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knockout JS - if within For Each


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Hi I am using templates in Knockout JS and I am trying to create conditional markup within the template. The code I have is as follows (bit does not work and I don't think it is possible to do it this way within a template (I think this is the method outside templates) So does anybody know how it can be done

			    <script type='text/html' id="mainPageTemplate">			   				    <!-- ko if: ($index()%2==0) -->					    <div class="row group">				    <!-- /ko -->			   				    <div class='seriesFeature col'>					    <a class='sect-nav' data-nav='pi_family' data-bind="click:goFamily.bind($data,id)">					    <h4 data-bind = "text: name"></h4>					    <img data-bind="attr: {src: image}"></a>					    <p data-bind="text: description"></p>				    </div> 				    <!-- ko if: ($index()%2==0) -->					    </div>				    <!-- /ko -->				   			    </script>

The HTML setup is as follows

<div id="pi_mainPage" data-bind="template: {name: 'mainPageTemplate', foreach: productInfoMain.families}"></div>

So for element 0,2,4,6,8...... I want it to add the containing div with classes row & group. Any help much appreciated as I an stumped. I did try using the CSS nth-child but with the element having multiple classes it got a bit messy and for clarify it should really be in the HTML.

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This works using jquery, but i can't guarantee if it will work for template system or cause problems for data-bind when cloning.

$(function (){$('.seriesFeature:even').addClass("remove");$('.seriesFeature:even').before('<div class="row group"></div>')$('.remove').each(function(){    $(this).clone().appendTo($(this).prev('.row'));    $(this).prev('.row').find('.remove').removeClass('remove');});$('.remove').remove();});

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I can't believe there is no option for conditional operations within a template, surely there must be. I originally had the page creating itself into a string and then using appendTo, but the client wants it all to be using page templates for easy of future changes. I looked at using Jquery templates but I read that they were not supported anymore, particularly with Knockout JS. So I am trying to keep to pure Knockout js with mapping. Anyone else got any ideas? Thanks

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