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disable button if not selected value works only on 1st selection - after deslect it stil works


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I've form where htere are 4 multiselect dropdowns I use code like this ("dropdowns" is the id of that form) and there's nothing else in that form just those multiselects.

	$(".submit").attr('disabled','disabled'); // defaultne disabled	$("#dropdowns").change(function() {  // alebo cekovat kazdy dd zvlast 	if($(this).val()===""){            $(".submit").removeAttr('disabled'); 			} else {	$(".submit").attr('disabled','disabled');				}      });

maybe should I chcek all 4 DDs inside the .change(function ??? instead of if =($this)

for (i=1; i<4; i++) { if($("#dd"+i).val()===""){ ....

the ids are dd1....dd4. amd one littel question - I've seen somwhere .fliter(:selected) or smth like that - cause I've little probelms with this form retrieving on another page - so I'd like to post it one form - so when user clicks submit another multiselect = another form is created at that time actualy that newly created is posted

Edited by roberto68
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and here's html : just hte 1st dropwdown but it goes on like that

	<form name="dropdowns" id="dropdowns">    	<div class="box">        	<img src="images/pic1.jpg" alt="pic1">            <h2>education</h2> <label for='educationForm'>select what you wanna learn<br><div align="center" class="drop">            <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle">select</a><select class="dropdown-menu" multiple="multiple" name="mydropdown1[]" id="dd1"><label="education"><option value="1">IT-programing</option><option value="2">IT-sys_admin</option><option value="3">IT</option><option value="4">science</option><option value="5">electronic engineering</option><option value="6">math&physics</option><option value="7">mechanical_engineering</option></select></label></div></label>
Edited by roberto68
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You're selector (#dropdowns) is only looking for changes on the <form>. Target the actual <select> elements instead, either by tag or by class.

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so I changed

$("#dropdowns").change(function() { 

for (every DD has that class)

$(".dropdown-menu").change(function() {  

so it targets every DD but the buttons stays disabled all the time. And my last point - why are the dropdowns rolled out on page load - I want them to be hidden and show only on the click - which it does right now but on the page load it is "rolled out" not hidden as I excpect it to be

right now it is like that

// $("select").removeClass("dropdown-menu");    $('.dropdown-toggle').click(function(){       $('.dropdown-menu').toggle();   });

when I uncoment the 1st line DD are hidden onload but then they are not working anymore

Edited by roberto68
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