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Found 8 results

  1. So I am trying to find which CSS code to change for the background of the slideshow plugin I have on my page, but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to find it using the inspector tool, have been trying for over an hour now Could anyone help point me in the right direction! The page with the slider is http://dannorrisphotography.net/portraits/ Obviously I don't want the background of the slider to be black on a white page. PS sorry for being such a noob!
  2. Guys, good morning. I need a huge favor, http://ikoeh.com/arkpad/decoracao/tenha-orquideas-de-inverno-no-jardim-veja-12-especies/ this link has a photo gallery, and at the top, the small images, and wanted to make a horizontal scrolling thumbnails, the larger picture, when the person clicks and view the 8th picture, in miniature, no wheel well. Can anyone help me? Actually, this gallery would have to look like or exactly like this: delas.ig.com.br/casa/decoracao/2013-07-01/ideias-para-decorar-o-quarto-do-casal.html Please, someone help me.
  3. Hi, I having problem with the placement of the background image which is generated with the plugin Background Manager together with the theme Touchfolio. Here is how my page looks now and this is how I would like it to look and funktion. Basically I would like to be able to adjust the placement of the image. I’m using Firebug and Chrome Developer Tools but don’t find where to do the changes or place the code… The custom stylesheet in background manager is not doing anything for me. In the end I’m looking for a solution with a background image viewer that changes on on page (re)load and resize to different screen sizes and mobil devices… If I activate full screen mode in background manager it looks good on my phone and it also make the image responsive, but on non mobile device it covers the whole screen witch I don't want. If anyone have some input for me I would be very happy Thanks
  4. I have downloaded several WordPress plugins for text expansion. However, none of them seem to have the one feature I need.I need to be able to click a link to expand the text, but when you click a different link, it closes the previous one as well... Are there any ways to do this? I don't know very much jquery, but this seems to be the favorable way to do it... Can anyone hold my hand a little here?http://beta.cleantelligent.com/benefits-test-mobility is the page with the current expander plugin activated. I'm currently using one called Expand +Collapse Funk.Any help here would be fantastic! Thanks!
  5. Hi all, I am a beginner in HTML5. I need to play a video using my custom mediaplayer which is residing on the client-side. Mediaplayer is written CPP and Qt. Is there any way I can invoke the mediaplayer from the html 5 page? If object or embed tag is to be used, how do I specify the external application on client-side? How to control the function in javascript? (Video tag support is not provided on my target machine)Please help...
  6. Hello, it's been a while since I've posted in this forum, but I'm doing what I can to get a pre-existing jQuery plugin to work, and I'm currently pulling out all of my hair. The plugin itself works, I'm just unsure how to implement it. After including it, what html would I use to create the slider? A live version of the script can be viewed here: http://wptitans.com/majestics/ // JavaScript DocumentjQuery(function($){ $.fn.featureslider = function(options){ /* ================================================================================================ *//* ======================================== Plugin Options ======================================== *//* ================================================================================================ */var defaults = { time:4000, width:600, height:400, effect:'none', autoplay:false, listControls:true, callback:function(){ } }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options);/* ================================================================================================ *//* ==================================== Variables & Precaching ==================================== *//* ================================================================================================ */ return this.each(function() { var root = $(this).addClass('mainslider'); var parent = root.parent(); var li = root.find("li"); var images = li.find("img"); var pos,random_no,timer,image_timer,counter,arr,wait,index,block,w,h,src,parent,im,override=false,in_animation = false,controls,canvas,html5_flag=false,imageData,canvas,context,root_parent; var current = li.eq(1).toggleClass('active'),prev = li.first().addClass("reset"); var bool = true,first_bool = true; root.css({ width: options.width, height: options.height }); li.first().find("div.description").css("display","block"); li.first().fadeIn('slow'); current.hide(); if(options.listControls==true) appendControls(); /* ================================================================================================ *//* ======================================== Switcher Module ======================================= *//* ================================================================================================ */ function switcher() { if(current.prev().length>0) prev = current.prev(); else prev = li.last(); prev.removeClass("reset"); current.toggleClass("active reset"); if(current.next().length>0) // setting the next slide current = current.next(); else current = li.first(); current.hide(); current.addClass("active"); options.callback(); } /* ================================================================================================ *//* ================================= Effects Switching & Ending =================================== *//* ================================================================================================ */ function endeffect(image){ if(options.listControls==true) { controls.removeClass("control_active"); controls.eq(current.index()).addClass("control_active"); } clearInterval(timer); setTimeout(function(){ in_animation = false; if(override==false) // Return if manually triggered image_timer = setTimeout(function() { current.find("div.description").fadeOut('fast'); switcher(); effects(); },(options.time-800)); },1000); };function effects(){ if(li.is(":animated"))return; if(bool==true) { li.first().find("div.description").hide(); bool=false; first_bool = false; } switch(0) { case 0: current.find("div.description").fadeIn('normal'); current.fadeIn("slow",function(){ endeffect($(this)); });break; }}/* ================================================================================================ *//* ======================================== Control Options ======================================= *//* ================================================================================================ */ function appendControls() { var str = "<ul class='controls'>"; for(var i=0;i<li.length;i++) str = str + "<li>"+(i+1)+"</li>"; str = str+"</ul>"; root.after(str); controls = parent.find(".controls li"); controls.first().addClass("control_active"); controls.parent().css("left", 980/2 + 20 + controls.parent().width()/2 ) controls.bind({ click:function(){ setImage($(this).index()); }, mouseover:function(){ $(this).toggleClass("control_hover"); }, mouseout:function(){ $(this).toggleClass("control_hover"); } }); }/* ================================================================================================ *//* ======================================== Image Settings ======================================== *//* ================================================================================================ */ function setImage(index){ if(first_bool==true) { if(in_animation==true||current.index()-1==index) return; } else if(in_animation==true||current.index()==index) return; li.removeClass("reset active"); current.find("div.description").hide(); clearTimeout(image_timer); // Manual Override... if(first_bool==true) li.first().addClass("reset"); current.addClass("reset"); prev = current; current = li.eq(index).addClass("active"); override = true; effects(); } if(options.autoplay==true) image_timer = setTimeout(function() { effects(); },options.time); // Starting the Slideshow }); }; });
  7. Hi! I'm having a trouble with my mobile plugin: it shows me the new elements added by scripting with a different charset of the page. E.g. I can read "cuadrúpedo" but the same word in my plugin show "cuadr¡pedo".I tryed writing the next line to the beginning of my plugin, but it didn't work:Code: document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].setAttribute("lang", "es"); Then, I wrote a "converter function" which replaces the special characters with unicode, like the next line, bub it didn't work.Code: str.replace( /ú/g, "/xfa־" ); What can I do?
  8. Hello there! I have a bit of a challenge here; I was wondering if it is possible, and if so how difficult it will be. I would like to build a plugin of sorts for my site; it would have a video uploader, a video player, and an album for videos. The idea is that my members would be able to upload videos from their computer, where they would be stored in an album on their profile. I don't have the most extensive knowledge of coding, but I consider myself to be a fairly quick learner. My question is, how difficult would it be to create something of this sort, from scratch? The only plugins I've seen so far have been pretty expensive. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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