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getting internal server error.


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hi there , i am having a website related to movies and i use wordpress plateform, from i think 6 days when ever i am trying to post on the website at the end when i press publish it takes time to publish and at the end displays the error : Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.Please contact the server administrator and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.More information about this error may be available in the server error log. and then when i enter the website url . post is live and published on website . only problem occurs when i update or publish the post i host on godaddy and they told me to change the settings on the server as script takes long time to execute and i did that and nothing happens. problem is with script and i am unable to find out the problem, so please help me to cure script of my website. my website is www.filmmovienew.com i am attaching the error logs which i activated on the server so that it may help in detecting the origin of error . error.txt

Edited by mbwani
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The error log doesn't seem to say anything that you didn't already knew - the script takes too long (above 120 seconds), so it's terminated forcefully.Apparently, you haven't reduced its time. Perhaps you have an infinite loop somewhere in your code?What's the code of the page that triggers this error? I mean the one at the "action" attribute on your post update form.

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this is my themes index.php

<?php get_header(); ?>    <?php if (get_option('cgr_slide_display') == 'Hide') { ?><?php { echo ''; } ?><?php } else { include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/include/slider.php'); } ?>     <div id="content" class="clearfix">   <div id="home-content">   <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>   <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>    <div class="home-entry clearfix" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">		    <a href="<?php the_permalink()?>" rel="bookmark" >   <?php if (has_post_thumbnail()) { the_post_thumbnail('home-thumb' ,array('class' => 'home-thumb trans-border', 'title' => get_the_title()));}	 else { ?>	 <img class="home-thumb trans-border" src="<?php echo catch_first_image() ?>" width="200px" height="150px" title="<?php the_title(); ?>" >   <?php } ?>   </a>		 <div class="home-post">	  <h2 class="post-title">	   <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a>	  </h2>	  <div class="home-meta"><span class="italic">Posted on <?php the_time('M j, Y'); ?> under <?php the_category(' , ') ?></span></div>	  <div class="home-excerpt"><?php the_excerpt() ;?>	  </div>	 </div>    </div>      <?php endwhile; ?>    <?php cgr_pagination(); ?>   <?php else : ?>    <h2>Nothing Found</h2><?php endif; ?>				 </div> <!-- end of #home-content --><?php get_sidebar(); ?>  </div> <!--End of #content --></div><!--End of #container --></div><!--End of #wrapper --><?php get_footer(); ?>

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You've abstracted your code well... but that means that now, you need to dig deeper to find the issue.Remove all code, except the top line, try that, and if it works, repeat this process by adding a brach/function call, and retesting until you get forcefully terminated again. At that point, repeat the same process for the last branch/function that you added.

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i have changed my theme to default and nothing happens, so the theme is not the problem and infinite loop is not contained in the theme, i can't understand where can i find the infinite loop i am using wordpress hosting for my website .

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i recently updated wordpress to latest version and still the problem persists. firstly it was happening sometimes and now it happens with every post whenever i try to update or post something. if mod is the cause, then how can i fix problem with one of the mods.

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By removing/disabling all mods, and reinstalling them one by one, until the problem appears again. Only then you can identify the mod, so that you can then begin to debug it (or find another one that doesn't have this bug).

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