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Anaylze codes for time converter


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Public Function TimeConverter(ByVal time As Integer) As String Dim times As String Dim hour As Double = Date.Now.Hour Dim h As String = " " Dim min As Double = Date.Now.Minute Dim m As String = " " Dim sec As Double = Date.Now.Second Dim s As String = " " Dim ap As String hour += time If (hour < 10) And (hour > 0) Then hour = "0" + hour h = hour ElseIf (hour < 0) Then hour = hour + 12 h = hour Else h = hour End If If (min < 10) Then m = "0" + min Else m = min End If If (sec < 10) Then s = "0" + sec Else s = sec End If If (h <= 11) Then ap = "AM" Else ap = "PM" End If If (h > 12) Then h -= 12 End If times = h + ":" + m + ":" + s + " " + ap Return times End FunctionCan i know where is the place which the server will return the times for different countries like CHina and Malaysia?

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You can't get the server to immediately return those values (it doesn't know) you will need to add the time zone difference between them and add hours / minutes accordingly. For instance, if your server was on the East coast of the USA (GMT - 5) and you wanted the time for China (GMT + 8) then you would do

Dim hour As Double = Date.Now.Hour + 13

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You can't get the server to immediately return those values (it doesn't know) you will need to add the time zone difference between them and add hours / minutes accordingly. For instance, if your server was on the East coast of the USA (GMT - 5) and you wanted the time for China (GMT + 8) then you would do
Dim hour As Double = Date.Now.Hour + 13

But i can get various countries' time back in another website when i add web reference to it.
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