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Changing ''pricelevelid'' field based on another field


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im so new to javascript, my situation is beginner of the beginner :)

But i have to write a code on mscrm 2011 order entity.


i have two field, pricelevelid and new_taxincl(radio button). I want to change value in pricelevelid field based on selection of new_taxincl field.

If user select ''yes'' i want to fill pricelevelid field with ''USD -Tax Included-'', ''no'' ''USD -without tax-''. This have to run onChange event.


I could not write the correct code so far.


Any help will be fine for me.


Edited by Fallen
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What code did you try?


You can edit the value shown in a text input using the value property.


Hi Ingolme,


Here is my code :

function callRetrievePList() {    var field = Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get("new_taxincl");    if ((field == null) || (field.getValue() == null) || (field.getValue()[0] == null) || (field.getValue()[0].id == null))        return;    var plistfield = Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get("pricelevelid");    if (plistfield != null && plistfield.getValue() != null)        return;    var options = "$select=PriceLevelId,Name&$filter=new_vergidahil/Id eq (guid'" + (field.getValue()[0]).id + "')";    SDK.REST.retrieveMultipleRecords("PriceLevel", options, retrievePListCallBack, errorCallBack, completeCallBack);}function retrievePListCallBack(retrievedStock) {    var kdvgost = Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get("new_taxincl");    var deger = kdvgost.getValue();    if (deger == "0") {     var plistfield = Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get("pricelevelid");    if (plistfield != null && plistfield.getValue() != null)        return;        for (var i = 0; i < retrievedStock.length; i++) {        var stock = retrievedStock[i];               var lookupReference = [];        lookupReference[0] = {};        lookupReference[0].id = stock.PriceLevelId;        lookupReference[0].entityType = "pricelevel";        lookupReference[0].name = stock.Name;        plistfield.setValue(lookupReference);    }    }}function errorCallBack(errorObject) {}function completeCallBack() {}
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I can't extract any information necessary for this task from your current code.


Surely you have an HTML <input> element somewhere on your page with name="pricelevelid"

You have two radio buttons with "yes" and "no" next to them.


You need to access these elements using DOM methods, such as getElementById(), getElementsByTagName(), childNodes, parentNode, nextSibling, previousSibling...

Then you change the value property as shown in this W3Schools page and set it to "USD - Tax Included -" or "USD - Without tax -" based on which radio button was selected.

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