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Priority in clicking on links!


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I have the folowing code:


function open_win1()
<section id="Aankondiging">
<div onclick="open_win1()">
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td class="TekstNieuwsvak" align="left"><p> </p><font color="#FFFFFF">Komende cursussen:<br><br>
<font color="#FFFFFF"><a href="PaginaActiviteiten.html#WRAP" target="_self">WRAP</a><br>
<font color="#FFFFFF"><a href="PaginaActiviteiten.html#WMEE" target="_self">WMEE</a><br>
<font color="#FFFFFF"><a href="PaginaActiviteiten.html#Herstelwerkgroep" target="_self">Herstelwerkgroep</a><br><br>
<font color="#0066CC">Meer informatie...</font><br><br></td>



The whole section is clickable and the function opens a new page.

However in this section I have "sublinks" and how I want it to work is that when a link is clicked (see bold text) the page should open on it's anchor p.e. #WRAP #WMEE #Herstelwerkgroep

But this doesn't do what it should.

The click on the sublinks are treated the same way as clicking on the whole section.


My question is: How can I give the click on the "sublinks" priority on the click on the whole section?

Edited by dhcpeters
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When assigning events through Javascript, an event object is passed through with information about what was clicked on.


Change your <div> element to have an identifier:

 <div id="section-link">

Then add an event listener (this script has to be AFTER the div in the document):

document.getElementById("section-link").addEventListener("click", open_win1);
function open_win1(e) {
  // "e" contains information about the event
  // e.target refers to the element that was clicked on
  // Only open the window if the clicked element does not have an href attribute
  if(!e.target.hasAttribute("href")) {
     window.open("http://www.dekentering.info/PaginaActiviteiten.html", "_self");

There are many different ways to identify the element, you could also check that e.target == e.currentTarget, where currentTarget refers to the <div> element and e.target is the element that was clicked on.

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On every event click within that div it checks if that element that was clicked 'DOES NOT HAVE' denoted by '!' a 'href' attribute, like all the anchor sub-links, if it does not! It can only be the div element area itself, so it should open the new window, while the sub-links will act as they normally would.

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I don't understand what you are trying to say? Anywhere in the div area, THAT IS NOT! A element with attribute 'href' if clicked, will open a new window, else open link.


'e' represents the actual event of 'click' in this case, while 'target' is the element the event was triggered from.

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The example I showed you will only run the Javascript code if the element that you clicked on is not a link.


Perhaps you haven't made your requirements clear. What exactly do you want it to do?

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