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[SOLVED]piping emails to script

Craig Hopson

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hi guys have this script to deal with the email it works great when you send from G-mail to script but ANYTHING else it does not handle the attachment and i just dont understand whats going on HELP!!!

#!/usr/bin/php -q<?php//  Use -q so that php doesn't print out the HTTP headers//  Anything printed to STDOUT will be sent back to the sender as an error!//  Config options$max_time_limit = 600; // in seconds// A safe place for files with trailing slash (malicious users could upload a php or executable file!)$save_directory = "/some/folder/path";$allowedSenders = Array('myemail@gmail.com',	'Bob the Builder <whatever@whoever.com>'); // only people you trust!$send_email = TRUE; // Send confirmation e-mail?$save_msg_to_db = TRUE; // Save e-mail body to DB?$db_host = 'localhost';$db_un = 'db_un';$db_pass = 'password';$db_name = 'db_name';// ------------------------------------------------------set_time_limit($max_time_limit);ini_set('max_execution_time',$max_time_limit);global $from, $subject, $boundary, $message, $save_path,$files_uploaded;$save_path = $save_directory;$files_uploaded = Array();function formatBytes(&$bytes, $precision = 2) {	$units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');	$bytes = max($bytes, 0);	$pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024));	$pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1);	$bytes /= pow(1024, $pow);	return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow];}function process_part(&$email_part){	global $message;	// Max two parts. The data could have more than one \n\n in it somewhere,	// but the first \n\n should be after the content info block	$parts = explode("\n\n",$email_part,2);	$info = split("\n",$parts[0]);	$type;	$name;	$encoding;	foreach($info as $line){	if(preg_match("/Content-Type: (.*);/",$line,$matches)){		$type = $matches[1];	}	if(preg_match("/Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"(.*)\"/",		$line,$matches)){		$name = time() . "_" . $matches[1];	}	if(preg_match("/Content-Transfer-Encoding: (.*)/",$line,$matches)){		$encoding = $matches[1];	}	}	// We don't know what it is, so we don't know how to process it	if(!isset($type)){ return FALSE; }	switch($type){	case 'text/plain':	// "But if you get a text attachment, you're going to overwrite	// the real message!" Yes. I don't care in this case...	$message = $parts[1];	break;	case 'multipart/alternative':	// Multipart comes where the client sends the data in two formats so	// that recipients who can't read (or don't like) fancy content	// have another way to read it. Eg. When sending an html formatted	// message, they will also send a plain text message	process_multipart($info,$parts[1]);	break;	default:	if(isset($name)){ // the main message will not have a file name...		// text/html messages won't be saved!		process_data($name,$encoding,$parts[1]);	}elseif(!isset($message) && strpos($type,'text') !== FALSE){		$message = $parts[1]; // Going out on a limb here...capture		// the message	}	break;	}}function process_multipart(&$info,&$data){	global $message;	$bounds;	foreach($info as $line){	if (preg_match("/boundary=(.*)$/",$line,$matches)){		$bounds = $matches[1];	}	}	$multi_parts = split("--" .$bounds,$data);	for($i = 1;$i < count($multi_parts);$i++){	process_part($multi_parts[$i]);	}}function process_data(&$name,&$encoding = 'base64' ,&$data){	global $save_path,$files_uploaded;	// find a filename that's not in use. There's a race condition	// here which should be handled with flock or something instead	// of just checking for a free filename	$unlocked_and_unique = FALSE;	while(!$unlocked_and_unique){	// Find unique	$name = time() . "_" . $name;	while(file_exists($save_path . $name)) {		$name = time() . "_" . $name;	}	// Attempt to lock	$outfile = fopen($save_path.$name,'w');	if(flock($outfile,LOCK_EX)){		$unlocked_and_unique = TRUE;	}else{		flock($outfile,LOCK_UN);		fclose($outfile);	}	}	if($encoding == 'base64'){	fwrite($outfile,base64_decode($data));	}elseif($encoding == 'uuencode'){	// I haven't actually seen this in an e-mail, but older clients may	// still use it...not 100% sure that this will work correctly as is	fwrite($outfile,convert_uudecode($data));	}	flock($outfile,LOCK_UN);	fclose($outfile);	// This is for readability for the return e-mail and in the DB	$files_uploaded[$name] = formatBytes(filesize($save_path.$name));}// Process the e-mail from stdin$fd = fopen('php://stdin','r');$email = '';while(!feof($fd)){ $email .= fread($fd,1024); }// Headers hsould go till the first \n\n. Grab everything before that, then// split on \n and process each line$headers = split("\n",array_shift(explode("\n\n",$email,2)));foreach($headers as $line){	// The only 3 headers we care about...	if (preg_match("/^Subject: (.*)/", $line, $matches)) {	$subject = $matches[1];	}	if (preg_match("/^From: (.*)/", $line, $matches)) {	$from = $matches[1];	}	if (preg_match("/boundary=(.*)$/",$line,$matches)){	$boundary = $matches[1];	}}// Check $from here and exit if it's blank or// not someone you want to get mail from!if(!in_array($from,$allowedSenders)){	die("Not an allowed sender");}// No boundary was in the e-mail sent to us. We don't know what to do!if(!isset($boundary)){	die("I couldn't find an e-mail boundary. Maybe this isn't an e-mail");}// Split the e-mail on the found boundary// The first part will be the header (hence $i = 1 in our loop)// Each other chunk should have some info on the chunk,// then \n\n then the chunk data// Process each chunk$email_parts = split("--" . $boundary,$email);for($i = 1;$i < count($email_parts);$i++){	process_part($email_parts[$i]);}// Put the results in the database if neededif($save_msg_to_db){	mysql_connect($db_host,$db_un,$db_pass);	mysql_select_db($db_name);	$q = "INSERT INTO `emails` (`from`,`subject`,`body`) VALUES ('" .	mysql_real_escape_string($from) . "','" .	mysql_real_escape_string($subject) . "','" .	mysql_real_escape_string($message) . "')";	mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error());	if(count($files_uploaded) > 0){	$id = mysql_insert_id();	$q = "INSERT INTO `files` (`email_id`,`filename`,`size`) VALUES ";	$filesar = Array();	foreach($files_uploaded as $f => $s){		$filesar[] = "('$id','" .		mysql_real_escape_string($f) . "','" .		mysql_real_escape_string($s) . "')";	}	$q .= implode(', ',$filesar);	mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error());	}}// Send response e-mail if neededif($send_email && $from != ""){	$to = $from;	$newmsg = "Thanks! I just uploaded the following ";	$newmsg .= "files to your storage:\n\n";	$newmsg .= "Filename -- Size\n";	foreach($files_uploaded as $f => $s){	$newmsg .= "$f -- $s\n";	}	$newmsg .= "\nI hope everything looks right. If not,";	$newmsg .=  "please send me an e-mail!\n";	mail($to,$subject,$newmsg);}


