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For Next Loop With Span Block


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I'm trying to use the for next loop to display on answer3.innerHTML the name of each array element from john's original string on a different line.Thanks.<html><head><script language="vbscript"><!--sub fred john_val=window.document.alice.john.value john_words=ubound(split(john_val)) +1 answer1.innerHTML=john_words dim joarsp joarsp=split(john_val, " ") answer2.innerHTML=joarsp(0)+cstr(" ")+joarsp(12) for i=1 to john_words john_words=joarsp&i&"<br>" next answer3.innerHTML=john_words end sub--></script></head><body><form name="alice">The string john = <input type="text" size="60" name="john" value="this is a string for the purpose of playing with string coding tools"></form><ol><li><span id="answer1">this is the contents of the span block with id answer1</span><li><span id="answer2">this is the contents of the span block with id answer2</span><li><span id="answer3">this is the contents of the span block with id answer3</span></ol><br><input type="button" value="GO" onClick="fred"></body></html>

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first: you are using the john_words total value of words, within the for loop to a store text array element value???second: you are overwriting the text array value with the next, instead of adding/joining to the next text array value plus html coding, and then showing total content together at the end.anyway, try this<html><head><script language="vbscript"><!--sub fredjohn_val=window.document.alice.john.valuejohn_words=ubound(split(john_val)) +1answer1.innerHTML=john_wordsdim joarspjoarsp=split(john_val, " ")answer2.innerHTML=joarsp(0)+cstr(" ")+joarsp(12)for i=0 to john_words-1john_words_temp=john_words_temp&joarsp(i)&"<br>"nextanswer3.innerHTML=john_words_tempend sub--></script></head><body><form name="alice">The string john = <input type="text" size="70" name="john" value="this is a string for the purpose of playing with string coding tools"></form><ol><li><span id="answer1">this is the contents of the span block with id answer1</span><li><span id="answer2">this is the contents of the span block with id answer2</span><li><span id="answer3">this is the contents of the span block with id answer3</span></ol><br><input type="button" value="GO" onClick="fred"></body></html>

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