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Hi All


Question for you all. Awhile back I was taking to I think someone from W3 regarding Iframe heights as I have an amazon store and they offer 3 options


Direct Link


Normal Frames


The best one for my case is Iframe but here is the problem. The home page of the store is fine to have the frame set to a specific height but lets say you were to open one of the items the page then might be a lot longer leading to a side scroll bar on the Iframe. I don't like this.


So I had asked him if there were anything in the works to fix this issue and he said there was in fact something in the works to update Iframes to work better in this regards cause as it is right now my store has to be 4000 pixels long just to accommodate various lengths in the store.


So has anyone heard any more on this and if and when it might be updated to work better?




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I don't believe iframes are going to ever change their behavior, you have to specify a height. These are all the attributes permitted by the iframe element: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe


If the page inside the iframe is on the same domain as the page that contains it then you can use Javascript to measure the height of the document inside the iframe.

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