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REST API not accepting all of the data


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I'm very new to this but am trying to add a user (and their details for an address book with dotmailer. The code I'm using, which excepts the email address okay (a new contact is created). The problem is I'm also trying to add their name, gender, address etc to the contact.

To add the data I'm using:
<?php/** POST EMAIL FIRST AND GET CONTACT FROM DOTMAILER */$postContactUrl = 'https://apiconnector.com/v2/contacts/';$data = array(    'Email' => 'test@email',    'EmailType' => 'Html',    'dataFields' => array('key' => 'FIRSTNAME','value'=> 'Fred','key' => 'LASTNAME','value'=> 'Smith','key' => 'FULLNAME','value'=> 'Fred Smith','key' => 'GENDER','value'=> 'Male',));//post email and response will be contact object from dotmailer$contact = execute_post($postContactUrl, $data);/** ADD CONTACT TO ADDRESS BOOK */$addContactToAddressBookUrl = 'https://apiconnector.com/v2/address-books/' . '123456' . '/contacts'; //post contact to address book and response will be address book object from dotmailer$book =  execute_post($addContactToAddressBookUrl, $contact);// echo "<pre>" . print_r($contact, true) . "</pre>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($book, true) . "</pre>";function execute_post($url, $data){    $requestBody = json_encode($data, true);    $ch = curl_init();    curl_setopt($ch, CURLAUTH_BASIC, CURLAUTH_DIGEST);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'username' . ':' . 'password'); // credentials    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $requestBody);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array ('Accept: ' . 'application/json' ,'Content-Type: application/json'));    $responseBody = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));    curl_close($ch);    return $responseBody;}?>
The var_dump($book); shows no data at all for any of the dataFields:
stdClass Object(    [id] => 123456789    [email] => test@email    [optInType] => Unknown    [emailType] => Html    [dataFields] => Array        (            [3] => stdClass Object                (                    [key] => FIRSTNAME                    [value] =>                 )            [4] => stdClass Object                (                    [key] => FULLNAME                    [value] =>                 )            [5] => stdClass Object                (                    [key] => GENDER                    [value] =>                 )            [7] => stdClass Object                (                    [key] => LASTNAME                    [value] =>                 )        )
This is what I'm trying to do: http://api.dotmailer.com/v2/help/wadl#AddressBookContacts (PostAddressBookContacts in particular) but have now hit a wall and am not getting anywhere.
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I've managed to get most of it to work but didn't know if it's possible to use $_GET['email'] in an array?

For example:
$data = array(    'Email' => '$_GET['email']',    'EmailType' => 'Html',
[email] => $_GET['email']    [optInType] => Unknown    [emailType] => Html
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If you want the value of $_GET['email'] then don't wrap it in quotation marks.

$data = array(    'Email' => $_GET['email'],    'EmailType' => 'Html',
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If you want the value of $_GET['email'] then don't wrap it in quotation marks.

$data = array(    'Email' => $_GET['email'],    'EmailType' => 'Html',


Brilliant thank you, I thought that all array values had to be in quotation marks!


Is it the same if I want to send numbers then (i.e. I don't need the quotations)?

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Just incase anybody else is having the same problem this is the solution I used in the end:

$data = array(    'Email' => $_POST['email'],    'EmailType' => 'Html',    'dataFields' => array(    array(    'Key' => 'FIRSTNAME',	'Value' => $_POST['first']),    array(    'Key' => 'LASTNAME',	'Value' => $_POST['last']),    array(    'Key' => 'FULLNAME',	'Value' => $_POST['first']." ".$_POST['last'] ),    array(    'Key' => 'GENDER',	'Value' => $_POST['gender']),	));
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Quotation marks are used to delimit strings. If it's not a string then you don't use quotation marks. Numbers are not strings. String is just one type of data, you can read about all the different data types in the PHP tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_datatypes.asp

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