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How do I display more than result from a MySQL query


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I really need some help with this please. I'm trying to display a list of products rather than just one.

This is what I'm using to display a group of products. But at the moment it shows one main product then a smaller list of the rest.

<?php product_display( $collection[$dynaload]['products'],"More Products:",1 ) ?>

If I change it to

<?php product_display( $collection[$dynaload]['products'],"More Products:",,0,0,0,1 ) ?>
then it shows the remain products in a vertical list

Ideally I'd like to be able to display all of the products (or if not then choose how many to display) but I don't know the code well enough to know how to change that.

This is the product_display function:

function product_display() {    # load arguments    if( func_num_args()==2 ) {      $products_list=func_get_arg(0); $title=func_get_arg(1); $featured=0; $sortable=0; $showall=0; $cols=5;    } elseif( func_num_args()==3 ) {      $products_list=func_get_arg(0); $title=func_get_arg(1); $featured=func_get_arg(2); $sortable=0; $showall=0; $cols=5;    } elseif( func_num_args()==4 ) {      $products_list=func_get_arg(0); $title=func_get_arg(1); $featured=func_get_arg(2); $sortable=func_get_arg(3); $showall=0; $cols=5;    } elseif( func_num_args()==5 ) {      $products_list=func_get_arg(0); $title=func_get_arg(1); $featured=func_get_arg(2); $sortable=func_get_arg(3); $showall=func_get_arg(4); $cols=5;    } elseif( func_num_args()==6 ) {      $products_list=func_get_arg(0); $title=func_get_arg(1); $featured=func_get_arg(2); $sortable=func_get_arg(3); $showall=func_get_arg(4); $cols=func_get_arg(5);    }     # initialise    $row=1;    $ctr=1;     # remove old products    if( is_array( $products_list ) ) {      foreach( $products_list as $key=>$value ) {        if( $GLOBALS['products_complete'][$key]['level']==4 ) {          unset( $products_list[$key] );        }      }    }     # check and set featured    if( $GLOBALS['bit1']=="popular" ) { $featured=0; }    if( $featured ) {      $found=0;      foreach( $products_list as $key=>$value ) {        if( !$found ) {          $boxed=$key;          $boxedr=$GLOBALS['products_complete'][$boxed]['id'];          unset( $products_list[$key] );          $found=1;        }      }       # get bullets      usedb( $GLOBALS['country_modules'][$GLOBALS['ccode2']]['db_web'],"dbLinkInt" );      $query="select * from product_bullets3 where product_id=".$boxedr." and country like "%".$GLOBALS['ccode2']."%" order by pos";      $product_bullets=dbselect( $query,"dbLinkInt" );       # set first bullet as short title if it is empty      if( empty( $GLOBALS['products_complete'][$boxed]['short_title'] ) && !empty( $product_bullets[0]['text'] ) ) {        $GLOBALS['products_complete'][$boxed]['short_title']=$product_bullets[0]['text'];        unset( $product_bullets[0] );      }       # get symbols      $query="select name,image from product_symbols,product_symbols_map where symbol_id=product_symbols.id and visible=1 and product_id=".$boxedr." order by name";      $product_symbols=dbselect( $query,"dbLinkInt" );       # featured image      if( is_file( $GLOBALS['install_dir']."/images/dynamic/".$GLOBALS['products_complete'][$boxed]['graphics'][10]['filename_image'] ) ) { $img="/images/dynamic/".$GLOBALS['products_complete'][$boxed]['graphics'][10]['filename_image']; } else { $img="/images/site/missing1.jpg"; }         # featured box title     # echo '<div class="box-head"><span>Best-seller</span></div>';       # featured main box      echo '<div style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">';      echo ' details here';      echo '</div>';       echo '<script type="text/javascript">';      echo '  $(".sym").hover( function(){';      echo '    var id=$(this).attr("id").replace( "sym-","ttip-" );';      echo '    $("#"+id).show();';      echo '  },function(){';      echo '    $(".ttip").hide();';      echo '  });';      echo '</script>';    }       echo $GLOBALS['html_clear'];     # sorting    if( $sortable ) {      if( $sortable=="alpha_down" ) {        if( is_array( $products_list ) ) {          $products_list=array_reverse( $products_list,true );        }      } elseif( $sortable=="rate_good" ) {        if( is_array( $products_list ) ) {          foreach( $products_list