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JavaScript ajax xml response


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What I'm trying to do is use an xml DOM created in php to display on my webpage using an ajax call. I'm pretty sure this is a JavaScript problem, but it's possible there may be an issue with my php code. Part of the php code is below if needed. The reason I believe the php code is fine, is because if I go directly to the page and uncomment the saveHTML() line, it displays fine.


The first code below is my ajax call. I think the call fails, because what I get is the alert error message in my code (An error has occured). I'm not sure what the issue is.


Thanks for any suggestions.

request = $.ajax({				   url: "results.php", 				   type: "POST",				   dataType: "xml"				}).done(function (data){					$(data).find("stat").each(function(){						$("result").append($(this).find("fName").text() + "<br>");					});				}).fail(function (){					alert("An error has occured.");				});
$result=mysqli_query($con,$cmd);$doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8");		$root = $doc->createElement('stats');		$doc->appendChild($root);		while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result)){				// Creates the main xml element stat			$element = $doc->createElement("stat");						// Declares variables from SQL table to be used for sub-elements			$fName = $row['fName'];			$lName = $row['lName'];			$position = $row['position'];			$pYard = $row['pYard'];			// Create sub-elements			$pfName = $doc->createElement("fName", $fName);			$plName = $doc->createElement("lName", $lName);			$pPosition = $doc->createElement("position", $position);			$pPYard = $doc->createElement("pYard", $pYard);			// Add sub-elements to main element stat			$element->appendChild($pfName);			$element->appendChild($plName);			$element->appendChild($pPosition);			$element->appendChild($pPYard);						// Add main element to root			$root->appendChild($element);		}		//echo $doc->saveHTML();		echo $doc;
Edited by danielj
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