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datalist object textbox


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I don't know how to insert the text written in the datalist textbox as a new item in the datalist options. In fact I don't know how to read the text written in the datalist textbox in a variable. I've tried to read it as I would do with a text input but it doesn't work.

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I've already read the example your link get me to. Have you really tried to get the text from the textbox of the datalist? This is what I want and I didn't found any example.

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Its done very much like you would do normally, use id ref getElementById(), or use getElementsByName()[0] and retrieve the value, with the text, it is similar to creating new option for select dropdown.

            function myFunction(e) {                e.preventDefault();                var x = document.getElementById("browserListInput"); //option 1                //var x = document.getElementsByName("browser")[0]; // option2                alert(x.value);                x.value = "";                var y = document.getElementById("browsers");                var option = document.createElement("option");                option.value = "Another Browser which is bound to be better than IE";                y.appendChild(option);            }        <form>            <input  id="browserListInput" list="browsers" name="browser">            <datalist id="browsers">                <option value="Internet Explorer">                <option value="Firefox">                <option value="Chrome">                <option value="Opera">                <option value="Safari">            </datalist>            <button onclick="myFunction(event)">Click Me</button>        </form>        <p id="demo"></p>
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Thanks, it seems that the correct instructions sequence is:



If you would given:


the alert box would display "undefined". How did you know it?

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