can also have attributes? I tried to verify this by writing: (XHTML) <br title="test"/>or<br title="test"></br> or (standard HTML) <br title="test"> only to watch it not work as per my expectation because no tooltip is shown, however I hover over the document (code author: Mrw3c). Last I checked on the section about HTML elements, it does not say if an attribute is considered content or not. It only says the text between the start tag and the end tag is content and as far as I know, attributes are meta information, meaning they are not content. Of course, w3schools states an attribute 'provides extra information' so I could deduct that indeed means meta information. Aside from that, I checked the w3schools documentation on the <br> tag: and it says "The <br> tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag". Nonetheless, it does say that the <br> tag supports global attributes such as the 'title' attribute. However, as you can see above, I tried that but unfortunately it did not work for me. Am I missing something in my understanding? Thanks
  6. Does Anybody knows how to do the following,API's and Indexes etc?CREATE TABLE ¿tUSER¿ ( ¿id¿ bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO§INCREMENT, ¿id§number¿ varchar(20) NOT NULL, ¿first§names¿ varchar(100) NOT NULL, ¿last§name¿ varchar(100) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (¿id¿), <<INDEXES>>)CREATE TABLE ¿tPROFILE¿ ( ¿id¿ bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO§INCREMENT, ¿tUSER§id¿ bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, ¿tTYPES§id¿ bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, ¿value¿ varchar(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (¿id¿), <<INDEXES>>)CREATE TABLE ¿tTYPES¿ ( ¿id¿ bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO§INCREMENT, ¿type¿ varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ¿description¿ varchar(255) NOT NULL, ¿deleted¿ tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (¿id¿), <<INDEXES>>) Apply indexes to the above tables, and design a SINGLE query to retrieve a full list of user information based on: 2.A) an ID number 2. a cellphone number (¿Cellphone¿ is a record in the ¿tTYPES¿ table)3. Write a re-usable script for importing information into the above 3 tables, from the example dsv file below: - NB - All data of the same type MUST be stored in the same format - NB2- You may assume that if a column doesn't seem to exist for a piece of data, that data type is listed in the tTYPES table<<BOF>>record§numberöid§numberöfirst nameölast nameömsisdnönetworköpointsöcard numberögender312ö9101011234011öTest JunioröSmithö071 123 4321öMTNö73ö1241551413214444öM313ö9012023213011öBoböSmithö27743334321öVodacomö3ö1231233232323244öM314ö8706055678011öFranköFrankinsonö2771 156 1567ö8taö0ö1231123453214444öM315ö9102078765011öMaryöVan Niekerkö+27(0)711236677öCellCö2ö1278933213214444öF316ö9005074545011öSusanöWilsonö0821121124öCellCö705ö1231233216544444öF317ö9101013232011öKatherineöJeevesö+271233214ö8taö112ö1231233678214444öF318ö9101011234011öMatthewöMatthiasö0711111111öMTNöö1231555213214444öM319ö9103126666011öMichaelöBayö085-6122-161ö8taö63ö1231244413214444öM320ö7506023232300öTyroneöOlivierö711234322öCellCö89ö1234563213214444öM321ö8901020304055öBurtöJacksonö071 4566544öVodacomö1ö4567233213214444öM<<EOF>>4. After the data has been imported, Write a basic API to wrap the Database. Include the following function points: - Add a new User - Update a User's details - Delete a User - Search users5. Describe what the following bash statement does: grep ¿date +%Y-%m-%d --date='1 day ago'¿ /path/to/file/FILE§PREFIX§Ö¿date +%Y%m%d --date='1 day ago'¿.dsv ö grep -v 'ERROR' ö cut -d "ö" -f 2 ö sed 's/Ü0/27/'------------------------------------------------PART II: Interesting Stuff------------------------------------------------1. If a resturaunt serves: - 3 types of starters - 5 types of main - N types of drinks - 3 types of desserts + How many different meals are available, if you can order 1 item of each type? + How many different meals are available, if you can order 1 item of each type, BUT you can order 2 drinks as long as you do not order the same drink twice? + How many different meals are available, if you can only order a dessert OR a starter?2. If you need to profile 1000 users, each with 3 different attributes, and each attribute has 4 possible values - before parsing any of the date: + What can we guarantee about the resultset?3. A wild director appears. He uses "I want to profile my user database using an additional attribute!" - Describe a ¿super-effective¿ method which we can implement, which will allow us to handle an indeterminate number of this type of request.4. If we have two seperate tables, the first detailing a list of registered club members, and the second detailing a list of competition entrants (assuming we have a key we can join on), what do/could the following resultsets represent: - The INTERSECT of the tables - The MINUS of the tables - The UNION of the tables
