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Textarea alignment

Ashish Sood

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I am working on the project where i need to display the user profile in the table format everything is working except the alignment of textarea.

if(isset($_POST['submit'])){	$search = $_POST["search"];	include("../../../../../../../inetpub/wwwroot/dbcon/connection.php");	$selectdb=mysql_select_db("mid_federick",$con);		//select condition with joinning	$selectcondition="select order_dayshiftchecklist.DATE,checklist_dayshiftjob.JOBNAME,checklist_dayshiftjob.TIME,order_dayshiftchecklist.INITIALS FROM order_dayshiftchecklist,checklist_dayshiftjob  where order_dayshiftchecklist.JOB=checklist_dayshiftjob.JOB && DATE='".$search."'";		$check=mysql_query($selectcondition,$con);	$fetch=mysql_fetch_row($check);	//if zero result found	if(!$fetch)            				 	{		echo "<font color='red'>";		echo "<br>";		echo "<b>No details found of requested $date</b>"; 		echo "<br>";	    echo "</font>";	}	//if result found 	else	{				$selectcondition1="select order_dayshiftchecklist.DATE,checklist_dayshiftjob.JOBNAME,checklist_dayshiftjob.TIME,order_dayshiftchecklist.INITIALS FROM order_dayshiftchecklist,checklist_dayshiftjob  where order_dayshiftchecklist.JOB=checklist_dayshiftjob.JOB && DATE='".$search."'";		$check1=mysql_query($selectcondition1,$con);				$comment= "select COMMENTS,DATE from comments where DATE='".$_POST['search']."'";		$my_comments=mysql_query($comment,$con);				echo "<table class='mytable' width='100%' border='1' cellspacing='0'>        <tr>        <th width='10%'>DATE</th>		<th width='5%'>TIME</th>        <th width='30%'>ORDER</th>        <th width='60%'>INITIALS</th>        </tr>";         		while($records = mysql_fetch_array($check1))         	 	{			echo "<tr>";			echo "<td>" . $records['DATE'] . " </td>";			echo "<td>" . $records['TIME']. " </td>";			echo "<td><pre>" . $records['ORDER']. " </td>";			echo  '<textarea name="initials" cols="20" rows="2" disable="disable">'.$records['INITIALS'].'</textarea><br />';		}					$records_comments = mysql_fetch_array($my_comments);       	    echo "<h4>COMMENTS</h4>";	   	    echo "<br>";		echo  '<textarea name="comments" cols="50" rows="10" disable="disable">'.$records_comments['COMMENTS'].'</textarea><br ><br />'; 			    }	}	?>

Why the initials & comments textarea show at the top the the webpage


I want initials to show in the table row

And comments textarea to show at the bottom of the page.


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