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  1. Thanks for the advise. I will make a start on it and see how I get on. Not sure I'll get too far though. Thanks again.
  2. Any ideas on programming those functions. I have the entire map wrapped in a <g> tag so I basically want panning with mouse on click on that element. How do I get the positioning of a g element.
  3. I am looking for a way to implement a pure Javascript svg map. I have created an svg but I am looking for a very clean pan zoom, tool tip on Hover that works on mobiles as well. I would like to have the mouse wheel to zoom as well as a plus and minus button. Pan around by clicking and dragging and panning on mobile with finger. I have tried plugins etc but no luck. I know it's possible with pure Javascript but I don't know js well enough. Any help would be very appreciated.
  4. I found something similar to what I needed:http://omrf.org/time_line/Just only the scroll bar detached from the image and no need for the scrolling text underneath. Just a scroll bar that has dates along it.Don't think I will find what I'm looking for lol
  5. I found something similar to what I needed:http://omrf.org/time_line/Just only the scroll bar detached from the image and no need for the scrolling text underneath. Just a scroll bar that has dates along it.Don't think I will find what I'm looking for lol
  6. I have an image that is probably the width of 3 pages landscape. What I need is a timeline bar that is split into 10 points and limit the width of the image shown. When the user moves the bar across the time line of points/dates the image moves across. Is this possible as I have no idea
  7. I found a tutorial on events calendar and it works great only I want to change the day to start on Monday and not Sunday. I can change the array of days of the week but the dates all go wrong. Can anyone helpThis is the code:<?php$days = Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat");echo "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\"><tr>\n";foreach ($days as $day){ echo "<td style=\"background-color: #CCCCCC; text-align: center; width: 14% \"><strong>$day</strong></td>\n";}for ($count=0; $count < (6*7); $count++){ $dayArray = getdate($start); if (($count % 7) == 0){ if ($dayArray['mon'] != $month){ break; } else { echo "</tr><tr>\n"; } } if ($count < $firstDayArray['wday'] || $dayArray['mon'] != $month){ echo "<td> </td>\n"; } else { echo "<td>".$dayArray['mday']." </td>\n"; $start += ADAY; }}echo "</tr></table>";?></body></html>
  8. so how would i code that. Wold it be just including the + interval 6 to day, month and year. Wold this for example if it were 2 hours before a new year add 6 hours on and change the year month and day...
  9. this is part of my sql statement where i am completely stuck: SELECT *,month(timeStamp) AS month,day(timeStamp) AS day, year(timeStamp) AS year, DATE_FORMAT(timeStamp + INTERVAL 6 HOUR,'%H:%i') AS showtime FROM basically this works brilliantly but if lets say the time before i add 6 hours is between 18:00 - 23:59 i need to add 1 day to the day value. Any help would be great.
  10. I have a table with 2 columns, width | price 100 39.95120 50.25140 63.75160 80.00 I also have an input field where the user can enter a measurement between 100 and 160 If the user enters 119 i want to run a select statement that will select the nearest row which would be 120.if the value were 105 the nearest would be 100. Or if the measurement was exact 140 would select 140 row... any ideas...
  11. basically i have an input field called cities. They are french cities and the input field uses autocomplete. Some cities have the special characters like accents. These cities display the accents correclty when autocomplete generates a city but when you user selects one the city displays the html ascii code in the input field. Is there a way i can have onchange event that takes the value of the input field and converts the special characters and updates the input field with the new value/string.
  12. Basically i am using timestamp in mysql and i am using the following php in my SELECT query DATE_FORMAT(timeStamp,'%d% %b %Y') This works. But i want to take say the month %b and basically convert the english month to french month if (month = "january") { $newmonth = "french name for janary"} how do i retrieve the month name or value to convert it and then still echo %d%, %b(but as converted month), %Y.
  13. I have a database with french cities listed and some of the names containéand some others. How can i echo the character as it is instead of a diamond with a ? inside.
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