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  1. <style> #mySTEREOCHROME { width: 400px; height: 400px; background-image: url("red.jpg"), url("cyan.jpg"); background-blend-mode: lighten; background-color: #FF0000, #00FFFF; } </style> I'm trying to use 2 or more grayscale picture files to make a color one. This is my example of trying to make "red.jpg" in the red pixels, and "cyan.jpg" in both green and blue. How to do this in 2 (Stereochrome), 3 (Color) and 4 (Color-And-Alpha) picture files? I spent maybe an hour and a half on the internet trying to find a code that works, and I can't seem to find a way to get this working. Can anyone help? (Because reverse is slower than forward; it is speed in the negative.)
  2. Hello & Thanks; Here is a ' mini-Tutorial: moving text to & from <textarea> & <pre> ' http://vmars.us/ShowMe/Tutorial-Textarea-Save-CopyTo-RestoreFrom-onLoad-Restore-RO-VM.html I'll also put code here for safekeeping : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- https://www.freeformatter.com/html-validator.html http://vmars.us/ShowMe/Tutorial-Textarea-Save-CopyTo-RestoreFrom-onLoad-Restore-RO-VM.html --> <title id="titleId"></title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> </style> </head> <body onload="documentURL() , onloadRestoreTextarea()" > <br> <button onclick="saveAs(filename, allHtml)">Save This Page</button> <br><br> <div id="inlineDiv" style="display: inline-block;"> <div style="border-style: solid; align-text: center; border-width: 1px; display: inline-block;"> <button onclick="sendToConcoleLog ()">sendToConcoleLog</button> <br><br> <textarea id="toConsoleLogId" rows="4" cols="12">:</textarea> </div> <div style="border-style: solid; align-text: center; border-width: 1px; display: inline-block;"> <button onclick="saveItAll()">Copy this into PRE</button> <br> <textarea class="copyFrom" rows="4" cols="12"></textarea> </div> <div style="border-style: solid; align-text: center; border-width: 1px; display: inline-block;"> <button onclick="restoreItAll()">Restore this from Pre</button> <br> <pre contenteditable="true" class="pasteInto" ></pre> </div> </div> <!-- id="inlineBlock"> --> <div style="border-style: dotted; align-text: center; border-width: 1px;"> <pre> Thought I would make a turorial so I remember what I learned from you all , and to pass on your wisdom. Hope this helps someone :) Try this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Type something into "Copy this into Pre" textarea box . Then click "Copy this into Pre" Button . Text is copied into "Restore this from Pre" "pre area ' . And "Copy this into Pre" textarea box , is Cleared . Study This : function saveItAll() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2) The click on "Restore this from Pre" Button , Text is copied from "Restore this from Pre" area into "Copy this into Pre" area . And "Restore this from Pre" area , is Cleared . Study This: function restoreItAll() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) Now Type something into "Copy this into Pre" textarea box Again . Then click "Copy this into Pre" Button . Text is copied into "Restore this from Pre" pre area . And "Copy this into Pre" textarea box , is Cleared . But this time , click the "Save This Page" Button . Study This: function saveAs(filename, allHtml) This .html page will be saved in your Browser's download area . Since the "Restore this from Pre" pre area , is coded as contenteditable="true" , the downloaded page will save the "pre area" text as innerHTML . A nifty feature of 'contenteditable' is that upon opening the saved-page the content of "pre area" is now " hardCoded " into page . Study This: function onloadRestoreTextarea() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See code : So in the ' body ' tag we have : "onloadRestoreTextarea()" which runs the " function onloadRestoreTextarea() " code , when page is loaded . Which copies text from "pre area" to " textarea" box . Also at ' body onload="documentURL() ' page load time: The function: function documentURL() is run , which copies ' this .html ' file's address into the ' title ' tag . BTW: for example (see code) and note that : IF you want to copy what’s typed in the box use .value . console.log(toConsoleLogId.value); IF