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How can I put a slightly increased space between just two paragraphs?

Bert Coules

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Is it possible to insert an extra space between two particular paragraphs equivalent to one and a half line heights? Like this (though this isn't to scale):


Paragraph one

(1 blank line)

Paragraph two


(1.5 blank lines)


Paragraph three

(1 blank line)

Paragraph four


I know about setting the paragraph spacing globally, but I need it to happen just once. I tried setting an increased height for a single paragraph, but that affects the spacing both before and after it.


Edited to add:


Someone elsewhere kindly advised me to apply a style to paragraph three:

<p style="margin-top: 1.5em;">

Which works a treat. It does feel slightly odd to be putting a formatting command in a php file rather the stylesheet, but I suppose for a single instance it really is far more sensible.

Edited by Bert Coules
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Margin is the best way to put space between paragraphs. If you don't want to use a style attribute you can give a class name to it instead and put a class in your stylesheet with the margin on it.

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<p style="margin-bottom:1em">Paragraph 1</p>


<p style="margin-bottom:1.5em">Paragraph 2</p>


<p style="margin-bottom:2em">Paragraph 3</p>








.paramargin1 {




.paramargin2 {





<p class="paramargin1">Paragraph 1</p>


<p class="paramargin2>Paragraph 2</p>


<p class="paramargin1">Paragraph 3</p>

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You can also use



p {











<p>Paragraph 1</p>


<p>Paragraph 2</p>


<p>Paragraph 3</p>



PS - Check :nth-child browser compatibility

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