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You would need to add quite a bit of debugging to figure out what the issue is. You'll need to output all of the data that the script is working with so you can go through and compare the runs that work with the ones that don't to see why. I would output the entire email text, the text for each part, what it thinks the type, encoding, etc is for each part, and whatever else you think will be helpful for determine where the problem is.

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Hi all this is the final WORKING code

#!/usr/bin/php -q<?php//  Use -q so that php doesn't print out the HTTP headers/** mailReader.php** Recieve mail and attachments with PHP** Usage:* This script expects to recieve raw emails via STDIN.** Configure your mail server to pipe emails to this script. (See* http://stuporglue.org/add-an-email-address-that-forwards-to-a-script/* for instructions).  Make this script executable, and edit the* configuration options to suit your needs. Change permissions* of the directories so that the user executing the script (probably the* mail user) will have write permission to the file upload directory.** By default the script is configured to save pdf, zip, jpg, png and gif files.* Edit the switch statements around line 200 to change this.** Requirements:* You will need mimeDecode.php from http://pear.php.net/package/Mail_mimeDecode/* I used version 1.5.5** Copyright 2012, Michael Moore* Licensed under the same terms as PHP itself. You are free to use this script* for personal or commercial projects. Use at your own risk. No guarantees or* warranties.** Contact:* <stuporglue@gmail.com>* http://stuporglue.org** Support:* Limited free support available in the comments on the webpage for this script* or via email. Contracted support available for specific projects.* http://stuporglue.org/mailreader-php-parse-e-mail-and-save-attachments-php-version-2/** Thanks:* Many thanks to forahobby of www.360-hq.com for testing this script and helping me find* the initial bugs.* Thanks to Craig Hopson of twitterrooms.co.uk for help tracking down an iOS email handling bug.*/global $save_directory,$saved_files,$debug,$body;/***  Configuration Options**/// What's the max # of seconds to try to process an email?$max_time_limit = 600;// A safe place for files WITH TRAILING SLASH// Malicious users could upload a php or executable file,// so keep this out of your web root$save_directory = "/a/safe/save/directory/";// Allowed senders is now just the email part of the sender (no name part)$allowed_senders = Array(    'myemail@example.com',    'whatever@example.com',);// Send confirmation e-mail back to sender?$send_email = FALSE;// Save e-mail message and file list to DB?$save_msg_to_db = FALSE;// Configure your MySQL database connection here$db_host = 'localhost';$db_un = 'db_un';$db_pass = 'db_pass';$db_name = 'db_name';$debug = FALSE;/***  End of Configuration Options**///Anything printed to STDOUT will be sent back to the sender as an error!//error_reporting(-1);//ini_set("display_errors", 1);// Initialize the other global, set PHP options, load email library$saved_files = Array();set_time_limit($max_time_limit);ini_set('max_execution_time',$max_time_limit);require_once('mimeDecode.php');// Some functions we'll usefunction formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) {    $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');    $bytes = max($bytes, 0);    $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024));    $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1);    $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow);    return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow];}// Find a happy place! Find a happy place!function saveFile($filename,$contents,$mimeType){    global $save_directory,$saved_files,$debug;    $filename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/','_',$filename);    $unlocked_and_unique = FALSE;    while(!$unlocked_and_unique){// Find unique$name = time() . "_" . $filename;while(file_exists($save_directory . $name)) {	 $name = time() . "_" . $filename;}// Attempt to lock$outfile = fopen($save_directory.$name,'w');if(flock($outfile,LOCK_EX)){	 $unlocked_and_unique = TRUE;}else{	 flock($outfile,LOCK_UN);	 fclose($outfile);}    }    fwrite($outfile,$contents);    fclose($outfile);    // This is for readability for the return e-mail and in the DB    $saved_files[$name] = Array('size' => formatBytes(filesize($save_directory.