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hi can anyone tell me why this dosent work <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script type="text/javascript"><!-->var image1=new image ()image1.src="picture1.jpg"var image2=new image ()image2.src="picture2.jpg"var image3=new image ()image3.src="picture3.jpg"//--></script></head><body><img src="picture1.jpg" mame="slide" width"400"height"300"><script type="text/javascript"><!--var step=1function slideit(){document.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src")if(step<3)step++elsestep=1setTimeout("slideit()",2500)}slideit()//--></script></body></html> thanksjnf555

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<img src="picture1.jpg" mame="slide" width"400" height"300"> Probably the spelling. BTW, this is really, really old code. It would be more conventional today to get a reference to your image with document.getElementById() and assigning an id attribute to your image. It is also no longer necessary to use eval() to assemble strings. I think that was obsolete literally before the turn of the century. The comment tags at the beginning and end of the script can also be removed.

Edited by Deirdre's Dad
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should it work this way <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style type="text/css">#myTV {background-image:url(screen.jpg);width:269px;height:164px;padding-top:20px;}#myScreen {width:228px;height:128px;margin-left:21px;}</style></head><body><div id="myTV"><div id="myScreen"></div></div><script type="text/javascript">var myScreen = document.getElementById('myScreen');var myPics = ['pic1.jpg','pic2.jpg','pic3.jpg'];var totalPics = myPics.length;var i = 0;function loop() {if(i > (totalPics - 1)){i = 0;}myScreen.innerHTML = '<img src="screen_pics/'+myPics+'">';i++;loopTimer = setTimeout('loop()',3000);}loop();</script></body></html>

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That's a lot more modern, yeah. Good idea, too, putting your pic names in an array like that. My own preference would not be to create an image element using innerHTML. I would create an original image as your first HTML did, and then just change the src attribute in your loop function. I also recommend creating image objects as your first code did so that the images are preloaded.* You could simplify that with a for or while loop. * which should answer davej's question.

Edited by Deirdre's Dad
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is this going in the right direction, or have i missed something <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script type="text/javascript">var image1=new image ()image1.src="pic1.jpg"var image2=new image ()image2.src="pic2.jpg"var image3=new image ()image3.src="pic.jpg"</script><style type="text/css">#myTV {background-image:url(screen.jpg);width:269px;height:164px;padding-top:20px;}#myScreen {width:228px;height:128px;margin-left:21px;}</style></head><body><div id="myScreen"></div><script type="text/javascript">var myScreen = document.getElementById('myScreen');var myPics = ['pic1.jpg','pic2.jpg','pic3.jpg'];var totalPics = myPics.length;var i = 0;function loop() {if(i > (totalPics - 1)){i = 0;}myScreen.innerHTML = '<img src="pic1.jpg">';i++;loopTimer = setTimeout('loop()',3000);}loop();</script></body></html>

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thanks for replies, the problem is it doesn't work, i must have something wrong <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script type="text/javascript"><!-->var image1=new Image ()image1.src="pic1.jpg"var image2=new Image ()image2.src="pic2.jpg"var image3=new Image ()image3.src="pic3.jpg"//--></script><style type="text/css">#myTV {background-image:url(screen.jpg);width:269px;height:164px;padding-top:20px;}#myScreen {width:228px;height:128px;margin-left:21px;}</style></head><body><div id="myTV"><div id="myScreen"></div></div><script type="text/javascript">var myScreen = document.getElementById('myScreen');var myPics = ['pic1.jpg','pic2.jpg','pic3.jpg'];var totalPics = myPics.length;var i = 0;function loop() {if(i > (totalPics - 1)){i = 0;}myScreen.innerHTML = '<img src="pic1.jpg"/'+myPics+'">';i++;loopTimer = setTimeout('loop()',3000);}loop();</script></body></html>

Edited by jnf555
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are you just guessing here? I'm sure in the past we've told you about debugging, checking for errors, logging/alert statements within your code, etc. Aside from that, a better post would be to explain to us what exactly isn't working, vs what you are expecting to happen. Programming doesn't have to be a mystery, the computer is only doing what you tell it to do, after all.

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i am expecting the images to change from one to another as in a slideshow.thanks
are you just guessing here? I'm sure in the past we've told you about debugging, checking for errors, logging/alert statements within your code, etc.
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I know what you are trying to do, but I am trying to help you help us by giving us more information on the current state of the code as you are experiencing it. code works and doesn't work for a reason. Aren't you at all interested in knowing if there are errors in the code? (the console would show those) Or know how the code is executing and what is happening and when? (logging/alert statements would tell you that). Just saying it isn't working doesn't tell us much, and short of us copying the code and running it locally ourselves, it can help us to identify the problem spots quicker. Anyway, this line looks questionable

myScreen.innerHTML = '<img src="pic1.jpg"/'+myPics[i]+'">';

the src is always being set to a concatentation of pic1.jpg plus the value of the myPics array at that given index. try looking at the source when the page loads. I imagine that part would look kind of weird. Also, as suggested earlier, why set the innerHTML of a non semantic element? Make myScreen an image tag, get its reference like you are doing, and just set its src property with the loop.

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He's expecting you to check for errors yourself. The browser will tell you exactly what's going on. Every modern browser has a developer console you can use, there are links in my signature for the different browsers. Open your developer console and look around. In particular, check the Network tab that shows the requests that the browser is sending out. Look at the requests that it sends for the slideshow images and see if those URLs are correct.

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to my point above about the image path concatenation, the error console would show 404's, which is what you would get if the path for an image (or css file, js file, etc) can't be found by the browser. (either because the file doesn't exist, or because the path itself is wrong).

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i guess. you'll have to do just as much debugging and error console debugging either way, and probably more, since it seems like you have little experience with programming. Or you could just fix that one line that I pointed out that is probably causing the issue. Have you even tried looking in the error console at all? I mean, why keep guessing.

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i probably keep guessing due to my lack of experience, but i am trying to learn javascript
i understand, but learning is easier when you don't have to guess. All my posts have been giving you ways to find out what your code is doing, and if there are any errors, for the exact reason of not having to guess. Why not just do what i've been suggesting instead of posting code and asking if it will work? Just try it, look for errors, debug it, etc, and then report back with your findings/questions. That's all I've been trying to say. Edited by thescientist
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At long last i have managed to acheive what i was aiming to do.change from one img to another, as in a slideshowMany thanks to everyone that has helped <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-us"><head><head><title></title><script type="text/javascript">var image1=new Image ()image1.src="pic1.jpg"var image2=new Image ()image2.src="pic2.jpg"var image3=new Image ()image3.src="pic3.jpg"</script><style type="text/css"></style></head><body><div id="myScreen"></div><div id="myTV"><div id="myScreen"></div></div><script type="text/javascript">var myScreen = document.getElementById('myScreen');var myPics = ['pic1.jpg','pic2.jpg','pic3.jpg'];var totalPics = myPics.length;var i = 0;function loop() {if(i > (totalPics - 1)){i = 0;}myScreen.innerHTML = '<img src="'+myPics+'">';i++;loopTimer = setTimeout('loop()',5000);}loop();</script></body></html>

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