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using html and tables


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Hello i am starting to work things out using html and java what i would like to do is put the weather in to a tabele showin down below i think i have ball the code up comesome please help me many thank



<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="description" content="Free Weather Rersorce">

<meta name="keywords" content="Weather Forecast,Charts,Blog,Weather Group">

<meta name="author" content="Michael Wright">


<link ref="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="weather.js"></script>




<div class="weather">











<td><div class="location"><span id="location">Unknow</span></div></td>

<td><div class="winds"<span id="Winds">0</span> Km/h<span id="direction">N</span></td>

<td><div class="humidity"><img="imgs/humidity.png" height="16px"<span id="humidity">0</span>%</td>

<td><div class="pressure"<span id="HPA">0000</span></td>

<td><div class="rain"<span id="Rain">00</span> mm <span id="direction">N</span></td>

<td><div class="Forecast"<span id="Forecast"><img id="icon" width="75px" src="imgs/codes/200.png"</span></td>






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You need matching number closing tags with matching number of opening tags, any opening tags within td element MUST finish with a closing closing tag within same td element.


You are also not closing opening tags correctly <div class="whatever">...</div> Most tags opening/closing tags start with '<' and finish with '>' with most closing tag starting with '</', the exception to this are elements such as img, or input element which are void elements <img src="whatever.jpg" alt="" > (although xhtml do self close with <img src="whatever.jpg" alt="" />), meaning they cannot hold content like a div, paragraph element can

Edited by dsonesuk
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Ok Also when

var temp;
var loc;
var icon;
var humidity;
var winds;
var direction;

function updateByPostcode(postcode){
	var url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?" +
	    "postcode = " + postcode +
        "&APPID=" +APPID

function sendRequest(url){
	var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
	xml.http.onreadystatechange = function(){
		if (xmlhttp.readystate == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200)
			var data = JSON.parse(xml.ResponseText);
		    var weather = {};
			weather.icons = data.weather[0].id;
	        weather.humidity = data.main.humidity;
			weather.wind = data.wind.speed;
			weather.direction = data.wind.deg;
			weather.loc = data.name;
			weather.temp = data.main.temp;
    xmlhttp.open("GET" , url, true);
function K2C(K){
	return Math.round(k - 273.15);
function update(weather){
   wind.innerHTML = weather.wind;
   direction.innerHTML = weather.direction;	
   humidity.innerHTML = weather.humidity;
   loc.innerHTML weather.loc;
   temp.innerHTML = weather.temp;
   icon.src = "imgs/codes/" + weather.icon + ".png";

  windows.onload = functon (){
    temp = document.getElementById("temperature");
    loc = document.getElementById("Location");
    icons = document.getElementById("icons");
    humidity = document.getElementById("humidity");
    winds = document.getElementById("directions");
    pressure = document.getElementById("hpa");
    var weather ={};
    weather.winds = 3.5;
	weather.direction = "N";
	weather.humidity = 35;
	weather.loc = "Townsville";
	weather.temp = "45";
	weather.icon = 200;

you look at my site http://stormsearchers.site88.net my code dose not want to work all upday the JS file

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