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Change Value of Input


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var contentString = '<div id="infoContent">'+					'<strong>'+address+','+price+','+'Mortgage: '+mortgage+' Taxes: '+taxes+' Year: '+year+'</strong>'+					'#<span id="number">'+house_number+'</span>'+					'</div>'+					'<a href="#edit"><span onClick="editDetails()">edit</span></span>';					house_number++					return contentString;}

This code is returned to a function that creates a Info Window in a Google Map to appear when the user clicks on a marker on the map. The next set of code is what editDetails() does.

function editDetails(){		var data_edit = "<div id="houseDetails">";	data_edit+=		"<div id="details">";	data_edit+=		"<h4>Details</h4>";	data_edit+=		"Price:<input type="text" id="price" value="" class="boxsize">";	data_edit+=		"Mortgage:<input type="text" id="mortgage" value="" class="boxsize">";    data_edit+=		"</div>";	data_edit+=		"</div>";		document.getElementById("data_edit").innerHTML = data_edit;	document.getElementById("data_edit").style.display = "block";	document.getElementById("new_address").style.display = "hidden";	thishouse = document.getElementById("number").innerHTML;	  	document.getElementById('price').value = "hi";  	document.getElementById('mortgage').value = myhouses[thishouse].mortgage;}

All those input textboxes appear and then I am attempting to change the value in the textboxes. The first one shows:

document.getElementById('price').value = "hi";

Just as a test because I am otherwise not sure why it is not working. If I alert:


The expected value does appear, so that is not an issue. The issue is, why does the value not change?

Edited by Spunky
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There's probably an error message on the console. Although, why not just set the value in the HTML when you create the element?


Lol I do not know. Doh! But it worked so thanks. :)


Oh and I forgot to mention that there was no error on the console. Usually I think of it cuz there is an error but this time there wasn't. It just, did nothing.

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