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how can i insert data into WEB FORM from a DATABASE


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hello w3school mmbrs


i have a q. thats makes me confused and its


how can i insert data into WEB FORM from a DATABASE


Assume :

i have a database called 'home'

and my table called 'vals'


and the table 'vals' have 3 Fields 'username','val1','val2'


and i create a web form that's have 2 inputs (val1,val2) so i want to put the values FROM THE DATABASE INTO MY WEB FORM


note* , i want to insert data into web form (not from webform)

any idea please ?!






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Yeah I did lookmmm it didn't Works with meMy Question was :I have some question in my page that has a 2 variable values (val1,val2) and these values changes by lookup table ..means that evry user in my database has a different values (val1,val2) appears in a FORM.... and thanks so much for ur reply

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So you connect to the database with PHP, get the data you're looking for (that's what the tutorial shows), build the form and add the data from the database to the fields. What code do you have so far?

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so what'


Yeah I did lookmmm it didn't Works with meMy Question was :I have some question in my page that has a 2 variable values (val1,val2) and these values changes by lookup table ..means that evry user in my database has a different values (val1,val2) appears in a FORM.... and thanks so much for ur reply


Understood from the first time. So what's the issue? What code are you using and what problem? Do you have a means of identifying users already? (like a login system?)

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i didnt connect to my user database but i assume i did and i wrote this code >>> its right or ?

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body bgcolor="#A3FFD1"><html dir='ltr'><meta charset='UTF-8'/><head><title>Home Works Page</title></head><body><br/>     <br/><br/>     <br/><font size='14' style='bold'><b>Hello:</b> <?php echo $username; ?> </font><form action=""  method="POST"><br/>     <br/><br/>     <br/> <table>  <tr>     <td>Calculating the area of a triangle if the length of the base of the triangle =</td>    <td>  <input type="text"  name="LofT"  disabled="" size="5" value='<?php $_POST[val1]; ?>' /> </td>    <td>  and the height or altitude of the triangle = <input type="text"  name="HofT" disabled="" size="5"  value='<?php $_POST[val2]; ?>' /> </td>  </tr></table>  <br/>  <br/>  <br/>  <br/>  <br/>  <br/>  <br/>  <br/><font size=14 style=bold>  The Solution will be</font><table><br/><br/>      <tr>        <td> The Result: <input type="text" name="result"/> <select name="sel1" id="sel1"><option></option><option id="op1">Meter</option> <option>Cm </option> <option>Mili-meter</option></select> Choose Measurement Unit</td>       </tr>            <td><input type="submit"  name="resultbtn" value="Send Solutions"/></td>     </tr></form></body></html></body></html>
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now where can i called the user value and how i put them in the input text


<input type="text" name="LofT" disabled="" size="5" value='<?php $_POST[val1]; ?>' />

<input type="text" name="HofT" disabled="" size="5" value='<?php $_POST[val2]; ?>' />


the blue code is it right to called data from user values table?

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my first login system code was

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body bgcolor="#A3FFD1"><?php//error handlingfunction customError($errno, $errstr) {  echo "<b>Error:</b>[$errno] $errstr";}//custom error handlingset_error_handler("customError");$username = $_POST['username'];$password = $_POST['password'];if (username == '123' AND password =='1234') {	if(file_exists('exam.php'))	 	require('exam.php');	else{		echo"login error";	}}else{echo "<font size=40 ><b>ِAccess Denied </b></font>" ;}?></body></html>

and after that i found some security login code

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body bgcolor="#A3FFD1"><?php//uses local host just for testing$connect =mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die ("error with connection");//my database called 'members' and table called 'users'mysql_select_db("members",$connect) or die ("error with data connection");error_reporting(0);if ($_POST['login']){   if($_POST['username'] && $_POST['password']) {      $username=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']);     $password=mysql_real_escape_string(hash("sha512",$_POST['password']));     $user=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'users' WHERE 'username' = '$username' "));     if($user='0'){         die ("u r not registered with our data base ,, U CANNOT LOGIN , u might <a href='contactme.php' </a> ");                }if ($username['password'] != $password){       die("Incorrect password,..try again or <a href='contactme.php' ");                                     }$salt = hash("sha512",rand().rand().rand());setcookie ("c_user",hash("sha512",$username),ttime()+24*60*60,"/"));setcookie ("c_salt",$salt,time()+24*60*60,"/");$userID = $user['ID'];mysql_query("UPDATE 'users' SET 'salt' = '$salt'  WHERE 'ID' = '$userID' ");if(file_exists('exam.php'))require('exam.php');else{echo"Error ,.. No such page please try to <a href='login.php>log in </a>'";}}else{echo "<font size=40 ><b>Access Denied </b></font>" ;}    }}?></body></html>
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the blue code is it right to called data from user values table?

No, $_POST holds form data, not values from a database (unless you overwrite it). And you need to use an echo or print statement to output something from PHP.
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No, $_POST holds form data, not values from a database (unless you overwrite it). And you need to use an echo or print statement to output something from PHP.


mmmm i uses echo like that

<?php echo $val1; ?>

or what ? :(:(

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That will print the value of a variable called $val1, yes. If you're not sure about how to use PHP then I would suggest the documentation at php.net, if you look up echo you will see several examples. It's better than guessing.

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First you get value from your db.

The query is

$q=mysql_query("select * from tbl_name where id=$id") or die(mysql_error());$res=mysql_fetch_assoc($q);

Then in your text box

<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $res['username']">

You need to add

error_reporting('E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE');

at first of your file to avoid errors.

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First you get value from your db.

The query is

$q=mysql_query("select * from tbl_name where id=$id") or die(mysql_error());$res=mysql_fetch_assoc($q);

Then in your text box

<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $res['username']">

You need to add

error_reporting('E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE');

at first of your file to avoid errors.



thank u 4 ur reply :-)

i solve it

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