$name)),'mime' => $mimeType    );}function decodePart($body_part){    global $body,$debug;    if(array_key_exists('name',$body_part->ctype_parameters)){ // everyone else I've tried$filename = $body_part->ctype_parameters['name'];    }else if($body_part->d_parameters && array_key_exists('filename',$body_part->d_parameters)){ // hotmail$filename = $body_part->d_parameters['filename'];    }else{$filename = "file";    }    if($debug){print "Found body part type {$body_part->ctype_primary}/{$body_part->ctype_secondary}\n";    }    $mimeType = "{$body_part->ctype_primary}/{$body_part->ctype_secondary}";    switch($body_part->ctype_primary){    case 'text':switch($body_part->ctype_secondary){case 'plain':	 $body = $body_part->body; // If there are multiple text/plain parts, we will only get the last one.	 break;}break;    case 'application':switch ($body_part->ctype_secondary){case 'pdf': // save these file typescase 'zip':case 'octet-stream':	 saveFile($filename,$body_part->body,$mimeType);	 break;default:	 // anything else (exe, rar, etc.) will faill into this hole and die	 break;}break;    case 'image':switch($body_part->ctype_secondary){case 'jpeg': // Save these image typescase 'png':case 'gif':	 saveFile($filename,$body_part->body,$mimeType);	 break;default:	 break;}break;    case 'multipart':if(is_array($body_part->parts)){	 foreach($body_part->parts as $ix => $sub_part){  decodePart($sub_part);	 }}break;    default:// anything else isn't handledbreak;    }}//// Actual email handling starts here!//// Process the e-mail from stdin$fd = fopen('php://stdin','r');$raw = '';while(!feof($fd)){ $raw .= fread($fd,1024); }// Uncomment this for debugging.// Then you can do// cat /my/saved/file.raw | ./mailReader.php// for testing//file_put_contents("$save_directory/" . time() . "_email.raw",$raw);// Now decode it!// http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.mail.mail-mimedecode.decode.php$decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($raw);$decoded = $decoder->decode(    Array('decode_headers' => TRUE,'include_bodies' => TRUE,'decode_bodies' => TRUE,    ));// Set $from_email and check if it's allowed$from = $decoded->headers['from'];$from_email = preg_replace('/.*<(.*)>.*/',"$1",$from);if(!in_array($from_email,$allowed_senders)){    die("$from_email not an allowed sender");}// Set the $subject$subject = $decoded->headers['subject'];// Find the email body, and any attachments// $body_part->ctype_primary and $body_part->ctype_secondary make up the mime type eg. text/plain or text/htmlif(is_array($decoded->parts)){    foreach($decoded->parts as $idx => $body_part){decodePart($body_part);    }}// $from_email, $subject and $body should be set now. $saved_files should have// the files we captured// Put the results in the database if neededif($save_msg_to_db){    mysql_connect($db_host,$db_un,$db_pass);    mysql_select_db($db_name);    $q = "INSERT INTO `emails` (`from`,`subject`,`body`) VALUES ('" .mysql_real_escape_string($from_email) . "','" .mysql_real_escape_string($subject) . "','" .mysql_real_escape_string($body) . "')";    mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error());    if(count($saved_files) > 0){$id = mysql_insert_id();$q = "INSERT INTO `files` (`email_id`,`filename`,`size`,`mime`) VALUES ";$filesar = Array();foreach($saved_files as $f => $data){	 $filesar[] = "('$id','" .  mysql_real_escape_string($f) . "','" .  mysql_real_escape_string($data['size']) . "','" .  mysql_real_escape_string($data['mime']) . "')";}$q .= implode(', ',$filesar);mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error());    }}// Send response e-mail if neededif($send_email && $from_email != ""){    $to = $from_email;    $newmsg = "Thanks! I just uploaded the following ";    $newmsg .= "files to your storage:\n\n";    $newmsg .= "Filename -- Size\n";    foreach($saved_files as $f => $s){$newmsg .= "$f -- $s\n";    }    $newmsg .= "\nI hope everything looks right. If not,";    $newmsg .=  "please send me an e-mail!\n";    mail($to,$subject,$newmsg);}if($debug){    print "From : $from_email\n";    print "Subject : $subject\n";    print "Body : $body\n";    print "Saved Files : \n";    print_r($saved_files);}

for more info goto Stuporglue.org

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