you want what was hardcoded into the text box’s HTML , use .innerHTML . console.log(toConsoleLogId.innerHTML); Hope this helps someone.... http://vmars.us/ShowMe/Tutorial-Textarea-Save-CopyTo-RestoreFrom-onLoad-Restore-RO-VM.html </pre> </div> <script> var copyFromVar = "one"; function saveItAll() { var blankVar = ""; var fromList; // = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); var intoList; // = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); fromList = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); intoList = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); for (var i = 0; i < fromList.length; i++) { copyFromVar = fromList[i].value ; intoList[i].innerHTML = copyFromVar; fromList[i].innerHTML = blankVar; fromList[i].value = blankVar; } }// </script> <script> var copyFromVarTwo = "two"; function restoreItAll() { var blankVar = ""; var fromListTwo; // = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); var intoListTwo; // = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); intoListTwo = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); fromListTwo = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); for (var i = 0; i < fromListTwo.length; i++) { copyFromVarTwo = fromListTwo[i].innerHTML ; intoListTwo[i].value = copyFromVarTwo; copyFromVarTwo = fromListTwo[i].innerHTML ; intoListTwo[i].value = copyFromVarTwo; fromListTwo[i].innerHTML = blankVar; fromListTwo[i].value = blankVar; } } </script> <script> var copyFromVarOnload = "three"; function onloadRestoreTextarea() { var fromListTwo; // = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); var intoListTwo; // = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); var blankVar = ""; intoListTwo = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom"); fromListTwo = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto"); for (var i = 0; i < fromListTwo.length; i++) { copyFromVarTwo = fromListTwo[i].innerHTML ; intoListTwo[i].value = copyFromVarTwo; copyFromVarTwo = fromListTwo[i].innerHTML ; intoListTwo[i].value = copyFromVarTwo; fromListTwo[i].innerHTML = blankVar; fromListTwo[i].value = blankVar; } } // reloadTextarea </script> <script> function sendToConcoleLog() { var var01 = toConsoleLogId.value; console.log(var01); // alert(var01); var var01 = toConsoleLogId.innerHTML; console.log("If nothing after : Then no nothing was typed into this textarea => " + var01); alert("If nothing after : Then no nothing was typed into this textarea => " + var01); console.log(toConsoleLogId.value); console.log(toConsoleLogId.innerHTML); /* should be console.log(toConsoleLogId.value); if you want what’s typed in the box, or console.log(toConsoleLogId.innerHTML); if you want what was hardcoded into the text box’s HTML. */ } </script> <script> var filename = ""; function documentURL() { document_URL = document.URL; document.getElementById("titleId").innerHTML = document_URL; } </script> <script> var filename = "Textarea-Save-CopyTo-RestoreFrom-onLoad-Restore.html"; var allHtml = document.documentElement.outerHTML; function saveAs(filename, allHtml) { allHtml = document.documentElement.outerHTML; var blob = new Blob([allHtml], {type: 'text/csv'}); if(window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename); } else{ var elem = window.document.createElement('a'); elem.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); elem.download = filename; document.body.appendChild(elem); elem.click(); document.body.removeChild(elem); } } </script> </body> </html>
  3. DILEMMA: I have a fairly complex JSON object that is introduced via an AJAX call. Unfortunately, my control panel tells me that it is undefined. Is this because it has no value? Or, is it because I do not know how to read the value properly? {"lastVisits"[{"firstVisit":{"prettyDate":"Monday, May 14, 2018"}}]} The name of the variable into which it is read is visitor_data. Am I reading the value of correctly? visitor_data.lastVisits[0].firstVisit.prettyDate Roddy
