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Found 7 results

  1. Hi guys I have uploaded a document with html and css in the file manager of my Wordpress blog. The html is the image of horse and the css is used to turn the horse into a galloping horse. Unfortunately, the code doesn't work on my blog as it does on codepen https://codepen.io/dannyku18/pen/yLYJXMV I think the connection between html and css is missing. How can I make this code work? Best, Daniele
  2. I am using the W3 schools code to make a panel that slides open at the bottom of my webpage for a uni assignment due tonight and I keep getting error messages in the Javascript saying "ERROR document is not defined "window is not defined " "$ is not defined". can any one help with this?
  3. Hi all, I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea of the window object and the document object relationship. I've read some really good explanations in stackoverflow and others. I have a pretty good grasp of it so I tried an experiment. If the window object opens in the browser, and then the document object opens in the window, then if I change the document, will the window object remain the same. I tried make 2 simple html's - in the first I set a variable like window.myVar = "myValue";. I was able to change the value with a button so it was working fine, and then I used an <a> href to change to a different document. I tried to reference the window.myVar but it came back 'undefined'. If you change documents in a window, does the document always come with a new window, or am I doing something wrong here? Like I said, I've read a lot about the window and document object, but I couldn't see that this was addressed. Thank You for any response....
  4. dear sir i have one problemi designed one frame page which one side my predefined page frame other side online page like google.com suppose google have form with one input field & a button also where input text field named as "help".my predefined page have similar as google page it designed for copy the field to google field speedly on a clickmy page detail given belowframe name=f1form name=form1input text name= "txt"button name="submit" where google haveframe name=f2form name=ghghginput text name="goo" problem is i want to fill frame f1->input field to frame f2->goo.i am using this statement given below:- parent.f2.document.ghghg["goo"].value=parent.f1.document.form1["txt"].value it works offline means where my frame one page is loaded other frame page should there.please solve my problem
  5. I am developing a function to find a particular element within another element identifier (similar to getElementById but that applies to any other element) ... Because this throws me arror: var ancestor = document.getElementById('divAncestor');var child = ancestor.getElementById('divChild'); I know, HTML specifies that ids must be unique but reality proves that often running scripts that can have items with the same ids. So, thats the reason why I'm not simply calling the child like this: var ancestor = document.getElementById('divChild'); The first option was to add this function to each HTML element, or at least the divs (because that's what interests me identify). The second, and is the one I prefer, is to add a method to the document object and call from there by passing the ID of the father and son as parameters. Is this possible?Thanks for your time.
  6. Hi, What is main difference between window.document.getElementById and document.getElementById? Could you please anyone reply it?
  7. Hi W3Schools - Team, One Month ago, I decided to create my own homepage. During my studies at w3schools.com I sit in front of my laptop and read, change window, type, change window, read, change window, type... After one day I wish to have all references as pdf-document for printing, but I can't found anyone. So my suggestion:All refernces as PDF-document for printing.
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