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Using Cookies To Load .js File


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Hi, I'm trying to load a Script once per day using cookies but I can't make it !!I've found this cookies tutorial that opens a pop up once per day

<script type="text/javascript">var expDays = 1; // number of days the cookie should last var page = "only-popup-once.html";var windowprops = "width=300,height=200,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes"; function GetCookie (name) {  var arg = name + "=";  var alen = arg.length;  var clen = document.cookie.length;  var i = 0;  while (i < clen) {	var j = i + alen;	if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg)	return getCookieVal (j);	i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1;	if (i == 0) break;  }  return null;} function SetCookie (name, value) {  var argv = SetCookie.arguments;  var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length;  var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null;  var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null;  var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null;  var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false;  document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) +	((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) +	((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) +	((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) +	((secure == true) ? "; secure" : "");} function DeleteCookie (name) {  var exp = new Date();  exp.setTime (exp.getTime() - 1);  var cval = GetCookie (name);  document.cookie = name + "=" + cval + "; expires=" + exp.toGMTString();} var exp = new Date();exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + (expDays*24*60*60*1000)); function amt(){  var count = GetCookie('count')  if(count == null) {	SetCookie('count','1')	return 1  } else {	var newcount = parseInt(count) + 1;	DeleteCookie('count')	SetCookie('count',newcount,exp)	return count  }} function getCookieVal(offset) {  var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset);  if (endstr == -1)  endstr = document.cookie.length;  return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr));} function checkCount() {  var count = GetCookie('count');  if (count == null) {	count=1;	SetCookie('count', count, exp);	window.open(page, "", windowprops);  } else {	count++;	SetCookie('count', count, exp);  }} window.onload=checkCount;</script>

But, I want to load this script file once per day


Any help :) ?

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In the part of your code where the popup opens, create a <script> element using document.createElement(), set its type attribute to "text/javascript", set its src attribute to the URL and then append it to the <head> element.

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Thanks for helpBut using this method the script takes a long time to load after the page loading

var script = document.createElement('script');script.onload = function() {  alert("Script loaded and ready");};script.src = "/open.js"; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script);

Any Ideas ?

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