  4. Ok, I've been having a hard time with this thing. It seems like it should be simple but I keep running into obstacles that I just can't seem to fix. I've got a bunch of files that I want my users to be able to access. There's 2 types (articles, calendars) and each needs to be viewed in 1 of 3 formats (pdf, word, webpage). these files are monthly. So I have the following option boxes - Year, Month, Type, format. User selects and then clicks a button to get the URL link. 2 problems - 1) the extensions of the calendars are .pdf, .docx and .html whereas the article extensions are .pdf, .doc and .htm; 2) the file name format is different - calendar name format is Year Month Calendar.extension - article name is Month Article Year.extension. This is where I'm at codewise so far. <form> Select the year: <select id="myYear"> <option>2018</option> <option>2017</option> <option>2016</option> <option>2015</option> </select> <br><br> Select the month: <select id="myMonth"> <option>January</option> <option>February</option> <option>March</option> <option>April</option> <option>May</option> <option>June</option> <option>July</option> <option>August</option> <option>September</option> <option>October</option> <option>November</option> <option>December</option> </select> <br><br> Select Calendar or Article: <select id="myType"> <option>Article</option> <option>Calendar</option> </select> <br><br> Select PDF, Word or Webpage: <select id="myFormat"> <option>PDF</option> <option>doc</option> <option>htm</option> </select> <br><br> <input type="button" onclick="myFunction()" value="Click Me!"> <br><br> </form> <a id="myLink" href="http://www.myOrg.org/Article/HomePage.htm" target="_blank">Star Homepage and Submission</a> <script> function myFunction() { var Yrsel = document.getElementById("myYear"); var Mnthsel = document.getElementById("myMonth"); var Typesel = document.getElementById("myType"); var Formatsel = document.getElementById("myFormat"); document.getElementById("myLink").innerHTML = "Get Star"; if (Typesel.options[Typesel.value] = "Article") { document.getElementById("myLink").href = "http://www.myOrg.org/Article/" + Mnthsel.options[Mnthsel.selectedIndex].text + " " + Yrsel.options[Yrsel.selectedIndex].text + " Article " + Typesel.options[Typesel.selectedIndex].text + "." + Formatsel.options[Formatsel.selectedIndex].text; } if (Typesel.options[Typesel.value] = "Calendar") { document.getElementById("myLink").href = "http://www.myOrg.org/Article/" + Mnthsel.options[Mnthsel.selectedIndex].text + " Calendar " + Yrsel.options[Yrsel.selectedIndex].text + " " + Typesel.options[Typesel.selectedIndex].text + "." + Formatsel.options[Formatsel.selectedIndex].text; } } </script> </div> </div> It works but I would like to use value instead of Index for the extension (format) options. So I can put something like <option value="htm">Webpage - viewable in browser, not formatted for printing</option>. Of course I would use an if statement to take care of the extra letters in the extensions. However, when I try using the value in the code it doesn't work. Formatsel.options[Formatsel.value].text HELP!!! Why won't the value work? I get a URL of XXXX.undefined
  5. QUESTION ONE: Please suggest what might be entered where the three ? marks appear in order to achieve the following goal. THE GOAL: See appear the value of mil in the input control text field and have this value become the value of $_POST['item_encllength'] when the form is submitted. var min = $('#min').val(); var sec = $('#sec').val(); var mil = function(min, sec) { var millisec = ((min * 60) + sec) * 1000; return millisec; } $('#item_encllength').mousedown(mil, function() { $(this).???; }); <input id='min' type='number' value='Minutes'> <input id='sec' type='number' value='Seconds'> <input id='item_encllength' form='rss2_feed' type='text' name='item_encllength'> I have experimented in a variety of ways, but have not been able to find the code necessary to achieve my goal. Perhaps my approach to the problem is inappropriate. Roddy
  6. skyhighweb

    hiding a value

    hi how do i hide the (team_id) value in the below form <option value="' . $row['team_id'] . '' . $row['teams'] . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $row['teams'] . '</option> thanks
  7. How to get an array index by its value (key)? Is there a special function for that in PHP? For example, I have an array $a ["zero","one","two"] and a variable $b = "two", I know the value is in the array, but I don't know its index.
