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Affect of NULL Type in Coding


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It's not really a bug, it's actually designed that way in the specification: http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-11.4.3


My first recommendation would be to not use the typeof operator. You might think you need it, but there probably is a better way to design your software. If you show me the code where you need it I can find out how to write the code without it.

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Null is usually the value you assign to a variable if it's meant to contain an object but does not have one yet. You can set a variable to null in order to remove a reference to an object and free memory.

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Having NULL type as an object to be a bug in js, is there any harm to code this could result in, and what precautions should we take to avoid such harm?


Null is commonly used to indicate that a variable or object is invalid, so it is not a bug, but it may indeed indicate that your code isn't working.

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