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echo price changed with difference colors


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with curl every 1 min go to the web and get the coin price and then store in the database.


Now in my code compare latest tow records from table db ...


if new price higher of old price echo price with color green..


and if less echo with red color


and if equal echo with black color.


<table border="1" width="50%">            <tr>                <td>Date</td>                <td>Amont</td>            </tr>            <?php            $params =null; //or any params            $mrkfPDO =  new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=usd', 'root', '',                array(                    PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true,                    PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8"                )            );            $mrkfStatement = $mrkfPDO->prepare("select * from uds order by id desc limit 2  ");$mrkfStatement->execute($params);$pays = $mrkfStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);$color = 'black';$resultcount = count($pays);if ($resultcount == 2) {  if ($pays[1]['price'] > $pays[0]['price']) $colour = 'red';  if ($pays[1]['price'] < $pays[0]['price']) $colour = 'green';  }if ($resultcount > 0) {  echo "<tr><td><span style='color: $color'>"  .$pays [$resultcount-1]['price'] . "</span></td></tr>";  }                ?>

But I don't know why when echo higher price dos not change color to green.. and always is black

Edited by tazeha
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There should not be a space between the variable and square brackets in this code fragment:

$pays [$resultcount-1]['price'] 

Have you checked the value of $color to see what is in it?

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