  8. Yes I'm a newbie in AJAX '&&' JavaScript. As I'm a pupil here, I find hurdle almost in any code... There is an AJAX code with some number value in it, like 4 - 200, but I can't understand the nature of this digits or what they are indicating... function loadDoc() { var xhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for modern browsers xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { // code for IE6, IE5 xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) { document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = xhttp.responseText; } You see: "== 4 && xhttp.status == 200)" ... what for? Thanks to anyone who'll reply to this 'double-dumb' question!!
  9. I'm trying to validate a form at submittal. The code for my web page is written in php (i.e. server-side). The php file consists of a body file (i.e., body.php) included in a header file (i.e. tool.php). The included body file contains the html code for the body with form. The following php code is inserted at the top of the body file (i.e., before the html <body> and <form> fields: <?php //Check the validity of the data entered $activity01 = ""; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $activity01 = $_REQUEST[activity01]; include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'included_filesincPHP1.inc'); $cxn=mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$database) or die ("Couldn't connect to the server."); $result = mysqli_query($cxn, "SELECT counter, Activity_Task FROM jsaheader WHERE Activity_Task = '$activity01'"); $counter = mysqli_num_rows($result); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); if ($counter == 0) { mysqli_close($cxn); } else { mysqli_close($cxn);?> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> window.alert("The 'Activity / Task' that you have selected is not unique. There is already another JSA with the name '<? echo $activity01 ?>.' As each 'Activity / Task' must be unique, you will now be returned to the previous page so that you can select a unique 'Activity / Task.'");</SCRIPT> <? } } ?> The problem input field is a text field located within the included body file. The input field content looks like this: <INPUT type='text' size=75 id='activity01' name='activity01' value='<? echo $activity01;?>'> When the form is submitted, the php code shown above queries a SQL database to verify that the activity is unique. I've verified that this is actually working. If it is not unique, the user is informed of this through a popup alert and returned to the form. They actually never leave the form. Because of the code within the value attribute, the previously entered activity is supposed to be shown in the input field as it was originally entered. It doesn't but when I look at the source code it shows up there as "value='Test JSA 1'." Got any ideas why that is? The only thing I can think of is that this is happening because the form (and body) is contained within a php file included in the header file. Any help you can give will be very much appreciated.
  10. Hello, Recently i faced a problem which seems very odd to me and I would like to find the answer or at least acceptable explanation. But let's go straight to it. Let's have two divs one inside the other - the code is something like: <div id="imgframe"> <div id="innercont" class="dragme"> <a class="marker" style="left: 1060px; top:658px;" onclick="movepos(1060, 658)"></a> </div></div><button type="button" onclick="displayattr()">Test</button> they are styled with css like this: #imgframe { width: 950px; height: 600px; overflow: hidden;}#innercont { width: 1994px; height: 1144px; position: relative; left: -600px; top: -300px;} And with javascript I am trying to find the top and left values of the #innercont. I have written the following functions: function getx() { var bg = document.getElementById("innercont"); var xs = bg.style.left; var x = Number(xs.replace("px","")); return x;}function gety() { var bg = document.getElementById("innercont"); var ys = bg.style.top; var y = Number(ys.replace("px","")); return y;}function displayattr() { var sum = getx() + ", " + gety(); alert(sum);} Everything so far seems fine, but when I use displayattr() just after the page has been loaded it returns 0, 0. The code works fine when I use javascript to set the position of the #innercont: function reset() { var bg = document.getElementById("innercont"); bg.style.left="-600px"; bg.style.top="-300px";} They say that element.style.top sets or returns the top position of a positioned element, but it appears that it is not the same if we set the position by using css or javascript. So far I have managed to solve the problem by using "getComputedStyle" or adding onload="reset()" to the body tag but I don't want to use either since they mess my code later. If anyone has an explanation why does it happen so I'll be very grateful. Thanks in advance.
