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How to convert a program with functions to one with none by making it plain


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Here's a fragment of working code with "functions inside functions". It has a "= function" definition. Here the word function is used too many times. It's a function inside a function and inside the next one. And finally the last function calls the first with all of them inside.Actually, the program has a very simple algorithm of counting typing speed:1 Starts the timer on a key-press2 Iterates every time as every next key is pressed and the stop point is in it's last key-press3 Outputs the delta in milliseconds (even without any conversion).


The whole program:

<script type="text/javascript">    var timing = {        st: null,        en: null,        tx: null    }; // start, end, textbox    function initpr() {        timing.tx = document.getElementById('prin');        var tx = timing.tx;        tx.onkeypress = function () {            timing.st = timing.en = new Date();            timing.tx.onkeypress = function (en) {                if (!en) en = event;                timing.en = new Date();            }        }    }    function clc() {        r = document.getElementById('resultpr');        deltams = timing.en.getTime() - timing.st.getTime();        chars = timing.tx.value.length;        cpms = chars / deltams;        snippets = [chars, " chars (in ", deltams, " ms): ", cpms, " cpms"];        r.innerHTML = snippets.join("");        initpr();    }</script><form name="foo" onsubmit="return false;">    <textarea id="prin"></textarea>    <br />    <input id="btnclc" />    <span id="resultpr"></span> </form><script type="text/javascript">    document.getElementById('btnclc').onclick = clc;    initpr();</script>

Function initpr have additional nested functions:

    function initpr() {        timing.tx = document.getElementById('prin');        var tx = timing.tx;        tx.onkeypress = function () {            timing.st = timing.en = new Date();            timing.tx.onkeypress = function (en) {                if (!en) en = event;                timing.en = new Date();            }        }    }


Joining elements are:

tx.onkeypress = function

timing.tx.onkeypress = function



It looks like cycle inside another one. Though it's not. Is there any possible way how to eliminate those that join?

Edited by xcislav
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My version...

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>xcislav</title><style>textarea{width:600px;height:200px;background-color:#eee;}</style><script>window.onerror = function(m, u, l){alert('Javascript Error: '+m+'nURL: '+u+'nLine Number: '+l);return true;}</script><script>var t = {};t.start = null;t.last;t.cnt;t.out;t.setint;   window.onload = init;function init(){var txin = document.getElementById('textin');if(t.start != null){clearInterval(t.setint);var len = txin.value.length;if (len != t.cnt){alert('len:'+len+' cnt:'+t.cnt);}}txin.onkeypress = clc;txin.value = '';txin.focus();t.start = null;t.cnt = 0;t.out = document.getElementById('out1');t.out.innerHTML = '';document.getElementById('btn').onclick = init;t.setint = setInterval(disp,3000);}function clc() {var d = new Date();t.cnt++;if (t.start == null){t.start=d.getTime();}else{t.last=d.getTime();   }}function disp(){if (t.cnt>1){var delta = (t.last-t.start)/1000;t.out.innerHTML = t.cnt +' chars (in '+ delta +' s): '+ (t.cnt/delta).toFixed(4) +' cps';} } </script></head><body><textarea id="textin"></textarea><br/><input type="button" id="btn" value="Clear"/><div id="out1"></div></body></html>

...or a global paranoid version...

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>xcislav 2</title><style>textarea{width:600px;height:200px;background-color:#eee;}</style><script>if(typeof typx === 'undefined'){var typx = {};typx.start = null;typx.last;typx.cnt;typx.out;typx.setint;}else{alert('Namespace error');throw {name:"error",message:"Namespace error"};}typx.init = function(){var txin = document.getElementById('textin');if(typx.start != null){clearInterval(typx.setint);var len = txin.value.length;if (len != typx.cnt){alert('len:'+len+' cnt:'+typx.cnt);}}txin.onkeypress = typx.clc;txin.value = '';txin.focus();typx.start = null;typx.cnt = 0;typx.out = document.getElementById('out1');typx.out.innerHTML = '';document.getElementById('btn').onclick = typx.init;typx.setint = setInterval(typx.disp,3000);};typx.clc = function() {var d = new Date();typx.cnt++;if (typx.start == null){typx.start=d.getTime();}else{typx.last=d.getTime();   }};typx.disp = function(){if (typx.cnt>1){var delta = (typx.last-typx.start)/1000;typx.out.innerHTML = typx.cnt +' chars (in '+ delta +' s): '+ (typx.cnt/delta).toFixed(4) +' cps';} };window.addEventListener('load', typx.init, false); </script></head><body><textarea id="textin"></textarea><br/><input type="button" id="btn" value="Clear"/><div id="out1"></div></body></html>
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Here the word function is used too many times.

What does that even mean? Why are you trying to remove anonymous functions and closures? The only change I would make to that would be to wrap the whole thing inside another function to eliminate any naming conflicts with the global variables and functions.
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It's the same (smaller and -"brain pain"):

<textarea id="b" onblur="clc();"></textarea><script>t=0;x=document.getElementById('b');x.onkeypress=function(){t==0 ? s=new Date() : e=new Date();t=1;}function clc(){d = e.getTime() - s.getTime();c = b.value.length;b.value += +c+"s in "+d+"ms: "+c/d+" cpms";}</script>

How the HE does 1st work?

Edited by xcislav
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It seems obvious to me how it works, what don't you understand? Anonymous functions are used all the time in Javascript, especially for event handlers or other single-use functions. If you're only using a function in one place that's the cleanest way to do it.

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I don't like the looks of the original, but maybe Hadien would. But also I don't like the looks of super-minimized code. If you want all your vars to be one digit then run a minifier afterwards. Source code is supposed to have var names that are meaningful and easy to read. For something more in the original direction (minimal globals) I would try to come up with something that looks simpler such as...

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>xcislav quiet</title><style>textarea{width:600px;height:200px;background-color:#eee;}</style><script>    window.addEventListener('load', function() {    var start;    var end;    var prna = document.getElementById('printa');    var out = document.getElementById('results');    out.innerHTML = '';    prna.value = '';        prna.onkeypress = function() {       end = new Date();       if (start===undefined){start=end;}    }        document.getElementById('btnclc').addEventListener('click', function() {       if (start!=undefined){          var delta = (end.getTime() - start.getTime())/1000;          var chars = prna.value.length;          var cps = chars/delta;          out.innerHTML = chars +' chars (in '+ delta.toFixed(1) +' sec): '+ cps.toFixed(3) +' cps';       }    });});</script></head><body>    <textarea id="printa"></textarea><br />    <input type="button" id="btnclc" />    <span id="results"></span></body></html>
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