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Movie Clip Questions


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I don't know why I can't remember how to do this, but I took a break from flash and I went back into it because I wanted to make a navigation menu. Here's the idea. I have an actionscript based layout. One movie clip copied and pasted with different instance names for the actionscript. Here is the code for each of the navigation bars.b1.onRollOver = over;b1.onRollOut = out;b1.buttText.buttonText.text ="Home";This works fine, but I forget how to make it so that when you click on it it takes you to the specified URL. The following code deosn't work because these aren't buttons, they're movie clips.b1.onRollOver = over;b1.onRollOut = out;b1.on(release){getURL('www.whatever.com')};b1.buttText.buttonText.text ="Home";How do I make a movie clip when the user click on a particular movie clip, it takes them to a certain URL.

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Don't know much about actionscript? If you know that much you're doing pretty good. I'll try that, thanks.

I would have trouble starting a flash app from scratch but I worked on a very conplex app while on my college work term...I learned alot btu doubt I could reproduce it.From that answer I just looked on the Macromedia site...hehe :)
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App? An application? Like?

Yes application. It was for a curling site. It had a user interface which showed the current positions of the rocks and the score, etc. It also had an admin backend that let a admin who was at the game to drag and drop the rocks to the screen and change values, add notes, etc and submit it then the users interface would be updated every minute or two to reflect the changes in the game...it was really fun to work on.It used flash as the interface and used ASP to talk to a SQL Server DB.You can view the website here....you will have ot wait for a future game to view the app but there should some games on the 24-29 of this month.
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I've never gotten into SQL yet. Is that how they make sites like MySpace where you can create profiles?

Yes all the data is stored in a database and it is retreived with a server side language and either sent to flash or another server side page.
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