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Found 5 results

  1. Hello everybody, I was playing with a template from the w3.css templates from w3 schools and found an issue that I can't get around. In the template called Parralax template or the forth one from top, with the man with grey hat, I saw that the home screen image was loaded from the css .bgimg-1{ min-height: 100%; background-image: url(/w3images/parallax1.jpg); } (from the style brackets after the head tag ) I wanted to do a transition between two images but only found examples on the web that it is possible only when the image is loaded from an html image tag, so I removed the "background-image" from the above css code and added an <img src="/w3images/parallax1.jpg"> tag under the div where the class name was bgimg-1: <!-- First Parallax Image with Logo Text --> <div class="bgimg-1 w3-display-container w3-opacity-min" id="home"> <img src="/w3images/parallax1.jpg"> <div class="w3-display-middle" style="white-space:nowrap;"> <span class="w3-center w3-padding-large w3-black w3-xlarge w3-wide w3-animate-opacity">MY <span class="w3-hide-small">WEBSITE</span> LOGO</span> </div> </div> However, the image now has an empty white space from it's right side and I can't make it full. Does anybody know how to fix that?
  2. Are gradients backgrounds animatable by transition yet? I googled a answer and only found ones that were years old or had long work-arounds. I'm wondering if there is some new code to use that I am just overlooking. Thanks ahead, -Line
  3. My animation uses keyframes, starts on hover and has a long duration. When I move the mouse out while the animation is still running it stops instantly. I need the interrupted animation returns to it's original values gradually. (Like 'transform' does). @keyframes KF_Problem { 100% {transform:scale(2);} }.Problem:hover { animation:KF_Problem 3s; }.Problem { transform:scale(1); transition:3s;}.All_OK:hover { transform:scale(2); transition:3s;}.All_OK { transform:scale(1); transition:3s;} 1) How can I do that? 2) Why does Firefox "do the work" automatically and all other browsers don't? Just try the simplified code with Firefox and with all other modern browsers to see the difference...
  4. Just see and enjoy it. http://jsfiddle.net/composite/6zr2q/embedded/result/ HOW TO: just click anywhere to show or hide and enjoy aero effects. BROWSERS: Firefox (All versions exclude blur effects but looks good like windows 8.) Chrome 19 and above. Safari 6 and above (sorry windows safari users.). Opera 15 and above (Only affect by webkit). Sorry for IE users. IE All version include 11. I'm finding figure out for IE looks like Firefox. TECH: Effects by CSS3 Only. Javascript is just for toggle class. that's all. transition used for show and hide animation. transform used for show and hide effect. filter:blur used for blurred window effect.
  5. Hi, I'm trying to replicate CSS3 transition effects for older versions of IE that don't support these transition effects. I'm trying to use the jQuery: $('#myelement').fadeIn(); However, I'm exceptionally bad at understanding Javascript and need some help making this code do what I want. What I want is when you hover over an image with the class "left1", I want it to grow to the specifications I have in my styelsheet for left1:hover. Of course, while transitioning. I already have the code exactly how I want it for CSS and HTML and already have jQuery linked up with my page. Now how do I integrate the code above for transitioning it? Thanks! P.S. I am aware that having the transition effects while trying to get the jQuery working can cause complications, so when I test it out I will/am removing the transition properties from the stylesheet.
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