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jQuery if else statement shorthand for .attr()


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I'm training myself at jQuery doing some exercices. I've written the following code:

<button id="btn" title="menu">menu</button>
    var btn = $(this);
    var currentText = btn.text();
    // alert(currentText);

    if (currentText == "menu") {
      btn.attr("title","close menu");
    else {

and I would like to simplify it as much as possible, using if else statement shorthand.

I've managed to get it works for the .text() method

btn.text(currentText == "menu" ? "close" : "menu"); 

but not for the .attr().

I've tried btn.attr("title", "menu" == "menu" ? "close" : "menu"); and btn.attr("title", btn.attr("title") == "menu" ? "close" : "menu"); among many other things but I can't figure out how to make it works.



Any help?

Edited by Junitar
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"menu" == "menu" is a tautology, so it would never return the false value.


This should work.

btn.attr("title", currentText == "menu" ? "close menu" : "menu");

I recommend being very familiar with Javascript before learning jQuery.

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Thanks for the help, I've already tried

btn.attr("title", currentText == "menu" ? "close menu" : "menu");

but it didn't work properly (the title changed to "close menu" when it should be "menu" and vice versa).


Anyway, I've just found what I was doing wrong…

btn.attr("title", btn.attr("title") == "menu" ? "close" : "menu"); 

is now working fine but I formerly called my button title "Menu" with a capitalized "m", while I used a small "m" in the btn.attr() which screwed it all.

Edited by Junitar
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I was going by the code you provided in the first post, which shows this:

    if (currentText == "menu") {
      btn.attr("title","close menu");
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I've just tested again your suggestion and it works indeed. Don't know exactly what I previously did. I guess my brain just needs some rest right now, I've done too many exercices today, it's a big mess in my mind :happy0046:

Edited by Junitar
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