as $key=>$value ) { $temp[$key]=$GLOBALS['products_complete'][$key]['rating_cnt']+$GLOBALS['products_complete'][$key]['rating_offset']; }          asort( $temp ); $products_list=$temp; unset( $temp );        }      } elseif( $sortable=="rate_bad" ) {        if( is_array( $products_list ) ) {          foreach( $products_list as $key=>$value ) { $temp[$key]=$GLOBALS['products_complete'][$key]['rating_cnt']+$GLOBALS['products_complete'][$key]['rating_offset']; }          asort( $temp ); $products_list=$temp; unset( $temp ); $products_list=array_reverse( $products_list,true );        }      } elseif( $sortable=="price_high" ) {        if( is_array( $products_list ) ) {          foreach( $products_list as $key=>$value ) { $temp[$key]=$GLOBALS['products_complete'][$key]['price1']; }          asort( $temp ); $products_list=$temp; unset( $temp );        }      } elseif( $sortable=="price_low" ) {        if( is_array( $products_list ) ) {          foreach( $products_list as $key=>$value ) { $temp[$key]=$GLOBALS['products_complete'][$key]['price1']; }          asort( $temp ); $products_list=$temp; unset( $temp ); $products_list=array_reverse( $products_list,true );        }      }    }      # calculate last row    $prods=0;    if( is_array( $products_list ) ) {      foreach( $products_list as $key=>$value ) { if( !isset( $GLOBALS['products_complete'][$key]['nodisplay'] ) || $showall==1 ) { $prods++; } }      $lastrow=ceil( $prods/$cols );    }     if( is_array( $products_list ) ) {      echo '<div class="products"'; if( $cols==1 ) { echo ' style="padding: 0 12px;"'; } echo '>';      foreach( $products_list as $key=>$value ) { if( !isset( $GLOBALS['products_complete'][$key]['nodisplay'] ) || $showall==1 ) {        # start line box        if( $ctr==1 ) { echo '<div class="productlist-line"'; if( $row==$lastrow ) { echo ' style="border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;"'; } echo '>'; }         # product float        echo '<div class="rest'; if( $ctr==$cols ) { echo " productlist-last"; } echo'">';echo 'text here';        echo '</div>';        $ctr++;        if( $ctr>$cols ) { $ctr=1; $row++; }         # end line box        if( $ctr==1 ) { echo $GLOBALS['html_clear'].'</div>'; }      } }      if( $ctr!=1 ) { echo $GLOBALS['html_clear'].'</div>'; }      echo '</div>';    }  }
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It looks like you can just manually go through your list of products without using that function:

foreach($collection[$dynaload]['products'] as $product) {    // HTML and product information go here}
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It looks like you can just manually go through your list of products without using that function:

foreach($collection[$dynaload]['products'] as $product) {    // HTML and product information go here}

Sorry to be so dumb but which part would I change? All of it or just the actual function?

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What you would do is substitute this line:

<?php product_display( $collection[$dynaload]['products'],"More Products:",1 ) ?>

with a foreach() loop that goes through the object. You need to know the object's properties to do it.

In the foreach loop you can use whatever HTML you want.

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What you would do is substitute this line:

<?php product_display( $collection[$dynaload]['products'],"More Products:",1 ) ?>

with a foreach() loop that goes through the object. You need to know the object's properties to do it.

In the foreach loop you can use whatever HTML you want.

I tried to do that but it didn't seem to load any of the products. I thought I knew the objects properties but I guess not. Also there's quite a number of tables that hold the details of the products - will this still work?

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I don't know what your data structures look like.


If you want to know what properties an object contains, call var_dump() on it.


This is just for testing, I wouldn't put it on a live website.

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I don't know what your data structures look like.


If you want to know what properties an object contains, call var_dump() on it.


This is just for testing, I wouldn't put it on a live website.

Thanks, I'll give that a go :)

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