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Passing variables to a modal using clone


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I am wanting to pass a number of variables to a modal using a cloned line. I write the variables into a string and then write to the modal using jquery. I attach a program showing my wants. if you refer to lines 65 and 66, I accessed two variables using 'name' and 'alt'. I created these variables on line 104. However, I want to pass more than just two variables and I would like to address the variables by their object.descriptor such as 'description, amount or duration'..


Is there a method to add these descriptors to the input statement, please? input.prototype.duration maybe.



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I would put all variables into an object as properties, JSON-encode the object to a string, and store the object in an attribute like rel. In the handler function you can get the attribute and convert the JSON string back into an object.

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