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what is the way to best understand Javascript


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when trying to learn javascript I feel like there is 3 different ways to go about this.


a.) Remember by hart and soul all of the Javascript functions commands operators, so on. As I see them and use my memory to write code,


b.) Get to an understanding and Remember by hart of the syntax and basic script structure that is used and guess and use vague memories of the functions and operators and such till I get it right.


C.) Both, Loads of dedication and make a ? 9 - 5ver out of this web building stuff?


and I have the biggest problem with the parts of a script having multitude of ways to have them work for most things and i don't know at this point why I would like to make them function one way or vs. the other ?

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syntax vs. my Memory's maximum potential going into this,



I guess D.) for options would have been: rely on this site here to reference things from. but that seems a bit greedy, maybe a bit dependent for times when I don't have internet connection (it happens)

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Programming isn't amount memorizing syntax, it's about understanding theory. You can always look up syntax or functions or whatever, and the more you write code the more you'll remember, but if you don't understand programming theory then knowing the syntax doesn't matter. Knowing the most efficient way to solve a given problem is also a matter of experience.

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Programming isn't amount memorizing syntax, it's about understanding theory. You can always look up syntax or functions or whatever, and the more you write code the more you'll remember, but if you don't understand programming theory then knowing the syntax doesn't matter. Knowing the most efficient way to solve a given problem is also a matter of experience.

I remembered what jist of the reply was and I have been kicking around "theory" while I make these feeble efforts. is there anything that you can give as a brief study of the "theory" or refer a good example' perhaps something that shapped your understanding of this.


I feel like the theory is learning numbers that go beyond 26 is a foundation. Indexing them in my mind like I did with 1>12 in numbers with clock time. "いちーにーさん" , or decimal system. but I feel like it is difficult to tell what parts are most progressive to understand

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All you need to understand is the foundations of programming:

In other words, just learn what's in the W3Schools Javascript tutorial. Don't just memorize the code, understand how it works.

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