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<?phpfunction headersection() {echo "<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->n"; echo "<style type="text/css" media="all">n"; echo "<!--n"; echo "@import url("styles.css");n"; echo "-->n"; echo "</style>n"; echo "<style type="text/css" media="print">n"; echo "<!--n"; echo "This is the stylesheet for web page printing. It is optional.n"; echo "-->n"; echo "<!--n"; echo "@import url("print.css");n"; echo "-->n"; echo "</style>n"; echo "<!--[if IE 5]>n"; echo "<style type="text/css"> n"; echo "#outerWrapper #contentWrapper #leftColumn1 {n"; echo "  width: 200px;n"; echo "}n"; echo "#outerWrapper #contentWrapper #rightColumn1 {n"; echo "  width: 200px;n"; echo "}n"; echo "</style>n"; echo "<![endif]-->n"; echo "<!--[if IE]>n"; echo "<style type="text/css"> n"; echo "#outerWrapper #contentWrapper #content {n"; echo "  zoom: 1; n"; echo "}n"; echo "</style>n"; echo "<![endif]-->n"; echo "<script type="text/javascript" src="cssmw/cssmw/menu.js"></script>n"; echo "<!--[if lte IE 6]>n";echo "<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="cssmw/cssmw/menu_ie.css" />n"; echo "<![endif]-->n"; echo "<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="cssmw/cssmw/menu.css" />n"; echo "<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen,projection" type="text/css" href="scheme.css" />n"; echo "<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="login.css" />n"; echo "<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico /">n"; echo "</head>n"; echo "<body>n"; echo "<div id="outerWrapper">n"; echo "  <div id="header">n"; echo "    <div class="main">          n"; echo "        <!-- Search form --> n"; echo "        <div id="search">n"; echo "            <form action="" method="get">n"; echo "            	<div>n"; echo "                    <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-7526690253327491:69imp65c55c" />";echo "                    <input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:10" />";echo "                    <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8" />";echo "                    <input type="text" size="30" name="q" id="search-input" />n"; echo "					<input type="submit" name="sa" id="search-submit" />n"; echo "            	n"; echo "				</div>n"; echo "            </form>n"; echo "        </div> <!-- /search -->n"; echo "    </div> <!-- /main -->n"; echo "</div> <!-- /header -->n";}?>

styles code

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width:920px; margin:0 auto; text-align:left;}#header {padding:30px 0; height: 30px; overflow:hidden}#logo {margin:0; margin-bottom:2px;}    	#search {position:absolute; top:0; right:10px;}#search #search-input {width:170px; padding:4px; font:normal 100%/1.2 "arial",sans-serif;}#search #search-submit {padding:3px 5px; font:bold 100%/1.2 "arial",sans-serif;}#addss {position:absolute; padding-top: 30px; right: 4px;}.navbg {	background:url(images/navbg_02.gif) repeat-x;	width:100%;	height:54px;	border-bottom:2px solid #fff;	}.navvy{width: 100%;font-size: 11px;padding-bottom:10px;text-align: center;}ul.navvylist{text-align: left;list-style: none;padding: 0;margin: 0;width: 100%;}ul.navvylist li{display: block;margin: 0;padding: 0;}ul.navvylist li a{display: block;width: 95%;font-weight:normal;margin:0;color: #000000;background:url(images/leftnav.jpg) repeat-x #ededed;border:bottom:1px solid #ededed;text-decoration: none;PADDING-LEFT:10PX;padding-top:7px;padding-bottom:7px;}.navvy>ul#navvylist li a { background: #F1F1F1;color: #2A508A;text-decoration: none;width: auto; 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#header {background: #1F1F1F url(images/logo.gif) no-repeat left top;}#search #search-input {border:1px solid #FFF;}#search #search-submit {border:1px solid #25A8C4; background:#25A8C4; color:#FFF;}
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I am not sure the problem is directly related to the php. The validator throws 14 errors including invalid tag endings and duplicate ids. So you probably want to spend the effort getting the markup right. That may or may not solve the problem, but as long as you have those errors the page is not stable, and with such a weak doctype as xhtml transitional, it is not going to be very reliable.

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Your logo image is messed up. Firefox won't even attempt to display it. If I load it in Opera it looks corrupt. If I save it an open it in a text editor it looks like a GIF image, but it's named as a PNG image.

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i would advice that echoing all this html files out can slow down you application either relevantly or not, try putting your php codes first on the page and then build your html.

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Well i changed it to reference iFaster.gif image and it worked, so basically you need to find original image that shows in a image editor, if you no longer have original then lesson learned, should have made copy, save it as gif image and not just change the file extension by selecting file directly from folder and changing file extension. Remove current logo.gif because its unusable, upload new logo file, clear history/cache and reload/refresh page.

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