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quotes and single quotes


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i am trying a script that wont work when i use double quotes like this:



but instead i have to use thi syntax:



whats the diffrence? Because they wont give the same result.

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In your first example "el" is being interpretted as part of the string because you haven't closed the string:

In the second example you have quotation marks inside the string but you're closing the string before showing the variable. It doesn't matter whether they're single or double quotes.


All the following options are valid:

"resetScroller('" + el + "')""resetScroller("" + el + "")"'resetScroller('' + el + '')''resetScroller("' + el + '")'

The backslash is used to put a quotation mark inside a string that's delimited by the same quotation mark.

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The verb delimit: To fix or mark the limits or boundaries of; demarcate:

A string is delimited by either single-quotes (apostrophe character) or double-quotes. There is one delimiter preceding the string, and another delimiter following the string. If you want to use a single-quote inside a string that is delimited by single-quotes you need to use a backslash.


Look at how the syntax highlighter reacts to various strings based on what characters they contain:

var str;str = "It's called a "delimiter".";str = 'It's called a "delimiter".';  //'str = "It's called a "delimiter".";str = 'It's called a "delimiter".';

Green means that the character is part of the string, black means it's outside of the string.

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What is the best approach? I don't seem to do that too often in JS. Where would I need to do that?

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>passing funct args</title><script>var p = {};p.cnt = 0;p.delay = 1000;p.multi = 10;window.onload = init;function init() {getele(1).innerHTML = 'Initialized to a delay of '+ mult(p.delay,p.multi) +' milliseconds<br/>';setTimeout(function(){displaycnt(getele(1),getpcount());},mult(p.delay,p.multi));}function getpcount(){p.cnt = p.cnt+1;return p.cnt;}function getele(n){var str = 'out'+ n;return document.getElementById(str);}function mult(x,y){return x*y;}function displaycnt(ele,cnt){var d = new Date();ele.innerHTML += 'Count: '+ cnt +' at time: '+ d.toLocaleTimeString() +'<br/>';setTimeout(function(){displaycnt(ele,getpcount());},mult(p.delay,p.multi));}</script></head><body><h1>FUNCTION ARGUMENTS ARE SCREWY AS ######</h1><div id="out1"></div></body>    </html>
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It was intended to be a silly example that passes a lot of functions as arguments -- which was (my interpretation) the OP's core problem.


When exactly do you need to do what the OP is trying to do? Does that even work?


...doesn't this work better?

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, because the best practice way to use setTimeout / Interval is by passing a reference to a function

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