  11. New to Javascript. I am trying to show the selected value after the change so I can do some additional processing, but I cannot get my code to run. I am not sure my syntax is correct using java script.? <html> <head> <title>This is my test site</title> <script> function test(value) { value = document.getElementById("colorOption").selectedIndex; alert("document.getElementById("colorOption")[x].value); } </script> </head> <select id = "colorOption" name "colorOption" onchange = "test(value)"> <option value = 0>Red</option> <option value = 1>Green</option> <option value = 2>Blue</option> <option value = 3>Yellow</option> <option value = 4>Purple</option> </select>     </body> </html>
  12. I need to loop through an array, in the order that the items appear, and get both the key of the item and its value. I know I can use foreach to loop through an array but as far as I know I can choose between the key and the value of the current item but not get both. Here's an example of an array: <?php$SampleArray = array(55 => "car","2" => "house","boat" => "boat",0 => "engine",666 => "website",);?> It would work somehow like this: loop($SampleArray){ echo key . " - " value . "n";} And the result would be something like:55 - car 2 - house boat - boat 0 - engine 666 - website
  13. Hi! I'm new to the whole form-making business and currently beating my way though the basics. Right now i'm clueless about what seems to be a pretty simple and straightforward function. I want my visitor to be able to add values from two different <input-type>-fields into a <textarea>. These two values (being name and e-mail) should become a single row in the <textarea>. The visitor should also be able to remove desired generated rows with a simple click on the "remove selected"-button. The result should look like this: This part of my form looks like this thus far: <div class="deltagare-rubrik">Namn:</div> <input type="text" size="45" name="deltagare-namn" value""> <div class="deltagare-rubrik">E-post:</div> <input type="text" size="45" name="deltagare-epost" value""> <br /> <input type="button" name="deltagare-add" value="Add" class="button"> <br /> <textarea name="deltagare-list" class="deltagare-list" readonly="true"></textarea> <input type="button" name="deltagare-remove" value="Remove selected" class="button"> Very grateful for help, thanks!
  14. i'm trying to send information to the following page but can't seem to do so. this might be a html problem i build an if (isset($_REQUEST[""])) to have one side link and another form. problem is that for the image link i set up, i can't send value to the following page <?phpif (isset ($_REQUEST['code']))$code=$_REQUEST['code'];$phone=$_REQUEST['phone'];?> <html><head><title></title></head><body> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['code'])) echo "</br> <a href=\"request.php\?code&&phone"><img src=\"../images/button1.png\" onmouseover=\"this.src=\'../images/button1-hover.png\'\" onmouseout=\"this.src=\'../images/button1.png\'\"/></a>"; else echo "form"?> </body></html> I thought all i have to do is add ?code&&phone to the <a href> tag.. what am i doing wrong Please help. Thank you
  15. I'd like to hide the corresponding button when an input value is empty or has a value="n/a". In the following example, the input box "first_field" is corresponding with the button "first_button", and the input box "second_field" with the button "second_button", and so on... In this case the second and fifth button will be hidden: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Hide Button When Input Value Is Empty</title></head><body> <div> <form action=""> <fieldset> <input type="text" id="first_field" value="1"/> <input type="text" id="second_field" value=""/> <input type="text" id="third_field" value="3"/> <input type="text" id="fourth_field" value="4"/> <input type="text" id="fifth_field" value="n/a"/> <input type="text" id="sixth_field" value="5"/> </fieldset> </form> </div> <div> <form action=""> <fieldset> <div id="first_button"><input type="button" value="First Button"/></div> <div id="second_button"><input type="button" value="Second Button"/></div> <div id="third_button"><input type="button" value="Third Button"/></div> <div id="fourth_button"><input type="button" value="Fourth Button"/></div> <div id="fifth_button"><input type="button" value="Fifth Button"/></div> <div id="sixth_button"><input type="button" value="Sixth Button"/></div> </fieldset> </form> </div></body></html> Anyone know a Javascript that can do this?
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