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convert classical JS to PrototypeJS


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Hy guys.


I have a homework that says something like that:


"Create a class called Person with the attributes id, name, surname. Create another class called Student that inherits the class Persons and also has it`s own two attributes: id_card and average.Implement at least 2 methods in Person class and 1 method in Student class.Call all 3 methods after creating the instance of Student class."


I managed to create this:


"<html> <head> <script>// Definim clasa persoanafunction persoana(nume, prenume, cnp) { this.nume = nume; this.prenume = prenume; this.cnp = cnp;}// definim o metoda pentru afisarea numelui completpersoana.prototype.arataNume = function() {return this.nume + " " + this.prenume;};// definim o metoda pentru afisarea cnp-uluipersoana.prototype.arataCNP = function() {return this.cnp;};// Definim clasa studentfunction student(nume, prenume, cnp, nr_carnet, medie) {// constructor parintepersoana.call(this, nume, prenume, cnp);// proprietati publice si proprii pentru student this.nr_carnet = nr_carnet; this.medie = medie;}// Mostenim de la clasa persoanastudent.prototype = Object.create(persoana.prototype);// Definim o metoda pentru clasa student metoda prin care de fapt suprascriem metoda parinte arataNume si afisam in plus si numarul de carnetstudent.prototype.arataNume = function() {return "Student: " + this.nume + " " + this.prenume + " - Numar carnet: " + this.nr_carnet;};// Definire metoda pentru afisare medie studentstudent.prototype.medieStudent = function() {return this.medie;};// instantiem si rulam metodelevar unStudent = new student("xyz","abc","7432943929393", "122", "8");alert(unStudent.arataNume());alert("CNP student: " + unStudent.arataCNP());alert("Medie student: " + unStudent.medieStudent());</script></head><body></body></html>"


The problem is that my professor refused my homework because I didn`t use PrototypeJS.

Can you help me converting this code? I didn`t understood his request and by browsing this page I could`t understand much:


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You need to find someone who uses Prototype.js. You might want to look at...






It looks like the syntax is more like "classical" inheritance with "initialize" being the constructor function.


See this example...



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