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Sometimes the simplest things


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Within script tags in the body of my HTML, I have:

aRay = new Array();
aRay[0] = 'a';
aRay[1] = 'b';
aRay[2] = 'c';
aRay[3] = 'd';
aRay[4] = 'e';
document.write("aRay length is "+aRay.length+"</br>");
for( i = 0; i < aRay.length; i++ )
 document.write("element "+i+" is "+aRay[i]+"</br>");

for( y = 0; y < aRay.length; y++ ) {
    document.write("so we can find ""+aRay[y]+"" in element "+y+"</br>");

And what prints out is:

aRay length is 5
element 0 is a
element 1 is b
element 2 is c
element 3 is d
element 4 is e
so we can find "d" in element 0

That 0 at the end of the line above should be a 3.

Why isn't it?

What am I missing here?


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This is an assignment. You're setting all the elements in the array to "d"


Also, in Javascript there is no endif statement. Code within the if() block should be wrapped in { curly braces }

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