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About MrAdam

  • Birthday 07/24/1989

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  1. MrAdam

    Domain Name

    ah right .. i dont know the rules around it .. im not diggin at you or owt.. i was thinking more for myself .. always seem to struggle with that kind of thing ..
  2. MrAdam

    Domain Name

    ah right, and yeah i meant that one. I didnt notice there was another version on your portfolio with a planet on till just a minute ago..Is it perfectly legal to take images from deviant art then?
  3. MrAdam

    Domain Name

    the one shown on your portfolio now, with the big planet image..
  4. MrAdam

    Domain Name

    vchris do you create the graphics for your websites? .. namely the "deep coding" portfolio? I was just wondering because it's bloody good .. thought perhaps you might know a website offering free graphics or something?
  5. MrAdam

    My Game

    good so far; but i'd remove the browser popups - create your own little popups within the game.
  6. MrAdam

    Making a .php file

    You'll also need to change the extension from ".html" to ".php" .. you can do that in explorer by right clicking on the file and going to rename (provided you have "view known file extensions" ticked in explorer options) or when in notepad (or something) when you save, put quotes around the filename; e.g. - "file.php".Then just follow what the others have said about running the PHP file.
  7. MrAdam

    Film gallery.

    i can't see anything missing in the code, but perhaps one small thing has gotten corrupt or something... try this: <object CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="170" height="150" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab"><param name="src" value="<?php print $_GET['id']; ?>"><param name="autoplay" value="true"><param name="controller" value="true"><embed src="<?php print $_GET['id']; ?>" width="170" height="150" autoplay="true" controller="true" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/"></embed></object> I'm assuming $_GET['id'] will include the file extension ?
  8. Well if you were to create a folder, then from that folder have your sub folders (ie. "images")... you could use: <img src="images/img_name.jpg" /> and then to go down a folder, for instance if you were in "website/extra/" and wanted to get an image from the image folder, you could use: <img src="../images/img_name.jpg" />
  9. also, ' target="blank" ' ... needs to be ' target="_blank" ' ..EDIT .. noticed "_blank" issue covered on 'justsomeguys' post.
  10. for a " 1/0 " | " true/false " sort of field, you could / should use "bool" data type - i don't know if you are already?What are the squared brackets round "Contact" for ?
  11. MrAdam

    PHP parse error

    $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO Guestbook (ip,message) VALUES ('$ip','$message')); .... missing closing " on end ..
  12. No one's actually told him what a cookie is, or how t ouse them...To set 'cookies' in PHP: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_cookies.asp-----As boen_robot said, that prompt box with the username + password fields have to be set up on the server, read the link he sent.To determine if someone's logged in on your website, after they supply there username and password (in what ever method) and your PHP script has recieved these values, if through whatever security checks you impose, they are successful - you could set a cookie to store a piece of data, so that you can later check for this data as a means of checking if they are logged in.Sounds kinda confusing put like that ..you'll need to know PHP and possibilly MySQL if you are thinking of using a database to store their user data?http://www.w3schools.com/phphttp://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_intro.asp
  13. What do you mean? I have some YouTube videos on myspace, but you can click on them and stuff and it doesn't link to YouTube?If somehow they are for you, you probably cannot stop it because it will programmed into the flash player.
  14. Me and my friend from college do that ! Works well - i too am one of the developers and not designers.As for http://www.kenetix.net/ - I'm not really a fan of that kind of website, too cluttered in my opinion.and vhchris' idea of the sharp, brown, accoustic guitar in the corner, i really like the sound of ! think it would look perfect !(UPDATE) i can see it sort of like this: http://www.csszengarden.com/?cssfile=/195/195.css&page=0
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