  7. I've searched through the tutorials etc but all seem to give examples of looping through elements. Also the xml file that I'm trying to use, small and all that it is, isn't perhaps formed the best way anyway but I'm stuck with the format because it is called from a flash swf that cannot be edited. I'm trying to make a simple online form that loads an xml file (using php) to edit 'news' where each newsitem has a headline and then newstext (it also has a newsdate but that is no longer used) Here is an example of the xml and you can see that each element has three attributes.---------<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><News> <newsItem newsdate="" headline="Some Hotel or Other" itemtxt="Our last appearance here before the new year is on Saturday 18th Dec - etc. etc. " /> <newsItem newsdate="" headline="Headline 2" itemtxt="news item 2 blurb here" /> <newsItem newsdate="" headline="Headline 3" itemtxt="news item 3 blurb here" /> <newsItem newsdate="" headline="Headline 4 " itemtxt="news item 4 blurb here " /></News> I am trying to make an xsl to use in a php form (just like the example on the tutorial) that will show the attributes of these newsitems so they can be edited and saved back to the xml file. I copied the tutorial example using PHP and that worked. However, I've tried editing the example to suit this xml but seen as the example code cycles through elements and not attributes I wasn't very successful and I can't seem to see an example of putting the values that are in quotes up for editing and saving back. Any help much appreciated.Thank you in advance for your time.
  8. Background: According to the W3Schools webpage the "rel" attribute should only be used with the <a> tag when the "href" attribute is present. In contrast, the "rel" attribute is used in jQuery Tools with the <img> element and the "src" attribute. There is an obvious contradiction here. Question One: Just how flexible is the "rel" attribute? Can it be used with any HTML element that refers to a link? If not, just what are its exact limitations? Question Two: Is it possible to reconfigure jQuery Tools dynamically so that an attribute other than the "rel" attribute can be used in the absence of an HTML tag with a linked document? How would one go about it? A former W3Schools regular,Roddy (Kiusau)
  9. Hello,I'm new to xml and xslt, and have a question, probably an easy fix, but I'm not finding a solution very quickly at all.I'm trying to transform a doxygen xml file, just transforming it to the standard xml format I need for some other final transform.Basically, I need to match two child elements with one another, ( paramname with parammsg ) but, both of these have different parent nodes. I can do a transform that will giveeach ( paramname with parammsg ) an unique attribute, but I still don't know how to match those together.Here is a small piece of the xml. I want to extract the paramname and it's respective parammsg, <memberdef><paramlist><paramitem><paramname kind="1"><para>double num1</para></paramname></paramitem><paramitem><paramname kind="2"><para>double num2</para></paramname></paramitem><paramitem><paramname kind="3"><para>double num3</para></paramname></paramitem></paramlist><detaileddescription><parammsg kind="1"><para>This is number 1</para></parammsg><parammsg kind="2"><para>This is number 2</para></parammsg><parammsg kind="3"><para>This is number 3</para></parammsg></detaileddescription></memberdef> So, after the transform I would like to have a form, something like this: <memberdef> <param><row><entry><code>double num1</code></entry><entry>This is number 1 </entry></row><row><entry><code>double num2</code></entry><entry>This is number 2 </entry></row><row><entry><code>double num3</code></entry><entry>This is number 3</entry></row></param></memberdef> Also, if there is a way to match these without using the attribute, that would be of great help aswell.Thank-You for any help or suggestions! Edit: I found a solution to my issue, dont know if this is the right way to do it, but it works for my situation.I used a variable to keep a count <xsl:variable name="cnt"><xsl:number/></xsl:variable> then selected the correct param descriptionwhen it's position() = $cnt. This is my template: <xsl:template match="paramitem"><xsl:variable name="cnt"><xsl:number/></xsl:variable><row><entry> <!-- Parameters and brief descriptions -\-> <!-\- Name -\-> <!-\- Description --><code><xsl:value-of select="paramname "/></code></entry><entry><xsl:value-of select="para/../../../detaileddescription/paramsg[position()= $cnt]/para"/></entry></row></xsl:template> Hope this helps anyone else thats looking for something like this, but if there are better solutions, let me know.
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